Chapter 1: Page 1

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This book has mentions of

Eating disorders, Smut, Depression, Mental Illness, Hospital talk, Self-harm, Parents Fighting And more so if you are at all sensitive to any of this PLEASE don't read this, I completely understand but I just want to raise awareness about eating disorders. That's all I wanted to say, just please be careful and love yourself no matter what your body shape or size is <3 I love you all xx

Andy's pov

"Andrew wake up!" my mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned and sat up. I hated school, there is this boy there called Harvey Cantwell and he is the meanest person ever. He makes fun of my weight, he beats me and follows me home from school. I hate him. He always calls me fat and it hurts. 

I slowly get out of bed and walk downstairs and into the kitchen where my mother is sitting and eating some toast and jam. "Good morning Andy" She smiles. "Morning," I say and sit down at the table just looking at what food was in front of me. "Eat up Andrew, you're going to be late". I just looked at it a gulped. "I'm not a hungry mum but thankyou, I'm just going to get changed" I replied and she nodded so I walked upstairs again and got into a pair of grey joggers and a big black hoodie.

I don't like people seeing me or my body so I make sure to always be covered up. I walked into the bathroom and did my hair, man it looks gross, and I brushed my teeth. I then got my bag that had my books in and walked downstairs. I got my shoes and socks on and then said goodbye to my mother. Then headed off to school.

I got to the school gates and looked down, I didn't want to see Harvey and I was hoping he wouldn't see me. I walked straight to the school office and sat in there, I did this every morning before school started so I wouldn't get hurt.

When the school bell rang, I got up with my bag and walked to my first class. I sat down at the back to make sure that I was not noticed. It was math, I hated math but I was good at it. Harvey walked in 10 minutes late, he smiled at me then the teacher yelled at him and made him sit down. I was focused on a math problem when I felt something hit my head. I heard Harvey laugh with his idiot friends.

I looked down at the ground and saw a scrunched-up piece of paper. I grabbed it and flattened it out. It said.

"Hey Fatty, you look awful today, what happened to you, oh wait you were born. Please go die in a hole xx"

I have never done anything to Harvey, he is just somebody that has family problems and takes it out on me. I just threw the paper on the ground and went back to my math. It made me upset because I go days, without eating and I have lost a lot of weight but I still get called fat.

My next class was a study period so I just went to the library to study, Well I didn't do any studying I was just listening to music on my phone to try and block out the world.

I then went to the café for lunch, well I just sat there with food in front of me. I then felt the seat move, I looked up and saw Harvey and his stupid friends sitting smirking at me. I gulped and looked down. "Hungry are we," Harvey said looking at me. I shook my head and pushed my tray towards him. After they started eating it, I grabbed my bag and walk out to the halls.

I wish I had a friend, somebody to talk to, and somebody to listen. But nobody wants to be the fat boy's friend. I played football and I was good at it, so I tried to join a team a few months ago but they told me that I was fat since Harvey was on that team. I cried in my bedroom for ages after that. My mother told me I wasn't fat but if everybody says something then it must be true, right?.

I just waited for the next bell to ring and once it did I walked to my class, it was music and I loved music with all my heart. I was good at guitar and I have been playing since I was 7, I'm now 17. My dad taught me when I was younger but he died when I turned 11. I sat down after getting a guitar from the shelf and started tuning it. After it was good I continued the song I started a while ago.

I sat outside with it because my music teacher told me I could, I don't like being around other people so I always sit outside in music. After school was done I got my things and walked home. Once I got in, I took my shoes off. I tried to sneak past my mum but she saw me. "Hey Andrew," She said. "Mum please just call me Andy" I replied and she nodded. I walked upstairs and sat down at my desk. I got out my math book and started doing homework.

I heard a knock on the door but just left it because my mum would get it. I heard her laughing and then I heard her yell my name, I was so confused but walked downstairs anyway. Once downstairs I saw a family on the doorstep. There was a man and a woman, 2 little twin boys and 2 older boys 1 about my age and one a little older.

"Andy this is the Beaumont's, they just moved in next door," My mum said. One of the boys was so gorgeous, he had brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. He was a little taller than me but I'm short so most people are taller than me. I just smiled at him and he smiled back. "This is Ryan," The woman said who is probably his mother. "He will be starting your school tomorrow Andy, maybe you could be friends," My mum said.

"Um yeah, maybe" I replied. "How about you come over for dinner at ours tonight?" The woman said I think her name is Jo. "That would be lovely," Mum said. No. No. No. I don't want to have to eat in front of them. "Great, see you soon," Jo said, my mum waved goodbye to them and closed the door. "Maybe you would start to be more social Andy" She smiled and walked into the living room. Great...

1235 words!!!

Uhhhh new book!!!!

I know some people might find this hard to read but I hope that if you are struggling with this illness or an eating disorder of any kind, you can talk to me about it because I have the same thing, I hope you all will enjoy this and come back to read more soon

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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