Chapter 1: Page 4

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Andy's pov

I woke up to my mum in, and I was on the ground. "Andy sweetheart wakes up," She said as she ran her hand through my hair. I tried to sit up but I couldn't because my legs hurt badly. "Andy what were you doing up all night last night," Mum said as she helped me get into my bed. "I wasn't" I replied but she looked at me like she knew I was lying.

"Rye said he saw you up last night doing star jumps" She looked at me with a serious look. "It's fine, I was doing them for like 10 minutes then I was doing homework and fell asleep" I replied. "On the ground?" She almost laughed, "It was more comfortable down there than at the desk," I said and she nodded. "Do you want the day off?" She asked but I shook my head, "No thanks I'm fine" I replied. "And Andrew," She said as she turned around and looked at me. "When was the last time you ate?" She asked, shit.

"Um, last night," I said. "I ate whilst doing homework," I said and she nodded and walked out, thank god. I knew ever Rye was a backstabber. I got up, I was so sore, but I looked in the mirror, thank god I had put my hoodie back on otherwise my mother would have seen my fat. I walked and got into the shower thinking it would help the pain and it did. After I got out I put some random baggy clothes on, got my bag, and walked downstairs.

Mum had made breakfast for me and her, I was scared shitless. "Um I'm not hungry," I said and she shook her head. "Eat Andrew," She said in a stern voice. I sigh and sat down and just looked at it for a second before taking a small bite. I'm guessing there were about 400 calories in this so I had a tiny bit and said I was full. My mother let me go so I ran to school to get rid of what I had just eaten. When I got to school I just went off to my normal classes.

I then had sports, I wasn't worried because I like sport. I walked into the changing rooms, Rye and Harvey were over the other side getting changed, Rye saw me and smiled but I just ignored him and walked over into a cubical to get changed. I just had a plain white t-shirt and some running bottoms. My arms were fat so I was really scared but I went out anyway. Rye was still in the changing room but Harvey wasn't.

I walked past Rye but he just looked at my arms, his eyes were wide, I knew he thought I was super fat. "Andy can we talk," He asked, I didn't want to but I knew he might leave me alone after so I agreed. We walked out to the field and he looked at me. "Your arms are really thin," He said and I laughed. "You don't have to fake it you know, just say it" I laughed and he looked confused. "Say what?" He asked, "that I'm fat, everyone says it why not one more person" I laughed. "It's the truth Andy, do you eat?" He asked. I got scared.

"Yes, I do bye," I said and walked away over to the coach, I felt weird because all the boys have no shirts on even Rye and all the girls had crop tops and shorts. We started playing football, I ran for a few minutes but I got dizzy so I just stood under a tree for a minute. Harvey and his friends came over to me and smirked. "Tired already fat boy, it causes your fat that's why you're tired" He laughed. "Come on be a man and take off your shirt," He said. "What no, I don't want to," I said.

Harvey told his friends to hold me and then he tried to take off my shirt. "Let go of me!" I yelled and I saw Rye look over at me, he then started to run over. "Be a man" Harvey said as he struggled with my shirt. "Get off me!" I yelled and tried to push him off but he was a lot stronger than I and my shirt came off. When Rye got to me he froze. And so did everyone else. I was so embarrassed that Rye had to see me so fat so I grabbed my shirt off him and push past all of them.

Rye tried to grab my arm but I just ran away. I heard Rye yelling at Harvey but I didn't care. I was putting my shirt back on as I ran, tears flowing out of my eyes as I made my way to the changing rooms. Once I got changed I tried to go out but Rye stopped me. "Andy please just wait," He said and grabbed my arm, his whole hand went around my arm. "Please just don't talk to me," I said and tried to run but he pulled me back.

"Andy your very skinny," He said and I laughed, wiping away my tears. "No, I'm not, I'm actually really fat and ugly and You not so leave me alone, just go hang out with all the boys who are fit and have a six-pack like you," I said as I started to cry again and he let go of my arm, but to pull me into a hug. I started to cry because nobody had ever done that apart from my mum.

"Your super skinny Andy and I are worried about you," He said and started to rub my back. "I don't see myself like that," I said and he pulled away and looked at me. "What do you see yourself as then," he asked. I thought about it for a minute and then answered. "A big fat slab of meat" I replied and he laughed, "Andy you like to be skinny, do you eat at all?" He asked. I was scared he would tell my mother. "Yeah," I said and looked down.

"Your sick Andy," He said and I got mad at him. "I'm not sick, your sick for saying that, I'm fine!" I yelled and left Ryan standing there just looking upset. I went for a walk for a while instead of going home.

When I got home...Rye, Jo, and My mother were all standing In the kitchen. I didn't want to talk to any of them so I just tried to walk upstairs. "Andrew come here now" I heard my mother say. I slowly walked into the kitchen still holding my bag. "What," I said. "Rye told me about something that happened today with Harvey," Mum said and I looked at Rye with anger in my eyes. "I don't want to talk about this," I said and tried to walk upstairs but Rye walked towards me and tried to grab my hand. I turned and pushed him so he fell onto the ground with a groan. "Andrew what the hell" Mum yelled and rushed over to see if Ryan was okay.

I just ran upstairs and slammed the door. I threw my bag on the ground and flopped on the bed. I just let the tears fall. Everyone at school had seen my stomach and I feel so insecure. About half an hour later I heard somebody knock on the door. "What," I said and the door slowly opened...

1286 Words !!!

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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