Chapter 10: Page 4

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(Time skip 3 weeks)

Rye's pov

It was 4 days before Christmas and I needed to think of something for Andy, me and Mikey set up the tree the other day and we took a picture together.

Andy and Harvey were out shopping for presents, Mikey and Harvey came out to us 2 weeks ago and said they were going out and so we had another BBQ to celebrate

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Andy and Harvey were out shopping for presents, Mikey and Harvey came out to us 2 weeks ago and said they were going out and so we had another BBQ to celebrate. Andy hasn't thrown up since the camping trip and I am so fucking proud of him that its not even funny. I have had a few days where I was upset all day and didn't want to talk to anyone but Andy never left my side and we are stronger then ever.

Today it was a Monday and since school finished 5 weeks ago, we all spent a lot of time together, Mikey and Andy have spent a lot of time together and I love that my boyfriend and my best friend get alone so well. "Rye" I got broken out of my thoughts by Mikey calling my name. "Yeah Mike" I replied with a smile. "You okay?" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah I'm really god actually, like way better then I have ever been" I smiled and he hugged me. "I'm glad to hear that" He answered and we cuddled for a bit.

"Hey Mike, I just wanna know if you can help me with something?" I asked and he hummed. "With what?" he asked and we sat down. "I want to make something for Andy, as a Christmas gift and I have the best idea but I will need to use your printer" I smiled and he nodded. "Sure mate" Mikey smiled and so we went to Mikey's house, when he was driving me there I was telling him about my idea and he thought it was a great one. I printed out like 20 pictures but it was fine because it was for Andy.

After that we went back to mine and I got some nice paper that Lesley gave me. I stuck the photos to the paper so it was like a book, a memory book. For ever picture I wrote a caption of when the picture was and what we were doing. I just hope he likes it. I heard the front door open and so I quickly cleaned up as Andy walked in, thank god I hid the book before he could see it. "Hey babe" He smiled and gave me a cuddle. "Hey" he said sounding a little tired. "You okay?" I smiled and he nodded into my chest. "Yeah we just did a lot of shopping and now I'm exhausted" he mumbled into my chest.

"Well then lets go for a nap aye" I smiled and he nodded. He walked upstairs and I just went to say goodbye to Mikey and Harv. "Bye guys, I will see you tomorrow yeah?" I asked and they nodded. "Yeah mate, say bye to Andy for me" Harvey smiled and I nodded. After they left I walked upstairs and into our room to see Andy in just boxers and snuggling my pillow like it was me. I love that now he confident enough to show me his body, he has put on weight and now he looks like a normal size. "So the pillow gets a big cuddle but I have none" I said, fake crying. "You took to long so I just cuddled him" he smiled and I looked surprised. "Oh so its a him" I smirked and he nodded. "Yep and his name is Barry, He told me" He said and we both started laughing.

I got into bed next to him after getting into my boxers and had a snuggle with Andy. His head was on my chest and little snores were escaping his pink little lips, I smiled at how far he had come. You could barley see his ribs anymore and he has a tiny bit of a belly which at first he hated but I made him love it. His ass is also popping lately and I love it. I leaned down and kissed his head before pulling his whole body onto mine and I fell asleep with my baby on me.

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