Chapter 9: Page 6

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(HUGE TRIGGER WARNING!!! Attempted suicide and major injurys so please don't read this If you are triggered in anyway xx)

Andy's pov

So... Today was not great. Rye woke up and he was in a manic which was not great but he has days like everyone else so I just tried to be there for him. I noticed this when I woke up, he always wakes up before me and the days he is in a manic he sleeps in. I then woke him up when It got a bit late and we needed to get ready for school.

"Babe wake up" I whispered and shook him gently. "No, go away" I groaned in response and rolled over. "Rye we have to get ready for school, we have 20 minutes" I said in my normal voice now. "I said go away!" he yelled in a reply, I hate it when he yells at me but I just take it because he's in a episode. I sigh and got up brushed my teeth, got changed I even ate breakfast but I have started to throw it up at school so Rye doesn't know. I walked back into the bedroom and Rye was sitting up crying into his arms.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked and sat next to him. "Everyone hates me" I sobbed, I frowned and pulled him into a cuddle. "Nobody hates you Rye, your amazing" I smiled but he shook his head. "I yelled at you, the person I want to marry when I'm older and the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. My mother and father hate me, I can't see my brothers and I was kicked out of my house, I slept on a park bench for a few nights until you came for me" he cried. "I hate myself and I have no idea why you love me to be honest..." He said and stopped talking. "Hey no talk like that, I love you because your the man of my dreams, because your always here for me when I need you, you help me with my eating disorder, when I'm having a bad day, when I just need some cuddle time, you are always there so please let me love you" I smiled and kissed his head.

"Andy" he said quietly, "Yes baby" I smiled and looked down. "Sometimes I wish you never found me... That time at school and the cliff" He admitted. "Never ever speak like that again, I am so glad I found you because otherwise we would never have the chance to get married, or have children like you want. I want to grow old with you and be there everyday that you are hurting, so please let me help you" I soothed and rubbed his back. "I love you" he said, tears making his face wet. "I love you to" I replied and gave him a big kiss, nothing with lust, nothing with to much movement but just a kiss that had a lot of meaning behind it.

At school, Rye went straight to the counsellor and then I went to the first class which was music. I loved music and I was writing a song for Rye, to hopefully make him feel good. Its called don't hurt yourself (Idk if I already put this song in XD) And I hope it will help him. After that class I met Rye in the office and he looked upset. "Hey baby" I said and sat next to him. "Rebecca said I need to see a therapist and not just her" he said and looked at me looking guilty. "Maybe it might help" I smiled and kissed him. Pulling away he smiled but soon shook his head. "No because in my old town, I went to a mental hospital and I got put on meds cause of being bipolar and I hated it" He groaned and looked down.

"Hey if something helps you then maybe its good for you, like a feeding tube for me, I needed it even though I hated it" I smiled and he smiled to. "Yeah because you were really sick and needed help" he smiled. "Yeah baby" I answered. After that Rye went to his only other class where I wasn't in and I went to mine, but instead to going to the class I went to the bathroom and made myself sick again. I flushed the toilet and opened the door to see JJ Standing there. I was nervous. "Is it just a thing where you throw up every school day or what cause now its the second time since I have heard you throwing up" he asked looking confused.

"I-I wasn't t-throwing up" I answer him and walk past him, washing my hands. "Yes you were, I heard you" I heard him say behind me. "Look JJ, I understand your new but please just stay out of my business because I don't need you snooping around everything" I said and left the bathroom. I let out a breath and then walked to class. At lunch time I sat with Harv and Rye, we talked about a lot of random stuff and after lunch was over, Harvey and Rye went to class and I said I needed something from my locker so I left and walked to the bathroom.

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