Chapter 2: Page 6

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Rye's pov 

It's been great hanging out with Ariana, she is such a lovely girl and I like her, but I don't love her. Like some people at school say she is a slut because she slept with me the day after we became girlfriend and boyfriend but that does not mean she is a slut. I hate the way people talk to people.

It's now lunchtime, I was sitting with Ariana and some of her friends, I heard somebody yelling 'let me go', I just remember that day with Andy, I saw him getting held by Harvey at sport, they were trying to take his shirt off and he was yelling and crying. I tried to get to him in time but I just couldn't, when I got them, they had pulled Andy's shirt off and that was the first time I saw how skinny he was.

I had enough of Harvey treating people like this. "I'll be back," I told Ariana and she nodded. I walked out of the café and saw Harvey holding a boy against the wall and his friends going through his bag. That was it.

"Hey leave him alone" I yelled and ran over to them. Harvey smirked at me as I reached them, the kid looked like Andy, small and vulnerable, I started thinking about Andy. "What's wrong pretty boy, This dweeb deserves what he is getting" Harvey smiled. "No he doesn't, like Andy, he is sick because of you and what did he do, Nothing!" I yelled and grabbed Harvey by the throat. I pushed him against the wall choking him. He tried to hit me but I didn't care, well I did but something just went over me and I didn't have control anymore.

He started going purple, I was pulled off of Harvey by the principal and some other teachers. "Ryan Beaumont what the hell is going on here" Mr Dot yelled, "He was hurting this boy, just like he did A-Andy," I said trying to hold in my tears thinking about the pain Andy was going through. "He deserved it," Harvey said but his voice was going because of him not being able to breathe.

"What the fuck did you just say," I said trying to run at him again but being heled back by Mr Dot. "Mr Beaumont, go to my office and I will meet you there," He said, I walked passed Harvey kicking him then walking towards the building. Ariana must have seen how upset I looked because she came to me and walked with me to the office.

"Rye what the hell happened," She asked once we were inside. "He hurt that kid as he did to Andy, he needed to be put in his place," I said getting so mad. "Hey babe calm down," She said and walked over to me, and pulled me into a kiss. I kind of relaxed but it just didn't feel right. She pulled away, took my hand and walked us over to the couch.

"Can I ask you something?" Ariana said, I nodded. "Okay I won't be mad no matter what you say alright, I just want you to be honest," She said and I looked at her confused. "Do you like Andy?". It was the words I didn't want to hear. "I-I" I stuttered. "Hey it's okay, I promise I won't be mad" She took my hand and smiled. I felt the tears fall, I have never felt so weak in my life, my girlfriend just asked me if I liked a boy, even though she said she wouldn't be mad, I didn't want to do that to her.

"I don't know" I replied, tears still falling. "Hey, it's alright Rye, I think you do because you always do whatever you can to protect him and also last night in your sleep, you said Andy," She said, I was shocked, maybe I did like Andy. "I just don't know, It's so hard" I sobbed and she pulled me into her. "Maybe do you think.. we should be friends?" She asked. "I don't want to hurt you though," I said and pulled away. "Rye, it would hurt more, you being with me and liking somebody else, I think it would be better because we can still be best friends" She smiled. I finally gave up and nodded.

"One last kiss?" She suggested. I grabbed her chin and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. It lasted a few seconds but it felt like a lifetime. We pulled away and then she snuggled into me. Soon Mr Dot came in and asked Ari to leave so she did. "Okay so you are being suspended and so Harvey" Mr Dot said, I was kinda upset I was being suspended but I didn't care, Harvey was gone and won't hurt any more kids, at the moment anyway.

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