Chapter 3: Page 4

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Ryan's pov

I woke up at around 4 pm. Andy was sitting up talking to his mum who was sitting on a chair next to the bed. "Hey sleeping Beauty" Andy giggled. I groaned and put my head on Andy's lap and he started stroking my head. "How are you feeling," I asked, looking up. "Good now that I'm with you" He replied and kissed me. "You two are so damn cute" Lesley smiled. Andy and I blushed and I snuggled into him. I was still so tired but I had been asleep for 4-5 hours at this point and I needed to get up. 

I sat up next to Andy, just listening to their convocation but not talking. "You feeling okay babe?" Andy asked as he felt my head. I nodded and lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm just tired" I replied and they continued with their convocation. After that, we just watched a movie until it was time for Andy to eat his first meal since he came here. We walked down to the café and sat down at a table with his mum. We all got the same food as Andy, not more, no less, just to make him feel like it's not only him that has to eat it.

He looked a little worried but I knew if we just took it slow, he would be fine. "Can we do the thing we did at my house?" He asked me. "Sure babe, you take first bite though please," I said, he nodded but I knew he was still scared. He got a little bite of peas and slowly moved it to his mouth, he looked at me for permission, I nodded so he soon opened his mouth and put them in. He slowly started to chew and soon swallow. I smiled and got peas on my fork and did the same thing.

We continued to do this through dinner. I was so proud of him. We almost finished when he said he was full and, to be honest, so was I. Brook said he did an amazing job and so he let us go back to his room. We brushed our teeth and got into pj's, me in joggers and him in joggers and a t-shirt. I needed to pee so I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I walked over to the toilet and was about to pull my pants down when I saw something on the floor. It was dried but it looked like.... omg did Andy do that today?

I smirked, I peed then walked back out to him, he was watching tv and he looked tired. I sat next to him in his bed, it was a single bed but it was fine because we just snuggled together. I was about to ask him what he did this morning but Jack came in. "Hey Andy, so if you need to go to the bathroom, either I will go with you or Rye because it has not been an hour since you ate so there still could be a risk," He said. "Can Rye go with me?" Andy asked sounding kinda embarrassed.

"Sure babe" I smiled. Jack nodded and left the room, we got up and walked into the bathroom. He looked at me like he was nervous. "Don't stress, I won't look?" I said and he nodded. I looked away from him, hearing the sound of him going to the bathroom, I was just glad I didn't hear him try to throw up behind me. Soon it stopped, and I turned back around as he pulled his pants back up. As he was washing his hands, I looked back down at the dried looking white stuff on the ground. I knew what it was and I kinda just wanted to ask him.

"Hey babe, what's that?" I smirked and pointed at the ground, it looked like somebody had tried to wipe it up in a hurry and missed some. His eyes widened as he looked at it. "Um, I don't know," He said and walked out passed me and under his covers laying down. I knew it embarrassed him. I walked out and lay next to him after turning the light off. I pulled him so he lay on me.

"What's the wrong baby," I asked and looked into his eyes. "You know what it was," he said and tried to move off me but I held him tight. He groaned and lay his head on my chest. I laughed and kissed his head. "It's okay baby, we all get like that sometimes," I said trying to make him feel better. "Did you?" He asked, I nodded my head. "What were you thinking about when you, you know," I said and he went bright red. "I-I" He started but I just kissed him to shut him up. He kissed back and soon I rolled us over so now I was on top.

I didn't want to go too far tonight, so I just made out with him. He started to grind up into me. He let out a moan at the friction and tried to go faster, I didn't want him to ruin his pants so I pulled away. "Noo" He moaned and tried to kiss me again but I held his hands down above him. "not tonight," I said and lay down after letting go of his hands. "Why," he said sounding annoyed. "Because Andy, I don't want to have sex right now," I said and rolled over and tried to go to sleep.

"Oh, okay sorry" I heard him say, he sounded guilty which broke me. He lay down on the other side of me, facing away. I turned over when I heard him sniff. "Andy," I said, he didn't move. "Andy I'm sorry," I said but still nothing. I sigh and moved closer to him. I left a few kisses on his neck. He shuddered and his breathing fastened. "I'm sorry" I mumbled on his neck. He rolled over and looked at me. I kissed his lips slowly, after pulling away I smiled at him. "I'm sorry," He said and lay his head on my chest.

We slowly both fell asleep.

1066 Words !!!

No A/N

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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