Chapter 1: Page 2

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Andy's pov

I just did some homework until my mother yelled out for me because we were going next door for dinner, I am very good at looking at food and working out how many calories are in it in my head so I will allow 200 calories. A boy my age is supposed to have 2,400 calories a day but I usually have under 100. But I will let myself have some because I don't want Anybody to ask questions and I will just throw it up when I get home or just use their bathroom.

I got my shoes on, I was still wearing huge clothes so nobody saw how fat I was. Anyway, we walked out and to their house, I started getting nervous when we got to the door, my mother rang the doorbell and soon after the oldest son opened the door. "Hey I'm Robbie come in," he said, mum said thank you and we walked in and Robbie closed the door behind us.

I only walked behind my mother, she walked into the kitchen and I stayed with her. "Hey, guys welcome". I looked around the kitchen and then saw Ryan and the little boys who are maybe his little brothers, playing a game on the PlayStation. "Go and talk to him" Mum whispered to me, she knows I'm gay and is fully supportive of it.

I nodded and walked into the living room slowly, Once I got in I just stood there for a minute. "Um hey," I said and Ryan looked at me and smiled. "Hey, do you wanna play," he asked patting the seat next to him for me to sit down which I did. "Um, I don't know how I've never played this before," I said kinda embarrassed. "It's okay, look I'll show you," Ryan said and started telling me about how to control it and how to play.

"So do you wanna play now?" He smiled, "I'll try," I said and he gave me the controller. It was a football game, I guess he likes football like me. I loved this game, it was so much fun and I was good at it, I was playing with his little brothers whose names are Sammie and Shaun.

I won and I started laughing so did Ryan, his laugh is so cute.. wait did I just think that, no way I don't like him, I only just met him, no eating for another day Andrew. I gave him back the controller and asked him where the bathroom was he showed me and I thanked him, I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I then looked in the mirror and just stared at myself. I was so fat and ugly. Harvey was right, I am really fat.

Soon I heard Ryan knocking on the door asking if I was okay, I said yes and opened the door, he looked at my arms, but they were covered in a huge hoodie in the middle of summer. "Why are you wearing that, aren't you hot," He asked, "No not really" I replied, it was the truth, I was really cold. He just shrugged it off and walked with me out to dinner as it was ready.

I looked at it, the roast chicken was about 356 calories, the carrot was about 129 calories and the beans were 124 with what she cooked it in. I started to eat a little bit of the beans, which I only ate about 100 calories of and then ate a little of the carrot which was about 37 calories, so altogether 137 calories, then a tiny bit of chicken which was 63 calories so it was a full 200 calories.

I pushed it away a little bit to show I was done, Ryan looked at me with a confused look as I only ate a little amount. "You did sweetie," Jo asked and I nodded. "You can put your plate on the bench and I will wash up, you can either play outside or go and do something in Rye's room" She smiled. I nodded and did what she said, I walked to the bathroom first and locked the door. I leaned over the toilet and pushed my fingers down my throat and soon enough I puked out all the food that I had just eaten. After I puked twice I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and face then unlocked the bathroom door and walked into Rye's room.

I looked around, he had a double bed, a big wardrobe, a desk with a laptop on it, he also has a guitar. I walked over and picked up the guitar and sat on his bed. I played a little but it wasn't tuned, I started to tune it so it would sound nice, once that was done I started to play a simple song called flashing lights.

Be happier baby, why can't you sleep, why can't you eat right here with me, just hold on to me

Be happier baby, look in my eyes, don't have to cry, your safe in my arms, yeah your safe in my arms.

When didn't come falling around the room, I'll find my way back to you

flashing lights but nothing can blind my view, theirs no one else I see you.

I know people cheat on each other, but that ain't the way, I don't want us to break

I love, love you like theirs no other, your one and the same, yeah our one and the same

When you didn't come falling around the room, I'll find my way back to you

flashing lights but nothing can blind my view, theirs no one else I see you

Be happier baby, when you with me I feel complete yeah I feel complete, just hold on to me

When you didn't come falling around the room, I'll find my way back to you

flashing lights but nothing can blind my view theirs no one else I see you

I heard clapping, I looked up so quickly and saw Rye standing in the doorway. I was so embarrassed so I looked down, I didn't have his permission to touch his stuff. I stood up and put it back and looked at him. "I'm sorry I touched it, it's yours and you didn't say I could touch it, please don't hurt me," I said thinking if Rye was like Harvey then he would beat me.

"Andy why would I hurt you," he said and walked towards me, I moved back and he saw I was scared, "Does somebody hurt you?" He asked. I just felt like I had said too much and Harvey used to say if I told anybody then he would hurt me bad. "Um no, sorry I'm just gonna go home," I said and walked passed him. "oh okay well see you tomorrow," He said as I walked down the hall and out where the adults were sitting.

"You okay Andrew?" she asked, "Andy," I said and walk out after grabbing my shoes and walking home. Once I got inside I walk into my bedroom and lay on my bed. Why did I do that, now Rye probably thinks I am fat, I suck at singing and he thinks I'm weird. I turned on my music and went to bed.

1262 words !!!

Just another page, I never write long A/N so this is what you got

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

200 Calories - Randy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now