Chapter 8: Page 4

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(Smut Warning also a fight towards the end xx)

Andy's pov

I put my glass down as I felt his hands go down my body. I felt weak at his touch, like I was gonna fall, it made Rye push against me harder so I didn't fall. His hands went down my body and to my bulge. "Rye, I'm s-sensitive" I groaned as he started to palm me. I felt his hands move away and around the rim of my pants, pulling them down, I forgot to put on boxers so when I heard Rye gasp. His smirk burning through my skull. "No boxers huh, so pretty with nothing on baby" he whispered making me moan into my hands. I was still leaned against the counter as Rye kneeled down behind me.

I moaned out as I felt his wet tongue lick down a strip on my hole. "O-Oh My G-God Rye" I moaned, holding onto the counter so I don't fall. "Feel good baby" He replied, I can just hear the smirk in his voice. "Yes, so g-good" I moaned. I whimpered as his warmth went away but was soon replaced with a finger, pushing past the muscle. My mouth dropped open as his finger pushed all the way in. "Rye fuck me please" I moaned and so he pulled out his finger and pulled down his pants. "We don't have a condom" He groaned in anger.

"Its fine Rye, I'm a boy I wont get pregnant I swear, please just fuck me already" I moaned, getting frustrated. "Okay baby, calm down" He shushed me and I heard him spit and then rub it over my entrance. "Fuck" I hissed from being sensitive. "Language baby" He replied and soon I felt him stand back up and slowly enter me. "Fuck" We both moaned and he started to slowly drag himself in and out of me. It felt so good, I really needed it as well. "Rye please, faster" I moaned and so he started to go faster. Soon he was thrusting in and out of me so fast, the sound of skin slapping, moans and sweet love in the air.

I wasn't even thinking when I let something slip, something that could break us apart forever and he might never look back. He might think I'm a dick or a child, he might hate me forever. "Daddy please" I moaned, my whole world came crashing down. Rye stopped, still in me but he stopped. I froze, I felt myself getting built up in a panic attack and there was nothing I could do about what I said. "What did you just say?" He asked, "I uh...I.." I couldn't find the words. I felt myself getting dizzy from not being able to breath. "Hey Andy baby its okay, please calm down" Rye said, pulling out of me and grabbing my hand, putting it on his heart to feel his heart beat. "Breath with me baby, I know you can do it" He smiled.

Once I felt myself being able to breath again, I looked up at him, he just smiled. "Baby its okay if you... you know, call me that" He smirked. I was so embarrassed, I had a daddy kink and I was trying to hide it from him. "I'm so sorry" I said and looked down, realising I was still naked and I tried to cover up but I couldn't because Rye held my hands on the ground. "Say it again" He whispered, I was so surprised. "W-What?" I questioned. "Say it again" He replied. "D-Daddy" I whispered and I saw his cock twitch. "You have no idea what that does to me baby" He smirked.

I felt him pick me up, standing me on my feet and against the counter. He slowly entered me again, making me moan, I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. "Uh Faster daddy" I moaned and he went faster. His hand went around my body and grabbed onto my cock. "Uh I wanna cum so badly" I moaned. "Don't cum until I say" He said as he thrusted into my hitting my prostate making me scream. I felt his cock getting thicker and thicker inside me until he finally realised into me. I tried to hold it but I couldn't. "Rye I can't hold it" I yelled into my arms. "Andy hold it, just wait" He said but I couldn't. It started going up my cock but Rye felt it and wrapped his hand tight around it, stopped any cum from coming out.

"No Rye please I need it" I said trying to thrust into his hand but he pulled away leaving me on to counter with his cum dripping out off me. "Don't touch yourself, if you do you will be punished" He told me as he walked out of the room. "Rye please it hurts" I yelled but he didn't answer. fuck. I grabbed my clothes and ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower to cold and got in. It was freezing but it helped my member go down, now I didn't want to cum anymore. I have no clue why Rye was doing that but it was annoying because he got to cum but I didn't, it was like he was using me... Again.

I got out of the shower and got changed, my cock still sensitive. I walked into my bedroom and just lay down. I looked out the window, it was a great day for a run, even though Rye wont let me do any real exercise. But you know what, I'm not gonna listen to Rye, he just wants me to be fat and like he is the boss of me and I'm sick of it. I got up and got some gym clothes on then walked downstairs right passed Rye. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Out" is all I said and walked to the door. "Andy please just tell me where you are going" He yelled. "I'm going on a run okay, bye" I said closed the door, but he didn't come after me, thank god.

I started running and it was nice, I hadn't run in a long time so I wasn't so fit but I will get there. I ran to a pond that I used to love going to. I had been running for a good 15 minutes before I got to the pond and when I got there I was so tired. I took a puff of my inhaler and sat down. It was so pretty, all the ducks and the wind was nice and cooling. After a while it was getting later in the day so I started to run back. When I got back Rye was not downstairs. I walked around but he wasn't here, I walked upstairs and looked around but soon found him in the bedroom.

He was just on his phone, he looked at me and smiled. "Hey babe" He smiled. "hi" I replied and started to get changed. "Are you okay?" He asked me, I didn't reply and got a shirt on. "Andy I'm talking to you" he said louder, "I know you are" I replied and walked downstairs. "Andy wait, why are you so mad" He asked whilst walked down the stairs behind me. "I'm not" I said and walked into the living room. "Andy Stop!" He yelled and I whimpered, he always says he won't yell. "Why are you ignoring me" He asked and turned me around, I looked down. "Is it because of the daddy thing" He asked. "No" I looked down. "Well tell me because I can't help you if you wont tell me what's wrong" He explained as he lifted my head up but I pushed his hand off me.

"Don't touch me" I said and stormed into my room upstairs. I slammed the door and lay down, why does he think he can just touch me when ever he wants, well I'm human so he can't.

"Andy love, wake up dinner is ready"... I looked up as I opened my eyes to see mum standing there. "I'll be down in a minute" I replied, she nodded and left. I sigh and sat up, I wasn't hungry but I'll just do it and then throw up. I walked downstairs and sat at the table, Rye was looking at me but I ignored him. You could cut the tension with a knife in this room and mum noticed. "What's up with you to, another fight huh" She questioned. "I don't actually know, Andy wont talk to m-" I cut Rye off. "NO, What had happened is he thinks he can use my body for himself and then tell me what to do all the time" I yelled, my fists in a ball.

"Wait what the fuck, how do I think I'm controlling you" He said with a confused face. "You can use me for sex but and you can feel good but I can't, I'm human to Beaumont!" I screamed and ran up stairs crying. I was so angry at him right now. I need time away from him, we probably aren't right for each other and he can find somebody else to control. Rye came into the bedroom and slammed the door so it was just me and him in there now. "Get the fuck out" I screamed. "No, we need to talk" he screamed back. "There is nothing to talk about" I yelled and sat on the other side of my bed on the ground crying.

"Andy I'm not using you" He tried to say but I just let outa cold laugh. "Don't laugh at me Andy, when did I ever use you" He asked. "Today, in the fucking kitchen" I yelled and then resting my head on my arms. "Is this about the cum thing?" He asked. "Yes Ryan, you came in me and all that shit but you say I can't let it out to, it hurts" I sobbed. "Andy please just listen to what I have to say" He asked, I slowly nodded. "I was gonna do something cute, and romantic and stuff but It kinda didn't work. Like you save all your cum and you doing do it all day and soon after you let it all out and its suppose to feel amazing, its called edging but you kinda took it the wrong way..." He explained and now I felt awful.

"And I'm sorry if you thought I was using you, I just wanted to make you feel good because I can do is fuck up everything, like I made you a nice breakfast but I ruined that and now I hurt you and I'm so sorry. I'm gonna stay at Harvey's tonight" He said and left before I had a chance to say anything else. I crawled onto my bed and let out everything, I cried until I couldn't anymore. Mum soon came in and lay with me, I cried on her shoulder but soon fell asleep on his shoulder.

1911 Words !!!

I know this is sad and I started crying at the end to, it just kinda made me feel different, but it wont always be sad, I'm not sure how many chapters will be in it but until then.

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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