Chapter 9: Page 1

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(Mention of Suicide attempts, Self-harm and police, please stay safe xx)

Rye's pov

I woke up with nobody next to me. I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, Andy wasn't there. I ran downstairs and looked for Andy but all I saw was Lesley in her garden outside. I walked out there, I thought she had work?...

"Lesley?" I said confused. "Oh Hey Darling, come sit" She smiled so I did and we looked out to the beautiful sunny day it was. "Where is Andy?" I asked turning to her. "Oh he's at school" she smiled. "But why am I not there?" I questioned. "Well the police told me to keep you home from school today just to look out for you and see if you were okay" She smiled back to me. "Was Andy okay this morning, like was he hurt or something?" I rushed out. "No Rye, he was fine he was just a little worried about you and told me to make sure your okay because he loves you", I smiled at what she said.

"Are you hungry?" She asked me, I nodded and so we walked inside and she started to make me some food.

(The kitchen... Its an open kitchen to the garden so its so pretty xx)

"Here Rye Honey" Lesley smiled and passed me a sandwich

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"Here Rye Honey" Lesley smiled and passed me a sandwich. I thanked her and started eating. After I was finished I went up to our room and lay on the bed, I was so tired but I just didn't wanna sleep.

(This is the Bedroom, its so nice xx)

I was watching some tv as I felt myself more and more bored

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I was watching some tv as I felt myself more and more bored. I turned it off and walked downstairs, I looked at the time and it was only 30 minutes till Andy came home, man I had been watching tv for ages. I just sat In the garden by myself because Lesley was in the kitchen cleaning. My head went all fuzzy and I then heard something. "Hi Babe", it was very quiet but I knew who's it was. I quickly got up and rushed into the house, locking all the doors and window's.

"Rye what's going on?" Lesley rushed out, worrying about me. "I heard him, Ben he's here" I worried and looked outside. "Rye no body Is here, its okay" Lesley said and patted my back. "B-But I H-Heard him" I stuttered. "Rye, you had a scare last night, your going to be paranoid so please calm down" She said and grabbed my hand, running her thumb over my knuckles.

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