Chapter 5: Page 4

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Andy's pov

I waited until Rye left and Brook checked on me one last time like he does every night before I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom making sure to shut the door so quietly. I walked over to the toilet and knelled down. I didn't want to but there was a voice in my head that told me to so I had to do it.

I slowly guided my fingers down my throat until I gagged, trying to stay quiet. A few seconds went by and soon I finally threw up, like 2 times and there was nothing left, shit. I ate more then I threw up so that means I digested some. Fuck, I flushed the toilet and walked out into my bedroom. I started doing some star jumps and sit ups and high knees to get rid of the calories I had consumed.

When I got to the hospital I weighed 44 kg and I'm so scared I put on weight. My arms are so fat and my stomach sticks out, I'm so gross. After about an hour I hear foot steps coming down the hall, shit. I looked at the clock and it said 2am, Woah I worked out for ages. I ran and got into bed and tried to look like I was asleep but I was so sweaty. I heard my door slowly creak open, I didn't dare look who it was but I knew it was either Brook or Jack cause they check us every 3 hours, they never sleep and its creepy.

Once he saw I was 'asleep' he walked out after closing the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I just decided to go to sleep after that.

I woke up at around 7am, I groaned as I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep anymore so I just got up, changed my clothes and walked out. Some of the boys were up but some were still sleeping. Brook was awake but I didn't see Jack anywhere. I just sat at the table, I had nothing to do so I was just thinking. I don't know how long I was out of it for but I looked up again after a while and there were a lot more people out, Jack was here as well.

I groaned as it was weigh in time. I stepped in line and waited my turn. Soon it was my turn and I went into the room and closed the door. "Morning Andy" brook smiled, I hummed and stood on the scale. I froze, it said 46. I couldn't breath, but it wasn't like yesterday. I felt like my body has just given up the will to breath anymore and so I collapsed.

I heard some yelling and saw some people running. I couldn't see who though. I heard. "Jack get the stretcher and a nurse" But I didn't know who said it. Everything started to go blurry and I felt a really bad pain in my chest. I started gasping for air but I couldn't get any. I started to panic and let out unrecognisable screams as the pain in my chest got so bad.

I felt myself be lifted onto a bed and I was being run down the hall. I heard a girls voice. "Andy baby its okay, stay awake with me" I heard, it sounded like somebody I knew. I looked up and saw mum. "Hey baby" She said as she ran with Jack pushing the stretcher down the hall and into another part of the hospital. My left arm felt numb and I still was gasping and yelling cause the pain.

I got wheeled into a room and there were a lot more people in there, boy and girl nurses. Some connecting tubes so me, one put a oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. There were so many people working on me. One doctor cut my shirt off with scissors and connecting sticky pads to my chest and it was all so much chaos.

I felt so sleepy and my eyes started to close. "No baby stay with me, Andy its mum stay with me please" She said as she gently slapped my face to make me open my eyes. I tried but I couldn't. It all went black.

Rye's pov

I was at school sitting with Harvey and some of his friends. They are actually nice people and I was making friends with them. It was lunch and we walked out to the café and sat down. I was talking when I got a call. I picked up.

L- Lesley R- Rye

R- Hey Lesley

L- Rye, come to the hospital now

R- What why

L- Andy had a.......

R- Had a tube?

L- No he had a heart attack

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I dropped my phone and just booked it out of the school, ignoring all the strange looks. I got in my car and speed to the hospital as fast as I could. Lesley met me outside and we both ran in, she was a nurse at this hospital so she knew her way. Once we got there and could see him, I dropped to my knees. He was connected to so many different tubes and machines and oxygen tanks. He had a heart monitor that would beep every few seconds when ever his heart let out a beat.

Lesley helped me off the floor and over to a chair next to the bed. I felt light headed so Lesley went to get me a cup of water. I could not believe it, he was only 17 and it was not fair. When Lesley came back in the room I started to ask questions. "Why is he not awake, how long will he be asleep for? Why did he have a heart attack" I asked frantically. "Rye calm down before you have a heart attack" She giggled.

"He put on 2kg and he was either to upset for his poor little body or he was just to skinny for his heart" Lesley told me. It broke me, he needed me here and I wasn't able to be here, he put on weight so I thought that would be good but no, turns out it made him have a heart attack.

I sat next to him and just held his hand. The nurses had put a tube in his nose so they can feed him for the next week. Lesley had to go back to work so she kissed his head and left. I sat with him, hand in hand, waiting for him to wake up.

Oh dear Andy, please wake up.

1144 Words !!!

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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