Chapter 7: Page 1

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(Trigger warning of self harm, also smut warning, please keep yourself safe xx)

Rye's pov

I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to push him into another panic attack. He was calming down and I saw him struggling against his eyes. "Andy if your tired go to sleep" I said and I put my hand over his eyes, when I took them off they stayed closed. I took a breath and then started thinking weather telling Lesley or keeping it from her.

I don't care that Andy lied to me, I care that he thinks that lying is the only way out, that he can't tell me, that's what hurts me most. I got up, making sure not to wake up Andy and walked over to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror after closing the door and just looked at myself. I only saw, ugly, gross, pathetic, not worthy of love. No matter what I tell Andy, I know that I can't live up to my own advice and I only worry about him. How dare I do this to myself when he is the sick one, how dare I do this to myself when people need to be paying attention to Andy but instead they are worrying about me.

Tomorrow I will get out of hospital. I have something to confess, today when Andy was at school, I did cut again, and it felt good. I want to be here for Andy, I don't want to die but I do want something to help with the pain so that is why I do it. Nobody has noticed them, which is good. I leave the bathroom, not knowing what I would see.

Andy's pov

I waited until I heard him leave to the bathroom and the door close, I got out of bed and walked to the bin. I kneeled down and started to put my fingers down my throat. I threw up once then twice. I was in the middle of throwing up a third time but I heard the door open. "Andy No!" I heard him yelling and then pull me away from the bin. "I-I F-Felt S-Sick" I stuttered but I knew he wouldn't believe me. "Andy don't fucking lie" He said, he sounded mad. "I really did feel sick" I said looking down.

"So many people have busted there ass's to help you but you just go do this again" He yelled. "I-I'm sorry" I said and a tear fell down my face, as I looked down. "do you even love me" he asked which really made me think, why would he say that. "What? Of course I do" I said but he didn't listen. "If you really did then you would try a little harder" he yelled and punched a wall. His sleeve lifted up as he did that and I could see new cuts. "You cut again?..." I asked.

He looked at his arm which was out and he froze. "Andy its not what it looks like" He tried to save his ass but it turns out he's not so good either. "Is that because of me?" I asked quietly. "N-No" he stuttered so, yes it was because of me. "I'm so fucking sorry I ever made you feel sad" I said and left his room to go and find mum. I sat out in the waiting area for hours just waiting for mum. "Andrew Fowler come with me" Mum said as she stormed down the hall towards me. "Why the hell is Ryan crying, what did you do" He asked with her mad voice, wait Rye is crying?. "I didn't do anything, he just thinks that he can control me" I answered. I saw him come out of his room and just look at me.

"Is that all I was to you?" he asked, head low. Now I'm fucked. "What no, Ryan I love you" I said and walked towards him. "Do you actually, or did you just say that because you need somebody to be with you?" he asked, why is he being so mean. "No, Ryan I really love you, I don't wanna fight anymore" I said and hugged him. "Me either" He replied and mum huffed. "Teenagers" She groaned and walked away leaving me and Rye laughing.

"Andy Ple-" He started but I made him stop. "Rye don't even ask, if you tell anyone about what you saw I will tell mum about your cuts deal" I asked. "No Andy, you need help" He said and I smirked. "I think you need help Ryan, trust me I have seen the mental health ward and its not fun so don't you dare tell my mother or we are over, don't under estimate me Beaumont" I said and walked into the room.

"Can we stop fighting" he asked. I nodded. "But you need to be honest and I don't care what you think of me, I need to know did you make yourself throw up?" He asked. I sigh. "I actually felt sick Rye I ate to much today and my stomach isn't used to me eating a lot" I answered and he nodded. "Now can we leave this" I asked and he nodded. I sat down on his bed, and he lay with me. I know he doesn't believe me but I don't care. I will make sure I'm more sneaky. Rye cleaned the bin and then came back and lay with me as we watched a movie.

After that, mum brang us dinner but she had to leave again as she needed to work. Rye was watching me, I felt so awkward but I didn't it anyway. "Good job, now lay down and don't move" he smiled and I huffed. " I need a reward" I said and he smirked and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He was about to get on top of me but he hesitated. Once he was on me, he wasn't putting any of his weight on me, like I was gonna break. I grabbed his waist and pulled it down onto mine, grinding on me in the process.

"Uh I need you" I moaned but he pulled away and shook his head. "Not tonight" he teased. "Ryan please" I groaned and tried to pull him on me. "Andy not tonight" He said again and pulled away. I groaned from being annoyed, I had a boner and I really needed to fix it. "I'll be back" I said sad and started to walk towards the bathroom but Rye grabbed me and pushed me against a wall. "Please don't be mad, I just don't wanna have sex right now and please don't be sick again" He said looking into my eyes.

"1, I already said I didn't do that anymore. 2, I was gonna fix my boner thanks to you" I said and he laughed. He leaned ford and kissed me. I felt his hand moving down my body till he got to my pants. He started to palm me and I groaned and lay my head back on the wall. "I thought you didn't wanna have sex" I said and he smiled. "Its not sex if I just give you a sexy blow job" he smirked and I almost came from him saying that.

He dropped to his knees and started to take off my pants. Once I was in only boxers, he started to kiss my bulge, I moaned and ran my hands through his hair. He pulled down my boxers and took me into his hand. "Please Rye, I can't take it" I moaned and he then took my tip into his mouth. I let out a desperate moan as I pushed him down. He gagged and pulled away then took me back in. He started going faster. "Rye I'm gonna cum" I moaned and he pulled away making me whine and try to push him back on. "Fuck my mouth" he said which turned me on. He picked me up and then he lay down.

I put my member over his open mouth and then he closed it. I moaned as I thrusted into his mouth and it felt so good. He was playing with my balls and I felt my orgasm coming. "Rye fuck I'm gonna cum" I moaned and tried to hold it. "Don't cum yet, hold it" He said and pushed me down then got on my legs and started sucking me off again. I was trying to hard to hold it. "Rye I can't holding, please let me cum" I moaned, pushing him down. "Hold it Andrew" He said.

His breathing speed up and he pulled away and smashed his face into the bed, groaning. I looked at him confused but then I saw that he had cum in his pants. "Why did you get to cum" I moan, annoyed. "Because I can, you need to hold it mister" He said and slowly took me back into his mouth. I started shaking, all the cum screaming to come out as I was trying my best to hold it. "R-Rye" I moaned and he looked up at me through his eye lashes. Fuck that was it.

I couldn't hold it anymore. His sexy eyes couldn't help but make me scream as I came in his mouth. It wouldn't stop, It felt so good as tears started fall out of my eyes from pleasure. The final few drips fell out of my tip and into his mouth, it now full of me. I thought he would just spit it out as there was a lot in there. But he started to swallow it, I was in shock. Once he was done, he smiled at me. "Was that a good reward?" he asked and I laughed. "It was great" I smiled out of breath and got my boxers and pants back on.

I lay down next to him. "Rye go change your boxers" I laughed and he huffed and got up. Once they were changed he came back and we watched some stuff until I had to go. It wasn't a bad night.

1714 Words !!!

See ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

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