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(1 year later when they are both 19)

Andy's pov

Today is the day, I am in the back room where I am told to get dressed. Me and Rye haven't seen each other since this morning and I am so nervous. I got into my tux which I really like, I am happy with my body at the moment, I am not to thin but I'm also not fat so I am happy with it. My grandfather is going to walk me down the isle as my dad is not here.

"Andy it will be fine, stop worrying" Grandad told me. "But there are so many people out there" I said and he nodded. "Yes, so many people who love you so go out there and be handsome" He smiled and I nodded. I heard the music come on so I knew it was the time. He took my arm and I walked out the room and to where all the people were. I could see some of Rye's family, my friends, Brook and Jack, my family and some other people, mum was also at the front like she requested a while back. I took a breath and we started talk walk.

I looked at Rye and he was smiling at me, looking me up and down then smiled again. When I got in front of Rye, my Grandad walked to his set and then Rye took my hands. "You look beautiful" he smiled. "So do you" I smiled back.

"We are all here today to celebrate these to boys love" the pastor said. "So please copy after me Ryan" He said, Rye nodded. "I, Ryan Leonard Beaumont take Andrew Robert Fowler" He said, "I, Ryan Leonard Beaumont take Andrew Robert Fowler" Rye repeated. "To have and hold from this day forward, for a better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and cherish from this forward until death do us part" The pastor said. "To have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and cherish from this forward until death do us part" Rye repeated. Then I said it as well. We slipped the rings on each others fingers and smiled, tear steaming down both out faces.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Husband, you may now kiss the groom" He pastor said, Rye grabbed my face and kissed me, everyone cheering and me going beat red. After that ceremony was done, we all sat and ate a really yummy lunch with I am grateful for. Then it was time for speeches. Mum was first.

"I just want to say I am so proud of both of you, I have seen you both have good days and bad days but you never gave up on each other which is very hard to do. I always knew Andy would find the right person even though he never said he would, I knew there was a Rye out there for my boy and I am so grateful for finding him and helping my baby get better" She said and let a tear out. "Thankyou Rye" She smiled and walked over, giving me and Rye a cuddle. "Its alright Lesley, I love him" He smiled and she nodded, walking back to her table.

Then Robbie stood up "I just wanna say that I am glad Ryan found his true self and embraced it, because now he has an amazing partner in crime. I'm happy for you baby Bro and welcome to the family Andy" he smiled, Rye had a tear fall down his cheek and got to cuddle his brother.

We ate then some people started dancing. "You to should go and sing" Mum said. "Yeah babe we should" Rye smiled and put his hand out for me. I took it and we went to the stage. "Guys, me and Andy want to sing something, I also would like Mikey, Brooklyn and Jack some come up" Rye said, I looked confused. "I may of planned this" he smiled. I giggled and they came up. The music came on of the song I was writing called Flashing light. "Wait you guys learned this?" I said sounding shocked. "Yeah babe, we did" He smiled and I was so happy.

We all started singing and dancing, everyone was dancing including my mother, she looked so happy. "There's no one else I see you" I ended it and looking into Rye's eyes. Everyone was cheering. And from that day forward, I was getting better. "I love you Andy" Rye smiled, all sweaty because we were dancing around. "I love you to" I smiled and gave him a kiss.

And to think, all I ever did was focus on the amount of calories I ate which was stupid because there is so much more for me to live for, I have an amazing Husband, life long friends and a family that loves me. I don't want anything else.

And to the 200 calories I aloud myself...

Fuck you.





Oh my god, this has been a journey to write, I hope you all enjoyed it and didn't cry to much but I just wanna say a few things before I end it.

I really love everyone on this app who has ever talked to me, asked if I was okay, made sure I was eating and everything else. Always make sure the people around you are okay because an eating disorder can be very secretive and not let people see its really there. Please always make sure everyone is safe and healthy because nobody deserves to go through that.

Love you all

Peace and love see ya on the flip side <3

Greer xx

200 Calories - Randy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now