Chapter 1

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Everything had been hazy for the last few days...

My parents were dead.

And not just dead. They had been murdered, how was I supposed to continue? This wasn't supposed to happen. They were meant to be here with me, but they weren't and the only thing I could do was to accept that. It was just a hard pill to swallow, probably the hardest, biggest pill I'll ever had to swallow in my life, but I knew my parents and they would have wanted me to survive, to fight and never give up on a battle. It was what they always taught me for as long as I could recall.

I was moving in with my grandma, Isabella, she was lovely and her 70 birthday had just gone. We weren't that close due the distance but I guessed that was about to change.

I was standing in the middle of my room, my old room now, seeing it so empty, it was like I had never been here when in reality I spent my whole life in this house, between these walls, and now it was gone. I would never come back here, I didn't even know how I came back in here after what happened to my parents but I wanted to say a last goodbye. I guessed if I couldn't do that with my parents at least I could do it with the home I lived in my entire life.

I picked up my last bag filled my parents' clothes, my mother's favorite perfume, my dad's lucky watch and other things of theirs and took one final look at my lilac walls with white stripes down them. I glanced at my height measurements since I was four on my door frame and the dent in my wall that I made when I was ten. It happened the day I got angry with my mum who wouldn't let me eat another slice of cake , these walls literally held so many amazing memories. I swallowed for the hundredth time in a few minutes.

I walked out my room, down the stairs, past the kitchen. I wished I had the heart to be able to walk in the living room again but I couldn't! It was too painful. I could still smell the awful corpses' scent and every time I closed my eyelids I could see my parents covered by blood.

A tear licked my cheek... since their death I didn't stop crying. How was it possible? Why was life so unfair? What was I going to do without my parents?

I should have known the missed calls weren't normal! Maybe they would still be alive if I had come from school earlier.

Why did the murderer killed them? My parents were the nicest people ever so it couldn't be a vendetta. Everyone loved them.

I clenched my fists and stepped on the ground door. I walked out about ten feet then turned for the last time around.

"Goodbye" I whispered while trying to blink my tears away.

A new life was waiting for me.


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