Chapter 25

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"What do you want to do?" Carter asked as we entered his breathtaking mansion

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"What do you want to do?" Carter asked as we entered his breathtaking mansion. Carter was the most talkative between us since my last encounter with Madden. All I offered him were small smiles and nods, here and there. All I wanted was to go home and sleep all my problems away. I crossed my arms before answering him:

" I don't know but I'm hungry!" My reply made him chuckle and I smiled to myself.

" Me too, you can go and put your bag in my bedroom and join me in the kitchen. Then we can go outside to hunt." My eyes widened and my jaw almost dropped to the floor when I registered his words.

" I'm kidding! You should have seen your face! Your reaction was hilarious! " He stated, laughing uncontrollably.

"Do you remember where my bedroom is? First floor and second door." I narrowed my eyes to try to remember and headed upstairs. Carter, still euphoric, shouted something like " don't get lost!".

I didn't hurry and simply admired his mansion. The walls were beige and a few chandeliers were hanging above me. Lost in my contemplation I didn't even notice that I was standing in front of a closed door. I gently opened it and was welcomed by a bedroom, Madden's one I supposed. It was surprisingly cleaned but compared to Carter's, smaller. A wonderful king sized bed welcomed my eyes.

Just when I was about to leave his bedroom, something under his bed caught my attention. It looked like a black gym bag but something didn't feel right. Following my instinct and headed tip toed toward it, but when I was about to kneel on the floor to examine it closer, my phone started ringing. I instantly ran toward his door, scared to be found by Carter. He had explained that his father wasn't home and Madden had a meeting with a classmate.

" Hel-Hello!!" I answered without looking at the screen and swallowed hard when I was welcomed by silence. I checked the ID and almost had a heart attack. It was the masked number. My finger begged to hang up but I couldn't keep fearing him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, trying to sound in control of the situation.

"Don't be moody with me, it just gets me hard." He answered in a whisper.

" Leave me the fuck alone or—" I wanted to say something like "I have a boyfriend and if you approach me again he will kill you" but I didn't want to get Carter involved, plus that would be a lie because he wasn't my boyfriend.

" Ouch babe are you threatening me? You should be careful with your mouth. I will pay you a visit...soon." I heard and his threat made me gulp hard. My breath started racing and I could feel a tear running down my cheek.

"It was you right? You drugged me and Nicole at the party? You were there..." I didn't know if it was him for sure because in those kind of parties it wasn't rare for someone to get drugged.

"It was just an warning. I told you to stop dancing like a whore and I hate that you let other boys touch you. Listen to me carefully, I could have done worse, I could have sliced their throats and cut their eyes out but I didn't because I care about you. But be careful because next time I won't be that generous." He promised and I was shaking by the end of his monologue.

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