Chapter 24

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Something shifted under my head, making me growl quietly. With my eyelids still closed I caressed the hard and hot pillow underneath my head and was surprised to hear a moan. I opened my eyes and my eyes fell instantly on Carter's dark ones, my cheeks heated. I had completely forgotten the last night!

"Go— good morning." I said shyly while avoiding his gaze.

"Morning. I didn't know how to wake you up. You were drooling all over my chest..." Carter's sleepy voice stated and my eyes widened in surprise. When I tried to look at his chest to check it, my eyes caught Carter's morning wood and before I could turn my gaze away Carter chucked:

"Go get ready for school, I will wait for you outside."

"O-ok... no problem." And with that I ran toward my bathroom to wash my face and brush teeth, then I remembered something. My grandma was home and she couldn't see him!

" Carter? My grandma..." I mumbled after closing my bedroom's door. He was already fully dressed as he opened my window, ready to jump out.

"Be careful..." I warned him because it was pretty high from my bedroom window, if I jumped I would break an ankle for sure. He was about to add something when my grandma's voice interrupted us:

"Good morning Elle! Breakfast is ready!! "

Carter didn't wait a second before jumping out. I walked toward the window and popped my head out and exhaled in relief when I saw him on his feet, looking fine.

I put my uniform on and took my phone out to text Lila because she was supposed to pick me up to go to school. I felt bad cancelling on her, but she would understand.

Isabella was whistling a melody as I entered the kitchen. I kissed her cheek and grabbed the coffee that she was holding for me.

" Did you sleep well? "

" Yep, like a baby."I answered naturally as I took a bite small bite of my pancake. I had to hurry!

" There was a black car parked near the forest... do you know who owns it? I'm sure no one around here owns a car like that? It's unusual." Her words made me almost choke on my food. She saw Carter's car!

" hum... no! Oh no! I'm gonna be late." I faked a smile while grabbing my backpack, screaming a bye to her.

As I entered Carter's car I didn't dare looking at him. Driving to school with him was probably a bad idea.

The car ride took only a few minutes and when the school appeared in sight I inhaled. My hands were playing with the hem of my T-shirt when he started slowing down.

" So... see you tomorrow?" I asked innocently with my eyes still glued to the window and he surprised me with a unexpected laugh.

" Tomorrow? No. After school we are going to my place."

" What. No! I won't! I have things to do!! " I stared at him with my big green eyes waiting for him to say " I'm joking" but it didn't exit his mouth. He was more than serious.

" Ok..." I swallowed down the protests that I wanted to throw at his face.

As we got out of the car I tried to pretend I didn't see the glances full of hatred and jealousy. Some of them whispered behind their hands trying not to be heard.  I headed to my locker automatically with Carter following me like my shadow.

"You don't need to be glued to me! Nothing is gonna happen to me here!"

"Elle." He warned but was interrupted by a female's high voice.

" Baby I was waiting for you!!" I recognized Billie's voice as I grabbed the psychology book needed and inhaled hard.

" What are you doing with... trash?" She whisper-yelled and I heard some chuckles from behind.

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