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                  CARTER'S POV

                             CARTER'S POV

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Two weeks later:

"I'm happy to finally meet you, Carter! I heard a lot about you." Elle's nan examined me after shaking my hand. She was finally back home and Elle decided it was the right time to introduce us and officiallize our relationship.

"Same Ma'am! It's a pleasure to officially meet you!," I stated as Elle leaned onto me and smiled at us with appreciation in her bright eyes.

"Thank for taking care of my Elle. I really should've gotten home sooner!" Her nan apologized while staring at my girlfriend.

"I'm fine! It's not your fault..." Elle replied. We decided not to tell the truth to Nicole and Elle's family about the bruises covering their bodies, the situation was handled after all so it was better if we didn't explain the dark truth.

"Elle is right. They were two gangsters trying to steal their purses. Fortunately my friend and I arrived in time to save them!" I explained and adjusted my T-shirt. After a few minutes Elle's nan backed off to prepare something to eat and Elle and I headed upstairs.

"Carter...I've a question." She whispered shyly as soon as we stepped into her bedroom. I sat on her bed before gesturing her to sit on my lap and wrapped my arms around her.

"Ask me anything and don't be shy. I'm not gonna eat you...ok maybe I will probably but not with your nan in the same house!" I declared and she chuckled before trying to stop my assault of kisses.

"The night we met...you were talking about killing someone? Did yo-did you kill a lot of people?" She bowed her head, her hair shielding her eyes and red cheeks. Her breaths weren't controlled anymore and the hint of playfulness was now gone. I was caught off guard by her question but wasn't surprised at all. I was met with a loss of words, my being was begging to tell her everything since the beginning but acknowledgement was dangerous in my world.

"I will never lie to you but I can't tell you everything now. You aren't ready for all the darkness and everything doesn't concern me only..." I breathed out and caressed her face. I didn't want to dirty her up with my dark shadows but truth was vital in a relationship and I was ready to do anything to be at her side for the rest of my life.

She stared at me without blinking and I continued: "for your question Hunter wasn't my first victim...all you have to know is that they deserved it. Please don't be scared of me, I'll never hurt you, Elle! You own my entire soul and thoughts. Only ever you Elle Taylors. " Truth be told I'd never thought Hunter was the person taunting my girlfriend. It never occurred me that he wasn't dead as we all thought. Seeing him after so many years was a shock and witnessing the hatred toward me caused an indescribable pain in my heart.

"I love you, Carter." She muttered under her breath and I kissed her lips without hesitating.

"Hunter was also violent toward his girlfriend and his drug addiction was becoming a big problem for our family. Willow, his ex girlfriend, left him because she couldn't handle his temper anymore..." I voiced the truth as she tightened her ponytail, her features dominated by shock and fear.

"What do your families do exactly?" Came out of her mouth and I knew she was talking about the boys too. I inhaled and fisted my hair before replying:

"Our families...they sell illegal weapons, drugs and everything in between. Well the underworld...everything besides human trafficking and prostitution. Our families have limits not to pass." Elle started shaking in my arms so I hugged her harder to comfort her. "Our granddads created that dynasty and each new generation must follow their paths to perpetuate the bloodline."

"Wow it's a lot to register!" She straightened her shoulders before putting her hand on her forehead, trying to process what she heard.

"That's all I can say for now... we should probably head downstairs or your nan is going to think we are fucking! " I joked and a laugh escaped her lips, she was about to reply when her phone ringtone interrupted her.

"It's Nicole." She explained and I glanced at her screen before trailing kisses over his face. A few giggles invaded the bedroom as she tried her best to keep her seriousness. After a few seconds she stopped me on my tracks and frowned. Nicole was actually in UK to visit her family and she called every single day.

"What's wrong?" I questioned and raised up an eyebrow.

"Are you serious? Fuck it's-" Elle stood up and her mouth formed a big "o". "Ok...text us as soon as you arrived! Love you and...you got this!" 

"What happened?" I demanded when she hung up and cursed.

"Her parents got worried about her bruises so guess what?"

"Are they coming back home? As they should?" I tempted and she shook her head as she chewed her bottom lip.

"Nope! That would be too good to be true! Guess who must live with the Bates? " she bellowed and I shocked on my saliva.

Fuck this is going to be funny...



Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this ride!


I would've probably gave up on DB if you hadn't supported me and believed in my words. Some of you took their time to comment and like and it means a lot! Thank you!

Dynasty Boys was quite short so... expect Bates Kingdom to be big!

Bates Kingdom is coming soon!

Bates Kingdom is coming soon!

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