Chapter 13

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I kissed Carter.

I was standing in the boys looker room, still in shook, about three minutes had passed since Carter had decided to leave me. After a while I finally succeeded to regain control on my body and headed for the exit for the second time, this time there wasn't a sexy jerk stopping me.

I walked to the girls locker room to change of clothes and head home to rest, after what happened I couldn't go back there. At least today. Lila must've stayed in the gym so she would tell me what I occurred after I left. After Carter "kidnapped" me. I was still praying this kid would be ok.

Just as I entered the locker room I spotted Billie. With a look at her I knew she that was going to give me crap, nothing new. She looked at me with anger in her eyes and if looks could kill I would be six feet underground.

"Well well well look who it is, watch out girls don't get too close, she's the angel of the death, first her parents now Jackson. She is like a curse, who ever goes near her dies. " Billie and about five other girls started laughing like hyenas. Why did she have to bring my parents into it? Jackson...I took it was the guy who had an OD during gym class.

I tried to ignore her and walked over to my locker to get my things, all I needed was to get out of here, I couldn't fight with her I didn't have the strength to do so. Even if I had, I would have problems and she would call her daddy and mommy to save her spoiled ass. I would get expelled and that was what she wanted more than anything. She wanted to reign in this damn school and for some unknown reason I was a competition for her.

Billie smacked her hands really hard to make a loud bang and looked at me before turning her head to the left.

"What are you, mute? You're such a little pussy you can never say anything back to me, it is from genetics ? Or what? Maybe your mummy was like this with your daddy... I bet he used to hit her because she was such weak bitch just like you. " Billie uttered and smirked.
Even trying my best to ignore her I failed and freaking snapped.

"What did you just say?" I questioned even though I knew exactly what she had said. People only asked twice for the other person to rephrase it and not repeat the same mistake.

"Oh that gets you talk huh? Did I touch your weakness? I said that your mummy was a little bitch just like you, she was probably a whore too that's where you got I..." My fist met her plastic face before she had finished her sentence. I was seething and was physically shaking, how dared she talk about my mother like this? She could talk about me like it all day and she wouldn't get a rise. But if her dirty mouth talked about my parents it was different.

" Don't you dare ever talk about my mother like that. I will fucking end you if I ever hear you breath another bad word about my family again. Don't push me or you will see my true colors and trust me you won't like it."

Billie was on the floor clutching her bruised cheek but suddenly she surprised me by standing up.

"You fucking bitch slapped me, I will get you expelled, little whore." She screamed in my face before trying to slap me back but I avoided her punch without a lot of effort. She was lucky because after what she had said I could rip her to bits and throw her to the wolves.

"Don't touch me Billie and get out of my way now." I told in a low but menacing voice and she surprisingly did. I grabbed my stuff and walked out, I didn't even bother showering because all I needed was fresh air.


After I exited school and got some air, I decided that returning back to school was going to be a bad decision so I preferred to take a day off. I wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway after the gym episode. However, I still needed to find out if that boy was ok.

I decided to take a seat on a bench in the local park enjoying the quiet and the emptiness of the place. No one was there so it was perfect, I needed to be alone. I didn't want to see anyone, I just needed to gather my thoughts. I pulled out my phone and dialed Lila's number, she must have some news concerning the boy, Jackson. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Elle! how are you doing? " She asked with concern lacing her voice.

"I'm okay... what about you? And how is the boy from the gym class? "

"Elle... I'm so sorry but Jackson died.. they said it was an overdose, he had all sorts of drugs in his blood. Cocaine, wiz, molly, weed and even heroin." She admitted and my throat clenched at her words.

I started sobbing hard, my doubts were real even after the last hopes I had. He was dead... I didn't know why but I felt like it was all my fault. I knew realistically it wasn't but right now I felt so guilty.

Lila's voice spoke again after noticing my silence:"Elle breathe! Please! It's no one's fault."

" It's too much I can't take this...everything is just too much." I muttered as I tried to stop my tears.

"Hey shhh where are you? I'm coming to meet you now so we can talk! You can't be alone right now."

She was right, I really needed her right now, I needed to tell her everything. I needed my friend's arms to promise me that everything was going to be ok. To promised me that the stabbing pain in my chest would fade away.

"Let's meet at the Smiths. I need to eat something . I'll be there in 15 minutes!" I declared and with that we hung up and I made my way to the Smiths. I couldn't return to school. The day had been too much for my mental health to handle.

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