Chapter 7

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"You look adorable in your night dress but take it off and touch yourself."

I glanced down at my screen and froze. I was completely in shock. I couldn't even control my hard breathing. Since how many minutes or hours was this person watching me? How else would they know what I was wearing in that right moment? I didn't know what to do as I looked around my dark room and gulped. Everything was more scary in the dark. Was that a man standing in the corner of my room or was it my chair with a pile of my clothes on it? I preferred the second choice.

I decided I was not going to just sit here playing cat and mouse, no way! That was not me. I would fight if I had to. I had nothing to lose anymore. No matter how scared I was, I tried to ignore the nauseous feeling sitting in the pit of my stomach. I walked over to my window, calm and collected but inside I was anything but that. Never show your weakness. Don't show how scared you are. I repeated it to myself. Blood was running into my pores and sweat covered my skin. I looked out and saw nothing out of the ordinary, the street was dark, nobody was there.

Me and my grandma lived in a quiet place distant from the city center. No cars, no neighbors, nothing. I tried to convince me it was just a joke. Properly one of the mean girls at school trying to scare me, they surely thought that it would be a funny joke.
But maybe the person who texted me was lucky by guessing what I was wearing because well... loads of people wore that kind of clothing to bed. I was probably being dramatic.

I giggled to myself a little, I really needed to stop listening to my grandma and all of her crazy stories, it was messing with my mental health. I walked back over to my bed and got cozy under the covers. I felt secure under my sheets. I breathed out a breath of relief and closed my tired eyes. Suddenly I heard another notification on my IPhone. At the first, I was a little hesitant to look but that only lasted for about one second before I grabbed my phone.

" Wow.. didn't think you would give up that easily ...why don't you look again and harder this time. You look cute when you're scared, by the way. And oh, you have a lot to be scared of right now."

I threw my phone across my sheets and jumped out my bed. I ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife. I didn't know where this person was. I had to stop sugarcoating what was going on. Someone was really there watching my moves.

Should I call the cops? No...I really shouldn't ! They couldn't do anything anyway, they wouldn't take messages seriously, they would think it was just a prank.

I stood there still and took nice deep breaths. After about five minutes, nothing happened. I decided to go back up to my room. Once I got up the stairs I took a detour to quickly look at my grandma to check on her. Maybe she heard something too?

I went over to the window again, if there was anyone out there, I was probably giving them exactly what they wanted. They wanted to make me feel powerless and scared. Whoever was there - if there was anyone - they must be gone by now because I knew for a fact there wasn't no one outside, now. I got back into bed for like the third time that night and slowly fell asleep as I thought about all the adventures that occurred the same day.

I woke up to my alarm going off in my ears, it was 7:10 so I rolled out of my bed and a moan escaped my lips. I hated mornings and mostly school.

I was planning to take a quick shower before heading to school. I had just started my year and was already tired. After showering I ate an apple for breakfast and speed-walked toward my bedroom to get dressed. Just as I entered, I noticed a piece of paper on my nightstand.
It was probably from my grandma, she had left early for the shops. It was weird though, it wasn't there when I had woke up... at least I didn't see it.

"Instead of going for the obvious way why don't you think outside the box? Take a note out of every horror movie ever made. Next time don't forget to check the closet. Thanks for the show yesterday by the way! I can't stop thinking about your tight ass now, it looks so tasty..."

I couldn't breath as tears pooled into my eyes. I was having a panic attack, he was hiding in my closet the whole time and he probably enjoyed seeing me scared. He could have killed my grandma and hurt me. I knew deep down that he wanted to play with his food before taking my life away. Damn. My knees gave up and I fell to the ground. This couldn't really be happening! It had to be the person who killed my parents for sure. I just didn't understand why he kept wanting to hurt me.

After a few minutes I glanced at my Apple Watch and decided to get dressed before getting late at school.  I couldn't stop thinking about how someone sneaked in my house at night. Who was he and what was he planning to do?

A thought about telling my grandma the truth occurred and I exhaled hard. She would want us to move away for sure. Maybe it was a good idea but I was down with moving. If he wanted a battle I would give him a war... and I would win.

Someone honked outside and pulled me out of my thoughts.


I completely had forgotten that she was supposed to pick me up. I blinked my tears away and took a few breaths before gulping.

New day here I go...

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