Chapter 12

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" Morning, Elle!!!" Lila shouted through the loud music as soon as I entered her brand new car.

"Hey! How was your weekend ?" I smiled at her as I tried hard not to let my mind wander on that previous menacing text.

She turned down the music and started ranting about how her weekend was, a weekend who could be summarized by long journeys of shopping. I nodded automatically at each word that escaped her lips while admiring the landscape until the school appeared in my sight.

" We have gym class together but I seriously need to pee first. Do you mind accompanying me ? Please!" Lila begged with puppy eyes, I really didn't want to be left alone in the middle of this jungle so I agreed and she took my hand between hers and made me follow her,

The bathroom was empty as I stared at my pale face. I looked like someone who had came from a grave. Lila was the contrary because she always looked fresh and the bright smile that seemed to be always following her matched perfectly with her whole vibe. Waves of joy always exited her being and I envied that.

I took a few deep breaths before entering in a toilet stall too. Lila was talking to me but as soon as we heard the bathroom's door open we ceased talking. I momentarily recognized the voices and it made me clench my fists.

" This bitch... I wanna fucking kill her! I was alone with Carter in this room and she had enter and bother us! He really wanted me! Fuck!" Billie snapped and my eyes widened. Billie was actually mad due to the fact I interrupted them. I frowned at her stupidity because why would I ever want to be left all by myself with Carter, my nemesis?

" Did I mention what happened on Saturday? I went to the supermarket to buy new shoes and do you know who I saw?" She shouted at the top of her lungs and I fought the urge to make an appearance and teach her some manners.

" huh... Carter?" One of her friends whispered with curiosity.

" No! It was Elle and guess what? She was talking to Madden! She was hugging him like a bitch in heat. I wanted to cut her throat, she is such a little slut. Why does she think she has a possibility with him? Or Carter ?" A laugh escaped Billie's mouth and her minions followed.

I wiped a silent tear as I remembered that Lila was hearing everything too. Billie hated me so she could be the one trying to scare me with the messages, right? And the person wearing the " Kiss me" mask?

" I know! Maybe she wanted to buy drugs. That's why she was with Madden." A friend of hers suggested innocently.

Drugs? What...

" He sells drugs but I don't think she would do them... dammit did you look at her ? but then again I didn't think she would be a little slut and try to steal the Knight's brothers away from me." Billie added and after a few seconds, I head the door closing shut and her voices faded away. After I took a minute to clear my composure, I exited my toilet stall and Lila followed too.

"ELLE... what and what and what happened? Saturday and Friday? Were you with Madden?" She questioned with an unexplainable urge in her tone.

I explained what had happened during the party while she was in the W.C. I also told her I had to go to the supermarket Saturday and that was how I met Madden. Sadness and disappointment covered her soft features. She was probably disappointed I had kept those secrets from her. I instantly felt bad because she was being honest and nice to me since the beginning and I couldn't reciprocate it. I knew I couldn't keep secrets but I also couldn't tell her what was happening in my life at that moment. My life was a playground too dangerous for everyone, mostly the few people I cared about.


The gym was also occupied by the guys. I tried my best not to look at Carter and his friends but I could feel their eyes on me as the teachers mixed the teams.

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