Chapter 40

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"You won't be able to escape me after this, Elle. You'll be forever mine and a lifetime won't be enough for me to demonstrate how much I love you." My boyfriend devoured my mouth while his fingers were buried inside my womanhood. After giving him the green light he pushed me on the enormous bed and covered my needy body with his dreamy mouth.

"Carter—" An uncountable amount of words were forming in my head but my mouth didn't seem to work properly and was only able to moan.

Carter finally stopped torturing me and stood up to take his pants off, his gaze never leaving mine as I trailed my hands down my legs. I had never met someone who could burn my entire being with his stare and make me want to do things that make my cheeks heat on shame.

"Please promise me you will warn me if you want to stop, if it's too painful." He muttered while taking the rest of my clothes off and Carter followed before putting a condom on and positioning himself between my shaky legs.

"I love you, Elle." Carter stated as he propped himself up with one hand and and started entering me carefully. Pain assaulted my body and I closed my eyes to erase a vagabond tear. My lover didn't stop kissing me and whispering sweet things that made my heart beat faster and faster.

"Jesus, fuck! You feel so good! You're heaven of earth," Carter bit his lower lip and I gripped his shoulders, "please, Elle...can I move?"

I glanced down seeing our two bodies finally linked together. A wave of pleasure started hitting me as soon as my body accommodated to his length.

"I love you, Carter." I whisper-yelled and nodded. He didn't hesitate a second before starting moving on me, each new pound harder than the previous. My pussy clenched around his manhood and I moaned and begged for more.

"Come for me, Elle! Milk my dick with your innocence." I heard him growl and I exploded, stars blurring by eyesight while my fingernails buried themselves on his back. Carter's release followed mine a few seconds later as I brought our chests together.

"It was everything and more..." I announced and he kissed my lips.

"You were wonderful, Elle. I can't even put it into words..." Warm filled up my chest as his words left his pink and bruised lips from kissing. I really couldn't have wished a best first time, he had been so gentle, patient and everything in between.

I also knew in that moment that no matter how hard and challenging the road leading to or future could be...our love would be enough to fight it.


"Morning girls!" I bellowed as soon I stepped in the kitchen which was only occupied by my besties. They were already fully clothed while I was still on my pajamas. Carter was still taking a shower and I couldn't find the boys.

"Wild night?" Lila arched a perfect eyebrow as I blinked to adjust my sleepy view.

"Huh? How-?," I stuttered as pink covered my cheeks. My friends quietly chucked and I crossed my arms with a questioning look on my face...

We weren't that loud...were we?

"Here's your coffee!" Maddie winked at me and held my hot cup of coffee.

"I'm seriously under Carter Knight's spell. He's so..." I trailed off and let my mind wander on last night and how unbelievably flawless it was.

"We kind of felt it know it's hard to miss how bright your eyes become when he is around or how happy you are when he's at your side. You're both so cute... ,"Nicole admitted as she smiled at me.

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