Chapter 28

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I was sitting on Nicole's bed, battling with my own thoughts while freaking out

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I was sitting on Nicole's bed, battling with my own thoughts while freaking out. What was he going to do when he got here? The worst was that he was probably bringing his friends. I stared at the ceiling before clearing my throat and as the minutes went I felt so bad for Nicole. They obviously knew where she lived. After all Vaughn dropped her home that day after we got drugged. She still hadn't told me what happened that night though. I thought she was ready to tell me earlier when we were talking about Vaughn but she never mentioned that night.

It had been about three minutes since his last and I needed to wake Nicole, she would hate to wake up with them all just in her bedroom.

"Nicole wake up! Carter and the guys are coming here now... damn I'm sorry! He just texted me." I felt so bad bringing this to her house. I really should have stayed home and confront my problems instead of running from them. Nicole opened her eyes slowly and a moan escaped her pink lips.

"Right now?" She says in a sleepy voice and before I could open my mouth we heard the door open and then close. We both stilled and stared at each other before jumping out of bed as our eyes tried to find a weapon. It could be the masked man! Nicole got her crystal lamp and I choose a big pink stone that was on her bed side table. We both tiptoed towards the door and then I realized how stupid we looked. I was wearing pj shorts with clouds on it and a white crop top and Nicole was wearing a grey slip nighty, we looked everything but intimidating. I shook my head, right now I didn't think either of us cared.

Nicole stood behind me with her lamp protecting her, after a few attempts I gulped. Before my fingers could reach the knob to open the door, it door bursted open and we both yelled simultaneously.

Before our eyes stood Vaughn with a very angry face, he was not looking at me. Instead he was gazing at Nicole and I noticed how his eyes went down her body before clenching his jaw. Carter appeared behind him and walked in and Nate followed.

"What the hell, get out Carter! You're not welcome." I tried not to raise my voice too much but failed miserably. Carter walked towards me and grabbed my jaw to make me rise my eyes to meet his.

"Don't ever do that to me again. Answer your fucking phone next time!" he explained in a dangerous low voice and I kept eye contact with him for a few more seconds before pulling out of his grip.

"Ok I will. Now leave I'm going to bed... it's  late." I turned to look at Vaughn and Nate who had their arms crossed. Vaughn was basically shielding Nicole from us. He was very good at fucking with people's head. I glared at Carter and heard a chuckle coming from Nate. This situation was clearly amusing him as he grabbed his phone out his pocket.

"Oh babe, we're re not going anywhere." Carter said and licked his lips as he eyed down at me with a penetrating gaze. I crossed my arms and exhaled hard and his eyes moved from mine's to Vaughn's who was still placed in front of Nicole.

"Nicole where's your spare bedroom?" Carter requested as he tried to look at Nicole but stopped when Vaughn actually growled at him, I literally gasped.

"Stop trying to fucking look at her. She is almost fucking naked. All of you get out anyways, the spare room is down the hall on the left and Nate you're sleeping on the sofa." Vaughn declared with another growl. Nate didn't waste a second before leaving the room and as my gaze followed him I noticed that Sawyer wasn't accompanying them.

"No, Vaughn! You're not staying in here with us. Elle doesn't want to go with Carter so get out of my house before..." Nicole voiced and I could tell she was trying to say it with confidence but it came off shaky. She didn't dare to finish her sentence as Vaughn rose his gaze to meet hers.

Carter ignored her before grabbing my arm to pull me out of the room and just before we exited it, I looked behind to see Vaughn pining Nicole to the wall with her face in his hands. I protested and tried to free myself from Carter's hold. By the looks Vaughn was whispering something to her.

Carter pulled me to the end of the hall and basically pushed me in the spare room.

"I thought you had been kidnapped! It's not a joke, Elle!" he yelled as he walked slowly towards me. I instantly took a few steps back and fell on the bed. He slowly got onto of me and started kissing my neck and I couldn't gather my thoughts.

"No Carter! Stop! I'm not doing this so get off me we need to talk." I put both my hands on his chest and used all my strength to push him off me. He only moved a small inch and that made him laugh. After a few glares he got off.

"You killed that guy, Carter. I know you did!! So why can't you be honest with me?" I wave of nausea hit me as I ranted.

"Elle look you have to stop asking questions I know you don't want the answers too. Everything is way too long and hard to explain and you're not ready yet." He stated and I chuckled. I wasn't ready? Whatever he was hiding couldn't be worst of what I had been trough.

"Carter. No! Tell me everything now or I swear I will never go near you again. You can't just keep me on a string. Tell me!" If he didn't tell me I couldn't keep acting like everything was okay.

"Fine. I'll tell you but you have to promise me something." I would do anything to know. I know it was pathetic but I had a feeling he could help me find out who was the masked man.

"Okay anything" I say truthfully and stared at his gorgeous face, he was smirking as he answered:

"Don't run."

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