Chapter 4

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I couldn't breathe. Tears pooled into my big blue eyes. I couldn't reach my phone... I was scared to move. This gaze, I knew who the owner was because it was the same I had met a couple of hours earlier.

Dark and scary eyes were watching me through the window in front of my bed.

How did he find my house? Did he follow me since the pharmacy? No! It couldn't be. My eyes never left the mirror on my way home and there was nobody following me.

Was I dreaming? It wouldn't be the first time. What was I going to do? Calling my grandma was useless because she could get hurt by -I didn't know even who - .

Sweat licked my skin, my mouth trembled and I had the urge to stand up and call for help but I couldn't find the strength to do so. The closest neighbor was traveling all around the world and was never at home and Cali could hurt but couldn't kill someone...not that I wanted that too.

We were alone and unprotected.

My eyes never left his, I didn't want to show my fear but a look at my rib cage could show the opposite.

He was wearing a hood but I could still see the devilish smirk painted on his face as I took deep breaths. He knew nobody would recognize him. I wanted to shout, run or do something, anything but sitting in my bed and have staring competition with him. I was vulnerable. I didn't do anything because I was literally frozen. I closed my eyes praying for my nightmare to end and waited a few seconds before reopening them again expecting to see him again but...

He disappeared.

Was it my imagination? I could have sworn it was real. I obviously wasn't sleeping. After a few controlled breaths, I finally found the courage to get off my bed and walked toward my bedroom's door. I blinked a few times still trying to prove I wasn't dreaming. I reached my grandma's bedroom and opened it slowly and quietly.

As expected, she was snoring in a peaceful way. Maybe everything was in my imagination and due to my eventual PTSD.

People were offering me evil gazes since I stepped a foot at St-Williams Knight High. Even wearing a black and grey uniform their stares made me feel naked. I kept my head down, my phone and the school plan between my trembling hands, to try not to focus on them.

I didn't talk with my grandma about what happened yesterday night. She was sleeping when it happened so she was probably going to think I was crazy. I sighed when suddenly I bumped into a small but lean body and my phone almost crashed on the ground.

"Ouch! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention..."It came from a brunette who was now on her knees to pick up her books. I joined her to help her.

"No! It's my fault... I'm sorry."I added in a little and timid voice.

The unknown girl and I stood up at the same time and she presented me her manicured hand.

"No problem, honey! I'm Lila! Nice to meet you." She replied with a huge smile on her face. White wasn't white enough to describe her perfect teeth.

"Hi! I'm ... I'm Elle Taylors! Nice to meet you too!" I declared, surprised she hadn't run away yet.

I was tall and had curves while Lila was small but she could easily be a model. I also knew that girls like her didn't hang out with girls like me, so I was always suspicious and careful with this kind of girls. They were no good but the way Lila smiled made me forgot about that last statement.

"You're the new girl?! Right?" She shouted, her excitement earning a few glares.

" Yes! I just started today... I'm a little lost to be honest." I mumbled while staring at the school plan in my hand. This school reminded me of a labyrinth.

" Elle honey! No worries and let's make a tour. St-Williams Knight is smaller than it looks,  to be completely fair!" My new "friend" declared. She started to show me were I could find my classes before showing me the huge and breathtaking library. I really couldn't wait to go there and read. She also mentioned the good teachers and most hated ones.

Lila finished her tour with the wonderful cafeteria. A few students were talking and eating,  some of them were eyeing me.
I lowered my head before laughing under my breath, I seriously thought I could be "invisible".

"And you will hate Mr. Jacobs in the beginning because he's kind of strict but he's still the only one who doesn't give us homework for the weekend so..." she joked and adjusted her black and expensive handbag.

"Oh ok I will keep that in mind... thank you for the tour! " I uttered while looking at my surroundings.

"No need to thank me! You're welco..." she didn't finish her sentence and I looked up to see why she had changed of attitude in a heart of beat.

Her gaze was fixed on something behind me so I followed it. My breath instantly caught on my throat and I couldn't believe my eyes.

In front of me stood the same guy from yesterday. He was accompanied by three others
handsome men. When his eyes met mine I had to remember how to breath. He smirked at me and I could feel my heart beating faster on my ribcage. I didn't notice that Lila was talking to me until she patted my shoulder.

" Sawyer Bryant, Nathan Walker, Vaughn Bates and Carter Knight, they rule this freaking school and they are the kids your parents warned you about. Their angel faces are just a mask to hide their ugliness. You will avoid them if you have any brain cells, trust me..." Lila whispered and linked my arm with hers.

As I was walking off to my first cIass, I looked back to find his eyes still glued to my body, that smirk still plastered on his face.

I was sticking to my plan, ignore the school drama and most importantly, those mysterious guys.

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