Chapter 21

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I blinked a few times, trying to clear my blurry sight and a painful moan escaped my dry lips as a strong headache hit me. I moved my fingers and noticed that the sheets were too comfortable to be my own. After a few attempts, my eyes finally opened and my breath caught on my throat. I wasn't in my bedroom, this room was dark and plain and it didn't look like a homely bedroom. There was nothing on the walls, no pictures, no posters, nothing just dark grey paint. It was massive though, as big as my whole first floor in my house.

In the middle of this king size bed, I looked at my clothes. I was only wearing a big shirt that reached my knees. My breaths were hatched and I couldn't remember anything from the previous night.

I looked at the nightstand at my right and it said it was 8am. Where was I ? I was with Lila and Nicole at this party then...I saw Carter and his friends... I also took a sip of a drink. I tried my best to recall what had happened after that, but nothing.

I was massaging my temples when the bedroom's door opened wide and my jaw almost hit the floor.


"How are you feeling?" He asked as he held a glass of water, his voice raspy as if he didn't wake up too long ago. He was only wearing shorts and my eyes couldn't avoid his naked chest.

"What... what am I doing here ?" I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was still mad at him. The way he treated me, insulted me, made me feel like trash, I couldn't accept that kind of behavior. He played with my heart and threw it to the wolves and there was no way I was going to let him treat me like that then just forgive him.

"Elle, stop." Carter muttered as I stood up and searched for my clothes who were nowhere in sight. I scanned the room until my eyes noticed my shoes.

" You have to stay in bed...Elle!"

" What do you want from me, Carter? What am I doing here? What happened? Yesterday you told me that you couldn't stand seeing my face in front of all of your friends and now you're trying to sweet talking to me?" I erupted as tears welled down my face. I hated his mood swings more than anything else,  this back and forth was exhausting and purposeless.

"Someone drugged you. Please just sit down..." He exhaled hard as his hand roughly went through his hair. "I didn't mean it..." He stopped his sentence and walked toward me.

" Drugged? What do you mean? " I replied and sat on his bed as requested.

" The drink."  He continued and I almost had an heart attack.


" No! Nicole..."I cried and tried to find my phone. Nicole drank my drink too so she was probably in the same state of mind as mine.

" She's fine... she was feeling weird too so Vaughn took care of her."

"What? Vaughn? I swear god if he hurt her I'm gonna kill him!" I promised and narrowed my eyes.

"He won't, Vaughn and Nicole,well they..." He replied but stopped as I stared intensely at him with anger. What was he going to say? Vaughn hated Nicole for unknown reasons. It was simple! He was an asshole.

"Where are my things? I need to get the hell out of here! I don't want to see're disgusting and..." I stood up again and walked towards the door but he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the bed to sit down once again, I didn't protest for some mysterious reason.

"I know you hate me and I deserve it. But please listen up to me first. " He said in a whisper.

"First drink this... it's for your headache and you will feel better!" He clarified, probably after noticing the confusion plastered on my face. I gulped down the brown thick liquid and tried not to frown. It was disgusting as hell.

" Why? Why do you treat me like shit and then five minutes later you are nice to me? Are you lunatic? I'm confused. I hate your jokes so now I need you to stop. Stop trying to scare me it's—" Two knocks on his bedroom door stopped me, Carter inhaled before opening the door unwillingly.

" Carter did I tell y—Oh! " A middle aged elegant man said and as soon as entered the bedroom. He eyed me up and down before smirking. He probably thought I was one of Carter's one night stands.

" Hi, I'm Elle... Madden's friend." I added and locked a strand of hair behind my ear. He was wearing a black suit and carrying a phone.

"Miss Taylors... I heard about you! I'm Thomas Knight. Carter and Madden's father. Nice to meet you in flesh. Carter we need to talk. Now." He bellowed with his intimidating eyes still glued to mine, Carter's body went hard beside me.

Carter stared at his father with straight shoulders. His dad was a pretty tall and a scary man but Carter was worst.. he was about three inches taller than his father and more built. His gaze met mine a few seconds before he walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. His father seemed okay, but I had a strange feeling. I was probably not going to drink tea with him while chatting about the weather.

My eyes wandered in Carter's room, apart from the fact that it was enormous it was pretty normal, It screamed " typical teenager" but I knew he wasn't. I hated his mood swings. I hated that he acted different in front of his friends and when we were alone though he lovely. Every time he sweet talked to me all I wanted was to keep him like that forever. He was my weakness but I wouldn't let him treat me like trash anymore, I wasn't one of his playthings. Like Billie. I hated the way he let her touch him and sit on his lap like it was her throne. He knew I didn't like her and he loved using that to his advantage. That was what boys like Carter did. They liked to play with their food before eating.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Carter who was back and was now standing in front of me with my bag on his hand. I wondered what his father spoke because he was was fulminating.

"Let's go!"

" Where?" I asked in a timid voice.

"I have to drop you at home." He spat the word "drop" like he was talking about an object.

" What happened? Carte—"

" Fuck! Stop talking all the time, do you ever shut up? I can't hear my fucking own thoughts. Did you really think my feeling towards you changed because you got drugged? You're dumber than Billie." He said in a cold voice making me jump and my eyes burned. I didn't understand how he just flipped like this.

" You... you know what? Stay here! I don't need your freaking help. I didn't ask you anything. I hate you so much but I hate myself so much more. I hate that I freaking believed you were different. I freaking hate that I loved spending time with you... the only time I was truly myself, where I felt safe and happy." I stopped before admitting something I really didn't want him to know about. I took my bag out of his hands aggressively and walked out. He yelled my name twice but never stopped me.


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