Chapter 23

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"Nicole, are you ok? Someone put some drug in our drink! Are you home? Carter told me Vaughn took you! " I spat it out all too quickly . I was worried and felt guilty about what had happened, I was the one who handed her the drink.

"Relax Elle! I'm fine...I promise." Nicole said in a mutter.

"I'm glad to hear that but where are you?" if she was still at Vaughn's I would freak out. I felt so bad for her, he had probably pranked her and left her in the middle of nowhere.

"I'm home now! Vaughn just dropped me home, I know you have questions and so do I but I'll tell you about it another time. I need to sleep... Bye Elle and thank you for checking on me." She was such a sweet girl, I seriously loved her so much! She hadn't been my friend for long but I could tell that we were going to have our friendship for years and years to come.

"Okay you'll need to spill everything though, bye" And with that I hung up. If Vaughn had threatened her again and she was protecting him, I would snap.

I had been walking around for about five minutes before I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I fished it out while silently praying it was not the masked number but fortunately it wasn't.


He ordered me to stay locked in my house and here I was... in the middle of my garden. He was going to be pissed but then again he shouldn't have spoke to me like a dog.

"Elle! What the fuck! Where are you? I told you to fucking stay but you never listen." Carter raised his voice.

"Everything is fine! I'm just in my garden, Carter. I just went for a walk and I'll be back in five minutes." I didn't even ask him how he knew I was outside. Maybe he knew I was going to disobey him . He tsked more than once and exhaled hard enough to show me he was mad.

I kept my cool, I couldn't be assed to argue right now. I still didn't know why he seemed to care about me. It was a bit weird but I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach when he acted that way with me.

"Go back home or I swear to fucking god I will chain you up next time I leave you alone!" And with that the line went dead. His threat was too scary so I fastened my pace to head back home.

I was nearly at my front door when my eyes caught sight of Carter's Audi but I couldn't spot Carter anywhere. As soon as I unlocked my front door I was pushed by Carter himself.

"What the fuck were you thinking!? What did I tell you? We don't know what this guy is capable of! He could fucking take you while you are on your little walk and kidnap you before murdering you! All I want is for you to bed safe! Is it hard to understand?" He asked in low voice, he sounded so cold as always. I hated this Carter, all I wanted was my warm caring Carter. I didn't feel cared for when he acted like this, he was being controlling and possessive. Deep inside, I was well aware that I was in danger! But he was using this as a way to control me because, that was what felt like Carter was doing.

"Do you want me to stay here or are you coming to mine's? " He asked after clearing his throat, like the past three minutes hadn't occurred. His words surprised me because for the first time ever he was actually giving me a choice.

"I don't know, my grandma... well I don't think she would let me stay out... let's just stay here?" My grandma would not let me sleep out even if it was at Nicole's or Lila's.

It was better if he stayed here and he obviously wouldn't take no for an answer. And to honest I didn't like sleeping alone in the house. I would feel safer if I had Carter at my side.

"Yeah alright that's fine we can stay here." He turned his back on me and started walking upstairs to my bedroom. I followed him up the stairs as he walked straight into my room. He slowly looked around my plain bedroom. I had been here for a month or so, so it was the reason why I hadn't decorated it yet. There was only my bed, a wardrobe and a little desk where my laptop laid. The walls were white and I had three photos sitting on my desk, one of them was me and my parents in Italy, it was taken by my grandma when I was ten. We had stayed in Milan for two weeks that summer. The second was a picture of me and my grandparents back when I was five and the last one was a picture of Carla and I. I hadn't put one up of me and Nicole and Lila yet but I was planning to do it soon.

"I know it's kinda small compared to your castle and I haven't decorated yet. I still have to but I still don't know what colour to paint it." I rambled on, a habit of mine when I was nervous.

"No it's fine I like this anyway. It's not cluttered." Carter replied as he examined my room.

"So what are we going to do today?" I was kind of nervous of what he would say and I didn't what this to be awkward.

"I don't know but if I have to go anywhere you are coming with me. Why don't we put a movie on for now?" I really hoped he didn't drag me to some dodgy place. Right now a movie was the best idea.

I went over to my desk to grab my laptop and when I turned around I noticed that Carter had already taken his shoes off and was now sitting on my bed. I was glad I had a queen sized bed, if not we both wouldn't fit.

"I'll be right back! I'm just going to get changed." I added while heading into the bathroom which was next to my bedroom.

"Look what you've done." I almost yelled after noticing a bruise in my arm from earlier. I looked at him while pointing my finger at the bruise, he eyed up from the laptop screen. His eyes went to my boobs and then finally reached my arm. His face morphed into something I hadn't seen before, he looked almost shocked by himself. After a few seconds eyeing my arm he apologized:

"I'm sorry Elle...I promise it won't happen again," He apologized before swallowing hard.

"What movie have you picked?" I said in a bored tone after ignoring his apology, I hadn't forgiven him yet.

"I was thinking about Kill Bill?" He looked at me as I jumped on the bed, a smirk was painted on his face. Did he think I didn't know what Kill Bill was? That was my mother's favourite movie.

"Oh great that's one of my favourites" I glanced at him, his eyes trying to hold a neutral face. I wanted to smile so bad, just seeing him when we are alone brought me so much happiness, not in public though because that was a different boy from the one I was looking at right now.

After we watched both Kill Bills I was pretty tired and it was around 9pm. My grandma came home earlier and I said I was going to sleep. She had gone to bed two hours ago and I was glad she didn't see Carter who was hidden in my closed when she entered my bedroom.

"I'm getting tired so I'm going to go to sleep. Alright, you can take the floor!" I whispered and pointed my finger at the floor as I switched my lamp off. Carter and I had been in the covers all day so I just rolled over waiting to feel the bed drop from him leaving but it didn't come.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor and you aren't neither. I'm sure we can sleep in the same bed without touching each other." He chuckled and I shook my head.

He said it in such a neutral tone like it was obvious we would be sharing the bed. I had never stayed in bed with a boy before. Here I was giving another first time to my enemy.

Carter got up from the bed and took his shirt off and then his socks, he ended up with his pants. I tried my best not to glance at him but it was impossible when he was now standing with only his boxers on.

"Ummm.. o..okay night." I shut my eyes praying for sleep to come.

"Goodnight babe Elle."  He muttered back.


I woke up in the middle of the night not because I was scared, I wasn't. Actually I had never slept as good as I had with Carter next to me. I didn't know why I woke up but when gathered more consciousness, I realized that my head was laying on Carter's bare chest with both his arms around me, our legs tangled together. I tried to move to check the time but that only made Carter groan.

"Stop moving and go back to sleep." He mumbled in my hair before holding me tightly. He surprised me by pulling me the whole way onto him. I had never felt more at home than right now. Part of me was telling me to run but the other part, the one winning was telling me not to move and to enjoy this ephemeral moment who tasted like heaven.

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