Chapter 8

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Lila's jokes and smiles during the school trajectory made me forget the messages for a few minutes but I couldn't pretend everything was perfect and pink. The truth was not going to disappear or be shaped into a new one.

" Really? You never had a boyfriend? Well me too... " Lila stated with her beautiful eyes wide open.

I've never had a boyfriend because unlike for the other people it wasn't my first preoccupation in my life. All I wanted was to have a good job, good life and be healthy. I had never been like the other girls. The kind of girls who only wanted to make out with strangers, drink and getting laid to forget their problems. I would never judge them though but my first time had to be with someone I loved. My first boyfriend who truly cared about my being. I literally didn't understand the girls who didn't care about their virginity and it shocked me when girls were "ashamed" of being a virgin.

I shook slightly my head, lost in my thoughts and cleared my throat before saying:

"Don't pressure yourself Lila... someday you'll find your one but please never let someone treat you like you are worthless! You're an amazing girl Lila and if someone can't see your value then give him the middle finger and show him your back. Women don't need men in general." I was still surprised that she wasn't dating because well... Lila was a walking masterpiece and I was sure she could bring every man on his knees begging for mercy.

Lila's features proved me that my words had touched her. As soon as we arrived at school we separated our ways and she left me in front of our school hallway, she had her French class. As usual she was wearing a bright smile on her face.

I took the books I needed from my locker and headed for my first class. As soon as I couldn't find my class I regretted not having asked Lila to accompany me. I was clearly going to be late. Nice for the second day. I started walking faster when suddenly one of my books fell on the ground. I was going to pick it up when I heard a boy:

" I got it !" I wasn't still paying attention to this guy but his voice seemed familiar so when I looked up I wasn't surprised at all. My eyes focused on his green ones in an instant.

Hell, no...

Before me stood Vaughn, one of Carter's friends and also one of the four guys who ruled the school. His face was prettier closer but he wasn't my type. He was grinning at me with his white and perfect teeth and I noticed some under eye bags.

I didn't notice he was talking to me until he took my hand to give me my book back. His touch made me strangely uncomfortable. He gave me a weird vibe, and not the good kind so I instantly took a few steps back. I really needed to get out of here.

" Sorry I didn't want to scare're Elena, right ? " Vaughn asked innocently with a fake smile on his face that showed me he was well aware it wasn't my real first name.

" Elle... my name's Elle and you are? Oh I think I know... Victor? " His smile momentarily fade away and a grin appeared on my face. I was actually surprising myself with these words.

His hypnotic eyes were licking every inch of my body in a way that made me want to punch him. He was trying his best to make me feel very uncomfortable under his glare. A frown on his face surprised me and his eyes seemed to darken. I instantly gazed at my shoes before clearing my throat. The pressure of his eyes was too much too handle.

" Actually it's Vaughn. Vaughn Bates. You should know that by now. Anyway nice to meet you, Elle." Vaughn stated while licking his lips, in a creepy uncle kind of way.

" Ni... Nice to meet you too... Vaughn. I should probably go before being late," I muttered, I didn't want to upset him but I sincerely needed to go.

All of a sudden I noticed my back was glued to a locker and I wondered how I got there.

" You're so hot, fuck," Vaughn promised and caged me between his arms so there was no way out.

My lungs stuck the air in and out when I got his meaning, he was freaking me out before but in that moment he was straight up scaring me.

He started touching my thigh and  going up and up and got to the bottom of my skirt, it was a skater skirt so it flowed out making it easier for asses like Vaughn.

"Get off me!" I screamed and tried to push him away as people walked back and forth in the hallway but no one seemed to notice what was going on over here. They didn't care or were too scared to interrupt Vaughn.

Vaughn laughed and moved away putting his hands up in surrender.

"It was a joke, princess chill out!" He explained  and glanced over his shoulder.

My gaze followed his to see what caught his interest. My eyes found Carter and Nathan standing at the end of the hallway with smug looks on their faces, the same smug look that played on Vaughn's face.

"Do you think this is funny? Pushing girls up to lockers and touching them against their will? " A tear welcomed my cheek without my consent.

"Aww...princess is going to cry." Vaughn said with a smile in his voice, he leaned into my ear so no one else could hear us but me.

" This is just the beginning. Trust me!" He whispered. Then, he moved away and some tears started streaming down my face. He let a devilish laugh escape his mouth again and turned to walk over to his friends. I looked to see Carter's eyes on me with a blank expression on his face. His mouth moved up in a snarl.

What did I ever do to them?

I turned away from them so they couldn't see my tears no more and started running down the hall. I went outside the school needing some air. I walked a bit far from the entrance and leaned on the wall as I took deep breaths.

" Are you ok? " My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I turned my head to meet the source that made my heart skip a beat while wiping my tears away. I was surprised to find Madden, Carter's twin, who was smoking a joint. I didn't even notice anyone was there in the begging, but then again I wasn't paying too much attention. As always.

" Sorry for scaring you, it wasn't my intention. " Madden stared at my teary face before continuing," I'm Madden and you're the new girl, right?"

" Yeah! I started yesterday. I'm Elle!, " I whispered while offering him a shy smile. Madden didn't seem like a bad guy. The way he smiled at me made me feel safe and comfortable, the contrary of how Carter's friends made me feel.

"Did someone hurt you?" he asked softly and innocently.

"Just this guy being horrible to me." I didn't want to go into details about what had just happened. All I just wanted was to go home and sleep the entire day.

"Who is he? " Madden asked sounding a bit more aggressive than minutes ago.

" Vaughn Bates...I take it you know him" I said with an eye roll.

"Yeah... yeah I know him, he is a dick, don't even worry about anything he said, just stay away from him, he isn't a nice guy you can probably tell." He laughed and I joined in. Madden seemed cool, I could see us being friends, if only he didn't have that ass of a twin.

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