Chapter 39

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The bedroom I was supposed to occupy was hardly decorated

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The bedroom I was supposed to occupy was hardly decorated. Besides the king sized bed covered by black sheets, a small and black wardrobe and a desk perfectly organized, there were no posters or personal belongings.

While I was contemplating the bedroom I didn't hear Carter walking in and it was only when he circled my waist with his arm and made me gasp that I noticed him.

"Nate is trying to cook something, you should join us," he kissed the top of my head before taking my hand in his and just when I was about to reply my phone started ringing. I fished it out of my pocket with trembling hands and heavy breathing, I was literally paranoid because every time my phone beeped it had the same effect on me.

Carter noticed my trance and took my phone in his hand and he arched a dark eyebrow as soon as his eyes met the screen.

"Is tha- that?", I questioned with a shaky voice while trying to decipher his features.

"It's Madden," at the mention of Carter's brother name I exhaled of relief. I took my phone off his hand when I remarked a furious look on my boyfriend's pretty face.

"Hi Elle! How are you? Are you free today? I thought that maybe we could hang friends ofc!" -Madden

I rolled my eyes in a dramatic way before smirking at Carter. His jaw was clenched and his features looked amazingly pissed.

"I wonder which part of "Elle is mine" he doesn't understand," he said and tried to leave. I blocked his path before he could exit the bedroom and took hold of his pretty face with my hands.

"Carter, nothing will ever happen with Madden. He's a friend of mine and I made it clear last time we talked...he isn't the Knight who stole my heart," I kissed him on his lips before he could assimilate my words and whispered between kisses:

"I love you Carter Knight."

Carter stopped kissing me before circling gently my throat with his right hand. His eyes were shining of happiness and a smile was painted in his face as he stated:

"Elle I...I would kill for you. My life has never been so bright since you steeped in, you're the breath that feeds my entire soul," His ranting was enough to make my legs shake and his words also proved that every meeting had its own meaning and purpose.

We started kissing harder than we thought we were capable of and between tangled arms, whispers full of lust and words that could only be muttered, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have him. In that moment I also learned how some tragedies lead to love.

"We have to stop babe before I eat you all," he swallowed and I nodded against my will. The food was probably almost done and the girls must've joined them by a while. While heading downstairs I sent a quick text to Madden saying it wouldn't be possible because I was with the boys and girls celebrating Sawyer's birthday. Nothing more, nothing less.

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