Chapter 11

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Where did the masked person disappear? I was sure he was real. My eyes wouldn't lie or create an illusion. I wasn't crazy after all.

My trembling fingers wavered in Cali's head and in that right moment I noticed he had stopped barking. A silent tear ran down my cheek as I wetted my dry lips. The texts I had gotten during my the last week had to be linked to that mysterious masked person. Someone was clearly having fun freaking out girls but I wasn't going to be a pawn on someone's sick and twisted game. I had to change my number.

I headed to the kitchen to drink something, I had a tasteless feeling sitting at the back of my throat and I wanted to get rid of it. The mask that the person was wearing was dark. In the forehead something like " Kiss me" was written.

It was weird. All those things started to happen since I stepped a foot in Haverhill and after the murder of my parents. The masked number warned me that I couldn't tell the cops, my grandma or Lila. So I had no choice but to try to find his identity without involving all of my closest people.

The only person who could do those awful things was the killer, right? However, the question was: why was he taking his time? I was alone almost every time at home due to my grandma who had to travel a lot. He couldn't tell me he was afraid of her?

A nervous sound escaped my throat as I shocked my head and drank a few sips of milk. I turned the light of my phone off and went back to my room. The storm outside wasn't helping my paranoia.

" Morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well?" Isabella questioned me as I entered the kitchen. With my eyelids still closed I mumbled a little hi and yep and started eating the fresh pancakes placed in the middle of our table.

" Grandma... I was wondering. Did you hear something last night? Or see...?" I asked as I stared at my cappuccino to try to look innocent.

" Besides the storm? Nothing. Why? Did you see something unusual ?" She demanded as she offered a pancake to Cali, who was pleading with his eyes.

I wanted to tell her everything about last night but I didn't want to scare her or put her in danger.

" Oh no. By the way I have to go to town. I will be back as soon as possible!" I kissed her forehead and ran upstairs to get dressed.

" Do you want me to come with you? " She suggested happily. She would find suspicious of me if I changed my number without reason. And I knew her, she wouldn't stop asking me the reasons why until I told her everything.

" No! No need! Lila's coming with me! She wants to buy a gift for her mother, her birthday is coming up soon " A lie exited my lips and I was glad that my tone didn't give away anything that could make her question my words.

I headed outside after having chosen a big and comfortable sweatshirt and leggings, my fingers holding my Iphone very tight. I entered the big supermarket after taking almost fifteen minutes to find a parking place. I would have stayed at home my entire weekend if I hadn't had the urge to buy a new phone card. Lila was in Los Angeles with her family and would only be back Monday.

I stopped as my eyes meet a boutique selling weapons. Maybe I could...Nope! Weapons were the most dangerous object that a person could own and I didn't need a weapon to protect me.

It was really dangerous and my grandma would never allow me.

After all I have my fists to protect me. I thought to myself and chuckled at the idea.

I walked toward the exit, after having bought a new phone card, my chest met a wall. Arms caught me as I had anticipated the fall already.

Madden Knight.

"Damn. I'm sorry... Oh hi Elle! How are you" He smiled at me as his arms circled my waist. My cheeks turned red.

" Hello! I'm f-fine what about you?" I answered as he took a few steps back.

" Everything's ok! I actually wanted to talk to you during lunchtime but you were with this brunette. I didn't want to bother both of you..." He was staring at me so deeply, like he wanted to penetrate my soul and steal all my secrets.

"You could have! I wasn't going to eat you..."

He chuckled and mumbled something inaudible. After staring at me for a few seconds he gently pushed up his sleeves and my eyes met dark ink. I stared at his arms covered by tattoos without blinking and my tongue licked my lips.

" Do you want to eat something it's ... almost 12:30." He stated after a quick look into his expensive watch.

" Already!? Oh my god. I'm so sorry my grandma is waiting for me! Maybe next time?"

" Yes!! Hum... I'm also sorry about your loss. Your parents, I mean. I know it's difficult but don't forget that if you need anything just let me know. " He exclaimed after clearing his throat.

" Thank you Madden. I-I can't... be-believe it happened." A quiet sob exited my lips as I tried to shield the fresh new tears rolling down my face with my hands. Madden instantly approached his body to mine before hugging me and whispering a few words to comfort me.

" Shhhh... it's gonna be ok! Look at me Elle." He ordered in a low voice and I clutched his pullover, wet by my tears. I forced my head up.
Madden's thumbs wiped my tears and I closed my eyes. For the first time since my parents' death I felt safe, it was undoubtedly strange because I had to find that feeling in someone's arms. Someone I barely knew. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he hugged me tightly, my head against his heart and following his heart beats.

" I will always protect you..." He assured and kissed the top of my head. I reopened my eyes, surprised by his reaction. I ended up huffing a thanks as my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

" Do you have your phone? I want to give you my phone number in case you need something or someone." He commented with a bright smile on his face and I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him without thinking twice. He tipped on it a few seconds before giving it back to me.

"Don't hesitate, Elle! I'm serious. I will always be there for you. That's what friends are for, they protect each other." Madden admitted and winked at me. I couldn't deny how beautiful and hot he was. He looked like an angel who was too pure for the cruelty that this world offered.

" Thank you Madden, you're amazing. " I replied before kissing his cheek amicably. I pulled away and we said our goodbyes.
Monday came in a blink of an eye and I succeeded to carry my body downstairs for breakfast. I was feeling better since I changed my phone number and received no messages and calls since Saturday. Madden and I also exchanged a few texts during the weekend. He was so sweet! I really wished his brother was like him. I didn't tell Lila about Madden yet because the last time we talked about him she warned me about him and honestly I couldn't understand.

Lila was late but I decided to wait outside, needing fresh air before another annoying school day. I was scrolling on Instagram when a notification popped up. I clicked on it and my breath caught on my throat as my eyes focused on its content.

" I dreamt about you. Me. You tied on my bed looking at me while I stroke your pussy. I can't wait to taste you and fuck your pussy. You're mine, Elle. Don't forget that. I will probably pay you a visit very soon and I expect you with your legs open. And wet."


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