Chapter 19

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As soon as we exited the Smiths, we headed straight to my house. I was still in shock from my previous encounter with Carter, I couldn't seriously believe that everything had been a lie. I was so stupid! I should have listened to Lila sooner. Earlier while thinking about him I realized that I didn't even know a lot about him and I knew nothing about his friends. I should probably try to ask Lila or even better yet Madden. I felt a little awkward bringing up his twin brother and his friends. I wondered if Carter's friends sold drugs too, because earlier Madden was about to say it was a family thing. I wondered what that meant and I wanted to know more. Lila might have known bit about that but she didn't know enough.

"Elle are you okay? You're being really quiet, what's on your mind?" Madden questioned, breaking me out of my thoughts. We have been sitting in his Porsche for ten minutes in complete silence, if I wasn't so submerged by my thoughts I would have been cringing with awkwardness.

"Sorry, yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking about today. I was also wondering if I could ask you something?" I questioned in a shy voice while playing with the hem of my T-shirt.

"Yeah of course you can Elle, go ahead." He answered with a smile touching his lips.

"Well I met a new friend today in the library her name is Nicole, as we were walking out Vaughn pushed her, and she said that he didn't appreciate her a lot. I realized that I knew nothing about him and his friends. The only thing that Lila said was to stay away from them, so I was thinking that maybe you could lighten me about them?" I said before biting my bottom lip, I really needed to know the maximum about them because they seemed to really not like me and Nicole.

Madden cleared his throat and started explaining: " Ok well I'll just give you little summaries about all three of them. I'm sure you know about Carter." He replied through gritted teeth and at the mention of Carter I decided not to answer and just wait for him to carry on, "Ok I guess first there is Sawyer which is Carter's best friend out of all of them, they have been friends since they were about five. He's kind of the joker and he will follow Carter for anything. So if Carter is nice to you Sawyer is also but if he isn't...well he will treated you the same way."Sawyer never insulted or threatened me so I was kind of taken aback by his words.

"Oh they are all on the football team by the way. I don't know if you knew that...anyway Sawyer's parents are lawyers but his dad is an ass, always threatening him with military school. Sawyer is always drinking and it makes his father mad that he isn't planning to follow his steps." He swallowed before continuing with a monotonous tone. "Nathan! He's alright actually, he seems to be the most normal out of all four of them, but I get a weird feeling around him. I don't know like it's all fake or something, his hair is actually natural blonde he didn't dye it and everyone thinks he did which pisses him off. So I suggest you not to question him about his it." A laugh escaped his lips as he ranted. " Vaughn Bates well he's probably the biggest player out of all of them. Fuck...and that says a lot. He makes his own rules and isn't about to change. His dad is a business man and his mum just a trophy wife, but that's why no one fucks with him he gets away with everything. He's a scary mother fucker and someone you really must avoid by all the costs."

Thinking about Vaughn gave me chills... he was so horrible and awful to Nicole and I. I would probably never understand his reasons.

"But yeah. That's about it, I don't really want to talk about my brother because he's just asshole. Well they all are, but Elle I'm not joking when I say to stay away from them, they aren't just some cocky high school jocks. They are the real fucking deal, they won't think twice before hurting you, they don't care because they're emotionless. Just stay out of their way and they hopefully will stay out of yours." Madden confirmed my thoughts.

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