Chapter 33

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My head was spinning as I fought to clear my blurry view, my body covered by a warm blanket

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My head was spinning as I fought to clear my blurry view, my body covered by a warm blanket. After a few seconds I finally fully opened my eyes and my heart started thumping on my chest. The bedroom was unfamiliar and dark. The curtains were closed, I glared at my watch seeing it was 3am. I was getting ready to stood up when a pain in my knees caught my attention. A few bandages were covering my injuries and reminded the late events of the previous night. In that right moment I also noticed I was only wearing a big T-shirt.

I tried to call Carter but my throat hurt a lot, I explore the house so I walked toward the door. For a few seconds I thought I was in his mansion but as my eyes caught side of the corridor and its decorations I knew it couldn't be.

"We have to fucking do it ASAP. This motherfucker must die, he could really have hurt her," I recognized Carter's voice coming from a room next to the one I was in. I carefully tiptoed towards the door open ajar.

"I called Jason already. He will do it. I have to go. Good night", when my feet reached their destination I looked at Carter who was walking around the room with his fingers hanging up his phone. He breathed out and closed his eyes a few seconds as I stared in awe at him.

"Elle you can come, I heard you." He said and I almost shocked on saliva. How could he have heard me?

I opened the door and crossed my arms. "I was discreet! How did you know?" I asked under my breath.

"I heard your footsteps. Now come closer!" He said as he sat on the king sized bed occupying the bedroom. He surprised me by taking my hand and making me sit on his lap, this reaction made me melt instantly.

"How are you, El?" He asked and his playfulness was gone. I cleared my throat before replying him back.

" I was really scared."

"I know. What happened?" I watched as his jaw contracted.

"After I got your text we were heading to the parking lot when I got a message from Nathan. He was asking me to meet him in the library...he said it was very important and he wanted me to come alone."

"It wasn't him. It's been a few days since Nathan lost his damn phone." He continued and started rubbing my thighs with his hands, chills welcoming my skin instantly.

"I thought he wanted to talk me about Maddie!" I muttered after hydrating my lips.

Carter smirked before asking: "Maddie? What makes you think so?"

"Well... they seemed to know each other at the Smiths!" I objected.

"It's complicated. He was really surprised to see her after those was unexpected. Unfortunately, it's not my story to tell."

I started biting my nail as I assimilated his words. So they knew each other...

"Did he tell you something?" Carter whispered in a growl and breaking my thoughts.

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