Chapter 29

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"Don't run"

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"Don't run"

I shook my head before trying to swallow. What did he mean by that? Why would I run? He promised he would protect me so why would I ever want to run?

"Please don't look at me like that, Elle. You have to promise me whatever happens you will stay beside me. I don't want to scare you off."

I let my eyes close for a few seconds to clear my thoughts. What could happen? The worst thing already happened to me a month ago when I found my parents had been murdered, so I didn't think anything could top that.

"You're safe with me, Elle. I wouldn't lie to you. Everything I have to tell you is heavy but you need to know that I would never hurt you ,intentionally. I would kill everyone trying to hurt you. It is so fucking crazy to think we don't even know each other for that long but it feels like I've known you for forever..." Carter whispered as he tried to control his breathing.

"I know, you were different when I first laid eyes on you. " I said in a whisper and finally opened my eyes to look at Carter.

"Elle, I'm still that same person. I just hide him when I'm with you. You do realise if we carry on going like this I could never be a normal boyfriend for you. I can't kiss you in the hallway, I can't even be nice to you half the time because the second someone thinks I'm wearing down they'll pounce." he looked at me with sad eyes and pulled me closer to him, we were standing in the middle of the guest room staring at each other when I started crying. I always seemed to be crying and I hated that pathetic figure.

I bit my lip to try to control all the emotions I was feeling but failed. I was sobbing and a second later I had my arms around Carter's neck. Hugging him like he was the light of my life. He hugged me but didn't say anything. He didn't need to. My cries were enough to fill up the empty room. After a few minutes I finally looked up at him as I tried to wipe my face with my small hands.

"Elle... you're safe with me. I will always be there for you... believe me. Please. It's just you and I. Always."

A smile escaped my lips and in that tight moment I knew. I knew how much Carter was important to me. I knew I would have done anything to see his playful smile and big and wonderful eyes. I also knew I was falling for him, hard.

"Damn! Nicole needs me!" I cleared my throat and tried to head to the door but Carter's strong hand swallowed mine.

"She's fine" He chuckled before kissing me on my left cheek.

"Ho-how do you know? He doesn't like her but don't worry she hates him too." I said with confidence.

"Vaughn doesn't—- you know what? It's late! Let's go to bed! " Suddenly he stood up and took his shoes off.

"Carter Knight! What did you say about Vaughn? " I questioned, never taking my eyes off him.

He gripped his hair before answering : " Trust me he won't hurt her."

How was he so sure about it? Did he really witness how much Vaughn hurt her with his bullying? She could barely meet his gaze and every time one of us talked about him she always changed the conversation.

"Elle trust me on this. Elle trust me on that... seriously? We just met and I don't give my trust that eas—" I chuckled but didn't have the chance to finish my sentence because a fake mad Carter jumped on me.

"We just met, huh? Last time I checked I had my fingers inside you and you were moan—". Heat burned my cheeks as I stopped Carter with a French kiss. Every time my lips met his soft ones I wanted more. He was killing me so slowly, it was so painful but I loved it.

"We have to stop before I eat you alive." He muttered breathless and I nodded automatically.

I was still in shook when he took of his pants followed by his black T-shirt. I stared at his perfect body and involuntary licked my swollen lips. Wait a minute...

"Carter! You can't sleep here!" I bellowed as I tried my best to clear my thoughts who were still lost in Carter's abs.

"Too bad because I will. I'm not leaving you tonight so don't fight me. "  He dropped his weight on the bed before hugging me. I wasn't in the mood to fight him too so I nodded, I was so freaking tired.

"Goodnight Elle"

"Night Carter"


The following day, Nicole and I walked to the front of school with smiles painted in our faces. I checked my surroundings and tried to find the only boy I cared about. He wanted to drop me home but I refused because Nicole wanted to take me back home. It was also the first time I had a good night since my parent's death. I glanced at Nicole and noticed how different she seemed. She looked happy...I seriously need to talk to her about last night.

"Girls!!!!!" I heard a familiar voice and Lila jogged toward us before hugging us tightly. She adjusted her uniform before telling us how much she missed us, Nicole and I told her what happened with the boys.

We were still standing outside the school when a red Porsche parked in front of the school. It was the first time I had seen that car so it caught my attention.

"Oh my—"

"The rumors were true... she came back!" Lila whispered in a almost inaudible voice.

What were they talking about? I was going to ask for details when I saw a girl with brown blue hair exiting her luxurious car. She was petite and very cute. Her hair was amazing, it was ombre blue at the bottom.

"I thought she would never come back... after what happened!! " Lila kept staring at the girl so I turned to Nicole whose gaze was also glued to the new girl.

"Can you tell me what's happening ? Who's she?" I whispered and stared at the girl. She walked toward the entrance with her head up and I noticed people were muttering behind her hands. I tightened my blonde ponytail as the bell rang.

"We have to go but later you have to tell me who she is!" I stated and Nicole and Lila shared glances.

What aren't you telling me?


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