Chapter 20

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" Thank you so much! " Lila and Nicole voiced simultaneously and I smiled at my grandma who was exiting my bedroom after dropping a tray of cookies in my bed. All of a sudden, Lila put an entire cookie in her mouth while Nicole took a little and small bite to savor its taste.

We were all in my house for our sleep over to clear our minds, we all needed a "girls night". I closed my eyes as my lips moved as Cry Baby by the Neighbourhood played from my Beats Pill.

" Girls... I have a request." Lila said in a whisper and my eyes popped open. Nicole dropped her second cookie and stared at Lila.

" I got an... invitation for this party and I was thinking maybe we could go?"

" Damn hell! The freak, no." I declined and arched an eyebrow at her. The last time we went to a party it I didn't go as well as we expected. I also didn't want to cross my path with Carter and his dumb friends.

" It's not a good idea!" Nicole added and lowered the volume of my Beats Pill.

" Please! It's at this guy's from the football team and I highly doubt the boys are gonna show up. I heard Sawyer talking about them all going to Boston tonight. So I'm sure they won't be there!" Lila begged and jumped out of my bed.

"And you think the football players from our school are better? They're all jerks. Period." I replied and crossed my arms to deepen my statement. Lila was cute thinking that they were any better because all boys were the same. No exceptions.

" Elle! Nicole!! Please. I promise if you want to leave the party we can leave straight away!!" She promised and I exhaled hard. Lila was stubborn so I knew nothing was going to change her mind. I looked at Nicole while chewing on my low lip.

"Do you wanna go?"

" I'm not used to parties, I really think we should stay her but if you want to go..." Nicole replied before adjusting her glasses. Lila begged a few more times and I finally agreed at the top of my lungs:

"Ok ok ! Huh! You won. But if someone wants to leave then we do and if I see one of the boys... we leave!" I really didn't want to breathe the same air as them, I really couldn't stand the sight of them anymore.

"Thank you girls! I love you!!" Lila screamed happily and hugged us one by one.

"I don't have anything to wear to the party." Nicole spoke up and pointed her finger at her outfit, Lila gave a her a smirk before winking at her.

"Don't worry girl, I got you! " She stated with a bright smile.

I headed for my wardrobe and my eyes went directly to a black skirt but I refused to wear a skirt to a party so I took my black ripped skinny jeans and my white crop top. Lila took out two beautiful dresses from her big bag and I laughed under my breath. It was already in her projects to go to this party. My eyes went to Nicole as she looked at the dress Liza had pulled out for her. It was a back tight dress with mesh strips going through it.

"Lila, I can't wear that...I've never worn anything like that in my life." Nicole communicated with embarrassment in her voice.

"Try it on, I already know you will look sexy as hell. " Lila beamed and she put on her purple skater style dress, who was too short for my liking.

Nicole walked in my bedroom about five minutes later and my jaw fell to the floor. She looked great, the dress fitted her curves perfectly, like it had been made for her. Her brown hair was down and it was wavy and shiny.

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