Chapter 5

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After Lila and I said our goodbyes,  she promised we would see each other at lunch, I was glad that I had made a friend! It wasn't exactly on my agenda to make a friend but now I was pretty glad I had, she seemed lovely and we got a lot really well, I guessed it was true that opposites did attract.

I entered my first class. English. I was happy that I wasn't starting my first day on a new school with maths because I hated that boring and torturing subject. English was by far my favourite one.

I glanced around my new and big class room and I noticed that it was surprisingly empty. This classroom, like the entire school, screamed "we're rich and not ashamed to parade it". I shook my head. Some people really had now idea on how to spend their money.

Just as I got to look at my white phone, a middle-aged redhead intercepted me.

"Hello, you must be our new student, Elle Taylors?" The teacher, I presumed, said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Yes! Hello. That's me! " I said  shyly and cleared my throat as more students entered the classroom and scanned me. I instantly blushed, I hated to be the center of attention.

"Hi! I'm Miss Smith! I will be your English teacher for the year, please take a seat." The woman added and inspected the rest of the class.

Miss Smith was around forty and seemed nice so far, she had a very calming voice and kind green eyes. You could always read people through their eyes and I got the sense Miss Smith and I were going to get along, well as much as I could get along with my teacher.

I walked over to the back of the class room to take a seat, just as I heard snickers.

"I thought they took the trash out before we came to school, looks like they missed some," A girl whispered loud enough to be heard by all the people present in the classroom and laughs erupted around the big class who seemed to be smaller now. I tried my best to not show any emotion and sat on my chair normally. I looked up, curious to see who had said the not so funny joke. My eyes instantly fell on a brown medium haired girl wearing high heels and a skirt that didn't give too much for the imagination.

She was skinny as a stick but had the perfect curves. Her arms were crossed and the awful smug proved me that I had found the queen bee. She looked like she was about to step in a nightclub with the amount of makeup she had caked on and it looked as if half her buttons of her shirt were down. I could see nearly all of her red laced bra, if she didn't have that smug bitchy smirk on her face she would probably look about ten times better.

I did the best thing I could by ignoring them and took my books off my old backpack. I was pulling my pencil case out when the laughing suddenly stopped. It obviously caught my attention, the principal must've came in to steal everyone's attention. I quickly looked up and my eyes widened all of sudden.

Sawyer, Vaughn, Nathan and Carter...

They walked in like they owned the place, not moving their glances from the seats they took in the back of the class. Miss Smith seemed strangely on edge and nervous and the bitchy girls began playing with their hair. Everyone else in the room kept their heads down as if trying to melt into the chairs while queen bee moved slightly closer to one of them, Carter, I think his name was. By the looks he was the alpha of the group. You could also sense the power coming of him like a wave.

He was also the guy who saw me at the pharmacy and the same one I thought was staring at me that night.

Queen bee leaned and whispered something inaudible in his ear. I couldn't look away and he whipped around and caught my eyes staring at him. He smirked and turned back around as I swallowed. Thank Lord I thought he was going to come over here or something... maybe he didn't know it was me at the pharmacy the previous night?

Stop thinking of him Elle and focus on English.


As soon as the bell rang I packed up my books and headed to my next class, I couldn't wait to end this day. I was already tired and I was surprised I hadn't fallen asleep earlier in the English class.

I was lost in my thoughts when I bumped into a wall -again- and all my books crashed across the floor.

"Fuck! Sorry!" A male voice spoke and I abruptly recognized his voice.

I checked up to meet dark blue eyes and a mop of blond hair on a very handsome face, he was around six feet towering over my five feet eight frame.

He was in the pharmacy too...

"No no it's fine I'm sorry, I was in a world of my own." I basically whispered remembering Lila's warnings. I hurried to get all my books from the ground when he unexpectedly kneeled to me. Well that was really nice of him but I had to be careful with him and his friends after everything I had heard.

"It's fine I do that all the time." He said in his deep voice as a laugh slipped past his beautiful lips. He didn't seem too bad. What was Lila making a big fuss about?

"I'm Nathan by the way." Nathan smiled and went to shake my hand. I couldn't deny how hot he was. I hesitated for a second before taking it and offering him a smile back.

"I... I'm Elle nice to meet you." I replied while shaking his hand.

"You're the new girl right?" Nathan asked while arching an eyebrow. His blue eyes were studying me and I could feel my cheeks heat. He knew me and it didn't surprise me. Just as I was about to answer, his friend, Carter joined us.

"Damn! Nathan what are you fucking doing? Come on I'm not gonna fucking wait the entire day." He said in a moody and harsh voice. He was a few inches taller than Nathan, so a freaking giant to me. He sensed my gaze and looked me up and down, I fought the urge to run.

After an uncountable long seconds he finally snarled and it wasn't the reaction I expected.

"All right chill the fuck out I was coming, bye Elle see you around! "  Nathan smiled at me before winking, earning a growl from his friend.

As they stalked off, I exhaled of relief. They obviously looked like they didn't recognize me. Maybe I was worrying for nothing?

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