Chapter 34

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"Carter... who were you talking with last night
and why did you actually sound like you were threatening someone's life?" I stated while taking a small bite of my pancakes.

It was 10am when we decided to leave our bed against our wills. I slept like a baby with Carter always spooning me and holding me tightly. I could still remember the sensation of his lips giving small pecks on my shoulder to wake me up in a peaceful and delicious way.

"Maybe I was?" Carter half joked. We were sitting on a couch occupying the living room with a tray of breakfast separating us. I turned my eyes off the movie we were watching before swallowing.

"Elle. This masked motherfucker hurt you last time! What do you think I'll do once I'm facing him? What do you think I'll do to someone bullying my girl? He will get what he fucking deserves." Carter replied before standing up and heading to the kitchen. I was automatically following him when a picture hanging on the wall made me stop on my tracks.

On the old picture were three kids playing in a garden, one of the kids was crossing his arms while he watched the kid on his right playing with a few toys. The kid on his left was smiling and waving at the camera.

"Is that you?" I asked after clearing my voice, pointing my finger to the boy with his arms crossed. Even as young as he was he looked pretty intimidating.

"Yes," Carter whispered before surprising me by circling my waist with his arms.

"And Madden?" I replied before leaning into him. All I got was a nod. I stared at the other kid, the one at his left and tried to guess who he was.

"He was my cousin, Hunter King. We were the same age..." Carter started before loosing up his hold on me and taking a few steps back. I glanced at him as he ran violently his fingers on his dark hair.

"He died two years ago in a car accident. He loved illegal races, it was his heroin. He was good at it to be honest but one day it didn't go well. It was fucking thundering so I told him not to do it but he never gave a fuck about other people's opinion." He closed his eyes while taking a deep breath before continuing in a lower voice:

"He had an accident... and didn't survive."

My heart was pounding on my rib age as my fingers played with the hem of my t-shirt.

"It's not your fault! Please don't blame yourself! Carter!" I took the remaining steps forward until there was no distance left between our chests and took my hand on his before kissing his palm.

"It's... maybe if I had stopped him. He would still be alive! When I got his text I was fucking partying at Sawyer's celebrating the end of the school year. I fuckin-" I stopped him with my finger placed on his lips before bellowing:

"It. Wasn't. Your. Fault! He was addicted to racing as you said so I'm sure you wouldn't have stopped him even if you tried! It was his choice that night! He was aware of the danger that night! It wasn't your fault, Carter! " I repeated before holding his face with my small hands. Carter inhaled after shaking his head.

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