Chapter 9

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The week went by a blink of an eye. I was still surprised I survived my first awful week. I didn't interact with Carter and his friends since my encounter with Vaughn and that was a win. Maybe these rich and problematic boys got bored. My only and remaining problem was Billie.

I still didn't understand her sick obsession with me. She would often say snarky comments whenever she saw me and she occasionally pushed me or bumped into me. It was just childish. Her bitchy friends would just go along with whatever she said so they where just as bad. I didn't want to get into a fight in my first week so I always let it go but they couldn't misunderstood my shyness with weakness. I had claws too. I was like a bomb... you didn't know when it was going to explode until it exploded right into your face.

I also didn't get new and scary messages so it confirmed my thoughts, it was just a prank.

" Are you... gonna wear this ? To a party? I mean it's... acceptable but you know..." Lila said while chewing her thumb as she tried to hide a laugh. She convinced me to go to a party, I really wasn't in the mood to go for multiple reasons but we were talking about Lila. She was quite convincing when she begged with her puppy eyes.

My grandma didn't put a fight on it and it freaking surprised me. She probably wanted me to have fun and live the best life I could so there I was standing in front of my big mirror.

I stared at my cute outfit. Denim shorts and red T-shirt. Acceptable?

"Don't you like it? " I frowned, Lila was wearing a black crop top with white and green patterns. She looked like a goddess who was ready to crush some innocent hearts. Her long brown hair was tied up in a high ponytail. I eyed her black heels with a red sole before explaining:

"It's exactly the outfit for a party... I don't want to draw any attention to myself, there are so many sleazy people at parties like this." After what happened that day with Vaughn I just didn't want to be socialising with people who could potentially be like him. I knew it was my high school experience so I was supposed to have fun and not care about negative people like him but still. I wouldn't take the chance.

"Maybe I could just go to the next one?"I thought to myself.

I didn't drink but Lila did and so did every one else probably, they would be drinking alcohol like it was fresh water and they were in the middle of a desert.

" You know we could stay here and watch The Society....yeah! We can order pizza too! " I turned my gaze full of happiness toward Lila.

"Noooopppe! I never went to a party.... nobody invited me and I really want to go to this one! PLEASE ! I promise we can leave whenever you want and I won't drink a lot ! " I knew she was lying about the not drinking much thing because she told me how much she liked to do shots, and she showed me videos of her doing that at her cousins birthday's parties. Let's just say she was kind of a party girl without actually being one. She gave me her best puppy dog eyes, I mean how could I say no to them? She would be my death.

" Ok .... you won but if I'm not feeling comfortable we leave without protesting ! " I pointed my finger at her while putting my Vans old skool on and she nodded quickly.

We screamed a goodbye at my grandma and entered Lila's expensive red car. A Porsche 911 Gt3 Rs. Lila came from a healthy family but she didn't let the money blind her because was still sweet, kind and mostly honest. I was lucky for crossing her path. In a way she reminded me of Carla.

We arrived at our destination and my jaw instantly dropped. It was breathtaking. It wasn't a "house" it was a damn mansion with plenty of expensive cars parked here and there. I asked Lila if we were in the wrong place and she chuckled. She was obviously used to this kind of luxury but I wasn't.

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