Chapter 22

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I stormed out of Carter's bedroom while slamming the door so hard that it made the floor physically vibrate. I was practically running down the stairs when I saw Madden coming up, his face softened when he noticed me.

"Elle.. Elle are you ok? What are you doing here?" He questioned while looking me up at down, I was still shocked by Carter's words that the answer didn't come automatically. I just kept staring at him with tears in eyes. The frown on his face proved me that he got the wrong idea of why I was in his house with messy hair and messy clothes, my shoes clenched between my fingers.

"My fucked my brother didn't you? You won't go near me but you fuck my brother. I get it now, you have a thing for bullies so if I start treating you like shit will you sit on my dick too?"

My breath caught my throat as my heart dropped into my stomach. I was at lost for words.

"For your information Madden, it didn't happen. I didn't "fuck your brother"! He brought me here for some reason I don't know. And I thought we were friends but obviously we are not, I never want to hear from you again. No one talks to me like that! I've had it with you and just about everyone so do us both a favor and forget me, you're a clown just like your twin." I explained as I pushed him with my hands to make him stumble back.

I made my way downstairs and out the door, I was also shocked by the words who had exited my mouth. Never in my life had I ever spoke like that but I wouldn't let people push me around anymore, I was tired of being everyone's punching bag. I was going to find out who drugged me and Nicole. Speaking of Nicole, I needed to make sure she was okay and not at the bottom on the ocean because well, being left alone with Vaughn wasn't an experience a normal person wanted to have. Deep inside, I still couldn't believe that she was with her tormentor.

After putting my shoes on I shielded my sleepy eyes from the sun who attacking me. I swallowed hard, I was expecting Madden to run after me and plead for forgiveness but I shouldn't have been surprised when he didn't.

I took my phone out my pocket and unlocked it to call a cab. I had no clue where I was, woods surrounded their house. Their mansion looked the same as in the movie Twilight. The Cullen's one.

It had been twenty minutes and I was still waiting on the corner of Carter and Madden's house. My taxi was taking forever and I tried calling him twice but no one answered. Just as I was about to get up and started walking back home, because at this point it would be quicker, I noticed about six black suvs driving into the garage. It seemed a bit doodgy. Maybe Mr. Knight had a meeting or something? Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Carter comimg out of the front door while carrying a gym bag in hand. He walked down the steps as another black suv pulled up. The person driving rolled down their window as Carter handed the bag to them. He didn't say anything just nodded. Carter waited for the suv to drive away. I was happy no one caught sight of me.

Just when I thought I was safe, Carter's eyes met mine and he looked so angry that he reminded me of a monster. He walked up to me and grabbed my upper arm violently before pushing me into the wall in the side of this house. I was scared-stiff as I made a few attempts to swallow.

"Why are you still doing here? Spying huh? Again." I wiggled to get out of his grip but he just kept tightening his hold on me. I shook my head slightly.

"N-no! I was trying to reach for a taxi. I called them for twenty minutes straight and they didn't answer back." Carter's cold face didn't move an inch, probably trying to decipher my words. He looked emotionless.

"What did you see... Angel face? I suggest you to tell me before I lose my shit because you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time and it's pushing me to have to do something I really don't want to do. So what did you see or what do you think you saw?" He spat at me with such venom that I could feel my insides turning in fear, was he going to kill me? I only saw him give a bag to someone so could he really hurt me for such a thing?

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