Chapter 31

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I hadn't seen Carter and the boys the entire day so I was getting worried. I tried to call him but no answer. Madden was also no where to be seen but he had at least the ability to answer his phone. He told me that he caught a cold so he had to stay home, he also explained that Carter and the guys had to do something for Thomas Knight, their dad, but he didn't specify what they had to do. Since the first time I met that man I had a bad feeling about him so I wasn't very happy to see all of them skipping school for him.

After a long day I was exhausted. I speed-walked towards my grandma's car with Nicole and Lila following my shadow. We decided to go to the Smiths to chill a little, I also needed a good muffin and cappuccino. I pointed my hand to my car before turning my gaze. Maddie was walking towards us with a familiar book between her hands.

"You forgot your book in class!" She chuckled before handing me my heavy English book.

"Damn Maddie, Thank you, you're a life saver. Did you know that?,"I cracked a smile at her as Lila opened her back window and begged:

"We're going to the Smiths! Please come with us."

Maddie looked at her black shoes as she bit her lip and danced on her feet.

" Yes! Please come with us! You have to try their cappuccinos!" I bellowed before tucking her jacket. I could hear laughs coming from inside my car.

"Elle and her cappuccinos...true love. I ship them." Lila stated, making a small laugh escape my own lips. I glanced with puppy eyes at Maddie and after a few seconds she exhaled:

"Ok...fine! Let's go!! I have my car so I will just follow you!" She winked at me before turning on her heels.

I was bout to turn the engine on when I heard my phone beeping. I quickly took it out of pocket while praying it wasn't the masked man. Relief submerged me when I read "Carter" on my screen.

"Where are you?"

I rolled my eyes as I tipped my message, saying where we were going.


"Freak... it's delicious!" Maddie whisper-yelled and licked her lips full of mousse of cappuccino. I laughed and gazed at Nicole next to me. She was eating, laughing quietly under her breath and Lila was in front of us with Maddie at her side.

I let my eyes examine Maddie's face. She was so awesome and surprising. Earlier she seemed shy but now she was always joking and opening to us. We had only met today but I could say she was going to be special to me. The same occurred with Carla, Lila and Nicole.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Maddie interrupted my thoughts and I noticed I was still staring at her. I shook my head before clearing my throat:

"Sorry... I love your hairstyle!" I said before talking a gulp of my warm coffee. The addictive scent and taste made my eyes close in awe.

"Thank you! To be honest I regretted once I paid for it. I almost cried that day... and my mom was shocked when she saw it! Well, I loved my brown hair but I just wanted to change. Now I'm used to it and love it so much!"

Lila approved with a nod before answering:

"I fucking love it! Damn girl, it's stunning!"

"Girls... stop I'm blushing!" Madelyn joked as she grabbed my muffin before taking a bite. I faked a murderous look on my face and laughed uncontrollably before apologizing.

"Tell us Maddie! Why did you leave Haverhill?" Lila asked and I kicked her foot. She couldn't ask about her past just like that, Maddie only knew us for a few hours.
Lila's eyes widened before she muttered a little "sorry".

"It's ok. " Maddie reassured us before adjusting her skirt. I was about to change of conversation when she continued," After what happened... I had to leave...I couldn't s-stay here after that night. Everything reminded me of him, about what happened..." She stared at her coffee.

"Maddie... you don't have to!" I said before taking her hand on mine and interlacing our warm fingers.

"It's ok, Elle!" She repeated before offering me a shy smile,"We still don't know where he went or is. I was constantly fearing what could happen, I couldn't stop crying. Nightmares started and all I saw was him... that night. I knew I was safe because nobody knew where we were but it wasn't enough. I was paranoid and depression hit me too. So let's say it wasn't easy but I'm here now and stronger than I've ever been...," Tears welled her face and we all followed her, "I started taking defense classes and it helped a lot...and a few months ago I decided it was the right time! My father's grave is here in Haverhill and not being close to him and visit him whenever I wanted hurt a lot."

"We never talked before... but you seemed to be such a wonderful girl. I wish I had had the courage to talk to you..." Nicole whispered before taking her glasses off.

"I always liked you! I used to saw you in the library...You have good tastes in books by the way!" Maddie winked at Nicole before continuing: "When I was thirteen I had a best friend but she just betrayed me in the ugliest way possible so that's the reason why I still have trust issues. Since then... I've always been on my own. It didn't bother me though."

The girls and I wiped our tears left and Nicole apologized before walking towards the W.C.

"Maddie, thank you so much for today... you didn't have too but you still did it. You're so strong, we are friends now so please if you need something you can count on us!"I promised my newest friend.

I was about to invite her to a sleepover or a girl's night when the door of the Smiths opened and it caught my attention. I wasn't surprised to see Carter and Sawyer as they walked to us. Maddie was still talking to Lila when Carter sat next to me and asked:

"Missed me?"

I took my time and gulped the rest of my coffee before replying:

"Between you and me? Nope!" I stated before crossing my arms. Sawyer chuckled after winking at Lila, making her blush. Carter laughed before looking at my friends and his eyes narrowed for a minute. He was looking intensely at Maddie as she tried to avoid eye contact. What the fuck?

"Ohh you're the girl wh—" Sawyer started but didn't finished. Nicole didn't hide her surprise to see them as she came back. I motioned Carter to stand up and let Nicole take her place again, he took a vacant chair and Sawyer joined him.

"I think I should go, it's getting late!" Maddie jabbed and Nicole nodded. The Smiths' door opened once again and Vaughn and Nathan entered. Vaughn's gaze instantly fell on Nicole who was trying her best to make herself look smaller.

"Fuck Carter!! This crazy chick called Vaughn again! She wants to fuck him s-" Nathan started and stilled when he noticed Maddie's presence.

"Madelyn?" Nathan hissed with a soft voice. " I didn't know yo—you were back. " Nate's "asshole" facade disappeared in a few seconds as he kept staring at my friend.

"I'm-I'm so sorry! It's getting late! I have to go. See you soon!"A tear burned Maddie's cheek as she stood up and ran toward the exit.

What the hell...


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