Chapter 30

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"So... can you tell me who she is and why you both acted like she was a ghost from Christmas' past?" I asked with my arms crossed and I let my eyes wander in the cafeteria before meeting Lila's big eyes once again.

"Her name is Madelyn Cartier. Maddie for short and she used to live here before." Nicole who was sitting next to me replied in her usual small voice, she wasn't as happy as earlier, instead she seemed back to being normal Nicole. Getting ready for something bad to happen but not ready at all, she was so small and vulnerable. She reminded me of a broken kitty and I wished she could just come and stay with me and my grandma.

"She was the quiet girl. Always reading a book, she really lived in her own world. I mean... she wasn't shy but she always wanted to be left alone," Lila continued after clearing her throat a couple of times. "Anyway, it all happened that night. It was game's night and the football team was playing against their rivals so it was kinda an important game for everyone. "

I listened carefully to her. Something told me this story wasn't going to end very well.

"Maddie was inside the school because she was working on a school project and..." Lila sighed before shaking her head. I moved closer so I could hear her better.

"At that time there was this guy called Dylan. He was also in the football team and he caught an interest for Maddie. We don't know why but every day he offered flowers and then he invited her on dates but Maddie always kept turning him down. She hated attention on her and girls started hating on her because she unexpectedly grabbed his attention," she sighed,"After the game, there was a party organized and Dylan invited her and for once she accepted. He told her the party was at this house but once she arrived at this house... there was no one. "

I widened my eyes and I didn't understand. There was no one at the party?

"He lied to her." Nicole added before adjusting her glasses and I looked at Lila as she played with her bottom lip.

"The party wasn't at his house. We don't know the details but Dylan...." Lila looked at the table as if to gather her thoughts after she continued.

"He r-raped her."

My hand was glued to my mouth by the end of her sentence, I wouldn't have thought that would have happened to her. I don't know why but you just didn't expect bad things to happen like this so close to home. Naive I knew....but when you stopped and thought about all the fucked up shit that happened everyday around you, it just made you dark. But on the other hand you had to realise, this stuff could just happen to anyone when we didn't expect.

"He was supposed to go to jail but he disappeared. Even his family doesn't know where he went. I'm sure he's hiding somewhere but his karma will come though and it'll bite him in the ass when it does ..." Lila lowered her voice in the last sentence.

"Oh my god... wh-what did she do?" I asked as I swiped a tear.

"She was living with her mom because her father they moved and now she's back."

I felt physically sick to my stomach. This poor girl had been through so much shit and still has the courage to come back. She was literally a survivor. Suddenly the whispers all around us lowered and I turned my head and was surprised to see Maddie. She had her EarPods on as she wandered her gaze in the cafeteria. My phone beeped and I took a few moments before grabbing it. I exhaled of relief when I saw Carter's name. He and the boys had "shit to do" so he wouldn't be eating at the cafeteria as planned.

"Elle..." I recognized Lila's voice before hearing another female's voice.

"Hi! Can I sit there, please?" My eyes caught sight of Maddie who played with her EarPods in her little fingers. Her cheeks were red from embarrassment as she stared at me before looking at Lila and Nicole.

Nicole nodded as I answered:

"Yes! Of course!!"

Maddie whispered a "thanks" before taking place next to Lila who chewed her thumbnail nervously. Maddie took her sandwich of her bag and was ready to put her EarPods back on when I interrupted her.

"I'm Elle! Nice to meet you! You have a nice car." I raised my hand and she looked surprised before smiling shyly and introducing herself.

"I'm Maddie! Nice to meet you too and thanks!" Her face was flawless, her grey eyes were breathtaking and I couldn't stop staring at her long blue-brownish hair.

"I'm Nicole! And this is Lila!" Nicole added and pointed her black thumbnail to Lila.

"Oh! I think I recognize you... we had classes together two years ago. I'm glad to see you again!" Maddie explained to Nicole after taking a bite of her sandwich.

"What's your next class?" I questioned.

"English I think...and you?"

"Same and Lila here is with us!" I glared at my bestie whose cat got her tongue.

"I'm glad you're back! Wait...I mean to see you again! It's been a long time... we used to cross our paths in the hallways." Lila swallowed as she examined Maddie's emotions. The later nodded and took another bite of her sandwich.

"Well, I thought it was the right time. I was ready, staying away to clear my mind allowed me to heal."

Maddie explained how shitty her last school was but she loved her house there. I tried my best to make her smile and feel comfortable. After eating lunch, we headed to our class after saying bye to Nicole who walked to her philosophy class.

"Thank you for today. For allowing me to eat with all of you, it was cool." Maddie muttered again before taking a deep breath.

"Maddie!! Don't thank me!! It was a pleasure and you're always welcome! Please don't hesitate to come to us!"I told her and she answered with a nod. Lila had her thumbs up as she winked at Maddie, making her chuckle. I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed there was no message from Carter. What was he doing and where was he?


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