Chapter 35

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"Maddie...please! He's hiding somewhere and I'm sure he will never come back in Haverhill!" I tried to convince my newest friend as she kept ranting about Dylan, her worst nightmare. Dylan knew he was still under the radar of the police, they would catch him without hesitating if he decided to come back. He must be hidden somewhere secluded from the civilisation.

"She shouldn't be worrying about him," Nate said in almost an inaudible voice and I frowned at his weird comment, "He will never hurt her again," he added as he finished Sawyer's joint.

"Where are you, Elle?" Maddie asked clearing my thoughts.

"I'm at Nate's. We have to meet someone who will possibly help us to find the masked man." I jabbed before hearing the bell ringing, Carter and the boys instantly stood up and left me.

"Nathan Walker?" She questioned and I closed my eyes to inhale deeper.

"Yes... I will probably spend the entire day with them to try to find something. Lila is arriving tomorrow... maybe we could meet up at the Smiths? The four of us?" Voices erupted from the corridor proving me the boys were coming back.

"Cool!! See you tomorrow, Elle! Text me if you need something!" We hung up after our byes and at the same time the boys entered in the room with a blond guy following their shadows.

"Hi! You must be Carter's girl? Elle?" He stepped forward to shake my hand. "I'm Jason Masters, you can call me Jase." I caught sight of the piercing on his lower lip, tattoos occupied almost the entire surface of his arms too. He was good looking but not my type.

"Nice to meet you!" I replied after clearing my throat and his grey eyes examined my face before he inquired:

"Same. Carter told me everything. I'm gonna try to find an IP or something. Can you show me the texts, please?"


We spent the entire day looking for anything. Jase was certain the masked man used different phones to text and call, he was sure he changed them so we couldn't track him. At 2pm Vaughn finally graced us with his presence and for the first time he wasn't hostile towards me.

At 9:30pm Carter decided to bring me back home. He wanted me to sleep another night with him but I couldn't. I needed to take care of Cali and the house but I still promised him I would call if anything looked anormal. It's been three months since my arrival in Haverhill and I could still remember the first weeks. I still didn't know why he decided to bully me. To be honest even if we got really close there was a lot of unanswered questions. That needed to be answered.

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