Chapter 27

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I sat on the sofa completely in shock, dropping the chocolate square I intended to eat

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I sat on the sofa completely in shock, dropping the chocolate square I intended to eat. It was the guy who assaulted me at the bonfire. All of a sudden all these bad thoughts entered my head and they were all related to Carter.

Carter could have had done this, I would like to think he hadn't but the look in his eyes that still haunted me every time I closed my eyes. He didn't look human. Sitting down thinking about it, I didn't know anything about him. We've never had a deep conversion, I didn't even know him and I already got into bed with him. He didn't seem to like me half the time and I had been thinking that I might be able to fall in love with him.

He was probably acting like this with every new girl he met. He never took his time to get to know me and he had never given me the opportunity to get to know him. Before I knew what I was doing, I had my phone next to my ear and it was ringing, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey what's up Elle?" He said in a cool tone, putting emphasis on my name as if he was telling the people around him to lower their voices.

"I was watching the news, Carter, the guy at the bonfire he's...he's dead. He was murdered. was you? Wasn't it?" I tried to keep a steady voice but I knew it came out shaky. What could I say? I was scared so scared, my hands shaking uncontrollably. I heard breaths for about five seconds before he answered.

"I'm not talking about this on the phone, Elle. But no, I didn't kill him. We will talk about you questioning me about it later because I'm confused... what made you think that? Wait I'll be at your house in a few. So don't worry your pretty head and go take a bath before getting into bed. Don't wear any clothes though, no point I'll have them off within two minutes." With that he hung up before I could protest.

I threw my phone on the floor next to the tv and screamed hard. He made me crazy! He treated me like a child, like my say wasn't as good as his. I was tired of being the little girl who needed him to protect me so he could fuck off. I was not being treated like some slut waiting for him, if he wanted that he could go to Billie's house. I calmly took a few breathes and picked up my phone, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Hey Elle! Are you okay?" Nicole said in a sleepy voice and I eyed my watch before swallowing the lump in my throat, it was already late.

"Hey yeah I um think so.. is it okay if I sleep over tonight? It's fine if not... it's just that I don't want to see Carter right now and I really need to talk, I don't think Carter knows where you live so it will be fine. I just don't want him to show up." I was breathless by the time I finished voicing my thoughts. I just needed to get out my house before he arrived.

"Of course. I'll send you my address in a second! Next time you don't have to ask, Elle! You're always welcome! " we said our short goodbyes and I told her I would be with her in about half an hour. I jumped of the sofa and went upstairs to pack my over night bag. I was bringing my essentials. Pjs, tooth brush...that stuff, so it only took me five minutes to pack my things. Cali was sleeping quietly on my coach as my fingers played with my phone. I headed to the kitchen to fill his bowl of water and food, I would only be out a few hours.

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