Chapter 6

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My first day wasn't that bad - besides the glances I got full of hatred.  I also heard some people talking about my scholarship and it taught me how fast news went in St-Williams Knight.

My phone who was hiding on my pocket beeped so I fished it out, I frowned when eyes landed on a weird text.

" You didn't realize yet but I'll get you in the end."

I stopped breathing, my hands were shaking uncontrollably and my phone almost crashed on the floor for the second time in the same day. Who could have sent this message? The number was masked so it was impossible to track it. Nobody had my phone number, the only one were my grandma and Carla but I highly doubted they were capable of such a thing.  All of sudden something occurred me and I had to steady myself against the lockers.

The murderer... he wants to finish what he has started.

I was panting now and my vision stared to blur. I checked on the corridors but nobody was there...

Maybe it's a stupid prank...

After a few minutes, I finally succeeded to control my breathing, I adjusted my backpack and headed for the cafeteria while trying to clear my head. It was lunch time already.
The cafeteria was full of people, laughs, chatters... my head started to pound. I was so tired. I found Lila in the corner who was waving a hand to me and my mood changed instantly.

I could feel a couple of stares looking at me and then what I feared the most happened.

"Her parents died now she's living with her grandma..." I heard a guy saying from my right.   He didn't even tried to whisper as he talked about me.

"Damn we have to be careful... she was the probably the one that killed her parents because I mean look at her, she looks like a psycho." A girl joked and I held back my tears. Their words couldn't reach me, I had to be stronger than these spoiled children.

"Hi Elle! How are..." Lila said once I arrived at her table. She stopped eating after a quick look at my face. I wiped a tear and muttered a little hey. How could she still to want to stay with me after those rumors?

"Elle...I am begging! Please don't listen up to them. They are trash... " My new friend hissed as she glared at someone who was laughing while looking at me.

She took my hand and smiled at me.
"I'm with you now... I know we met today but I feel like a bond was created between us."

Lila was an angel. Her words were the power I needed. I composed myself and added:

" What can I eat? I want carbs...and a Cola too. Oh and I really need my daily dose of chocolate ! " I chuckled to show them how unbothered I was by his comments.

While eating, Lila explained that she had been living in Haverhill since always. Her father was a CEO and her mother a housewife. She had a little brother called Daryl too. Lila was trying her best not to speak about my parents and I was grateful for that initiative of hers. I wasn't ready to talk about them yet. The scars weren't healed yet. As I tried to enjoy my meal with her, my thoughts wandered in the message I got earlier.

"Then there's Billie, the popular and mean girl. She's really a demon...oh there she is." Lila erupted and her eyes looked behind me. I followed her eyes and my gaze met the brown haired girl from the English class.


I glared at her as she headed to a table already occupied by a boy, his eyes were hidden by his platinum blonde hair. He was really good looking. Billie said something to him before smiling at him. After a few exchanges of whispers she turned on her heels to join her minions.

"Who... who is that? " I questioned Lila, my eyes were still glued to the boy with platinum blonde hair. He had a bored look plastered on his face as his thumb scrolled through his phone.

"Ahh it's Madden Knight. He is Carter's twin brother. He's... someone to avoid too, for short. He isn't like Carter but I don't know he's weird...not weird like a nerd but... really strange."  Lila dragged out the last word in a tired defeat.

As he could hear us he looked up and his eyes met mine. He wasn't as scary as Carter but his eyes were in the same shade as his were. I blew my hair out of my eyes and took a sip of my cherry Cola.

"To be honest he seems to be kind of nice but I haven't had a real conversation to know him for sure" Lila added while scanning the cafeteria with her beautiful eyes.

I was about to question Lila about Madden when the cafeteria's door flied open and everyone got silent. Carter and his friends waltzed in and sat on a empty table in the middle of the cafeteria. My eyes couldn't help but linger on them and I stared at Sawyer and Vaughn more specifically.

Lila confirmed me that Vaughn was the dark haired guy who had penetrating green eyes. Carter hid his darkness behind his twisted smirks but Vaughn Bates was the one who barely smiled and joked and didn't mind to hide how vicious he was. He wore the uniform like everyone else but on him it just looked more...expensive. According to Lila, he had a drug addiction.

On the other hand, Sawyer was the joker one. His hazel hair was long enough to be pulled out with a girl's fingers. He was also the smallest in the group, Lila affirmed that they all played football and were respected by everyone in the town.

" You should be careful Elle... they are no good. You have to believe me when I tell you they own this all town. All of them together make a cocktail of problems. Carter's family owns this school for your information. Actually, in St-Williams Knight we don't usually have new students during the middle of the must be the reason why Carter is glaring at you right now," Lila muttered in a shy and almost inaudible voice.


After finishing school, I went straight home. Lila tried to convince me to go shopping with her but I refused. The first day had been full of surprises and it drained all my energy. I told my grandma about my first day, excluding the boys and the unknown message. To be fair Isabella had already warned me that people were going to talk about my parents.

Later, I was reading a book when my phone buzzed on my nightstand. I dropped it against my will and took my iPhone nonchalantly, I wasn't surprised to find a text from Lila. She wanted to pick me at home the following day to go to school because she was fully aware I had no car. I considered it and agreed with a huge smile on my face.

I brushed my teeth and when I was about to slip in bed my phone beeped again. I was sure it was another text from Lila but I was completely wrong.

" You look adorable in your night-dress but take it off and touch yourself."

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