Chapter 10

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Even after several attempts I couldn't mutter a word. What was I supposed to do? Beg him not to hurt me and forgive me? Pretend it wasn't me? Or play dumb?

The only thing I was sure about was that he wouldn't believe my lies. Carter was the kind of guy who had always a poker face on. Sometimes you thought he was happy but he just wanted to murder you.

I was in the same situation right now. His eyes were glued to mine and I tried to look for something - anger - or something similar but I got  nothing.

" Cat got your tongue ? Elle... stop looking so gormless and sit." His tone was harsh and dared me to refuse. He had the key of my liberty on his pocket so I couldn't leave.

I shut down the silent prayers dancing in my head and walked toward the bed to sit next to him.

I joined my hands between my thighs and stared at the floor. He gently touched my hair and closed the space between us.

" What did you hear?" He repeated and I knew that he was losing his temper.

" I... Noth-Nothing. I..." I lied in the lowest voice, wondering if he had heard something besides my breathing.

" Stop lying to me... I hate liars. You heard us." He stated before taking a strand of my blonde hair between his fingers, I shuddered at his touch. I also couldn't lie, he knew the truth. He saw me. I wasn't going to pretend any longer, it would only make his anger increase. I wanted to find Lila and leave this hell zone.

" I did and... I'm sorry! I won't tell anyone." I cried and lost the control I was pretending I had. I didn't care he was witnessing me in my worst state of mind. After the murder of my parents, the bullying at school, the frightening texts, I was done pretending to be something I wasn't.

He stopped patting my hair before opening his tempting lips and explain:

" Right. Don't try something you'll regret. Your reputation isn't already good and I'm sure you heard the rumors about your parents..."

I turned my gaze full of tears to him and saw a hint of amusement of his face. He was obviously enjoying this miserable situation I was stuck in.

" Please Carter... Let me go. I won't tell anyone, I promise! " I pleaded in a whisper and tried to decipher his emotions.

" Of course you won't or... I noticed your're always with her. I don't think you would want something bad happening to her and your grandma, Isabella."He threatened and wiped my tears with his thumb. He knew my grandma?

Was he really threatening them? I knew I should have stayed away from this party, from this school even. Carter wasn't the monster who slept under your bed. He slept inside your head and made you question your sanity.

I nodded more than a few times and he reduced the distance separating his face from mine but was interrupted by the ring of his phone. He abruptly took the key and his phone out his pocket.

" Get out and see you soon. " He promised and handed me the key.

I took it without wasting a second and literally ran toward the door. As soon as reached the threshold I remarked that he hadn't answered his phone. He was waiting for me to get out first. I looked one last time to him and met his scary stare again.

I hated not being insensitive of his beauty.

" Before you go, be caferul who you trust Elle. The devil was a fallen angel."


I stared at the lines with of the book in front of me, trying to assimilate the words but my mind went straight to Carter and that unexpected night. After I found Lila, we went home. She was looking for me after waiting almost thirty minutes to go to the toilets.

What did he mean by that? I knew I had to be careful because the world was full of fake people but maybe he knew something that I didn't?

Someone knocked on my door and I shouted for her to enter. My grandma was in her pajamas holding a tray with cookies and milk.

She was the best.

" How was the party Elle? Did you have fun? " Isabella said while putting the tray on my nightstand. What should I answer?

Actually I hated it, I slapped a guy and hid in a room to find out that it was already occupied by my enemies.

Nope. I couldn't be honest knowing she didn't know about the pharmacy episode.

" Yeah... It was cool. " I answered while faking a smile.

" I'm glad to hear that. You deserve everything honey. I'm going to bed! If you need something just yell! " She comforted me before kissing my forehead.

I continued my reading after she left. Something occurred to me so I instantly unlocked my phone. It was late but after a few rings the person answered.

" Hello?"

" Hi Carla how are you ? " I retorted with an happy tone.

" Elle babe? Oh my god. How are you? I miss you so much! Nothing is the same after you..." Carla explained and I detected a hint of sadness on her tone.

We talked for almost an hour about everything. School. Her family. Her new boyfriend. His name was Travis and was a new student in her school. I was so excited to hear about how life was treating her.

" And you Elle? Did you find your soulmate yet? " She chanted and I could imagine her mischievous smile. Carter appeared on my mind and I frowned at the intrusive thought. I couldn't tell her about him.

" Nope! But I met a new friend. Her name's Lila and you would love her."


I was sleeping when my phone started ringing. Who would call me at 2:30 am ? I growled in disbelief.

"Hello ?"

I waited a few minutes but I couldn't hear anything. I gazed at my screen and shocked on my saliva.

Masked number.

I approached my phone of my ear and asked with a shaky voice," Who are you?" The only thing I could hear was someone's breathing.

I threw my phone on my bed and wiped a fresh tear. It couldn't be real. I hesitated to wake my grandma up and tell her everything but I couldn't. She was safe the less she knew.

My IPhone beeped and my opened my eyes.

" Why did you hung up ? The chains on my mood swing just snapped."

I stood up and heard Cali barking. I speed walked toward the living room where he normally slept. He was in front of one of the windows and couldn't stop growling.

My phone buzzed on my hand but I didn't give a shit about it. My eyes went out of the window as my heart beat a dangerous rythme. What if he was outside ?

I examined my surroundings, looking for something or someone. It was dark and windy. I huffed and shocked my head. Maybe the wind scared Cali?

I was about to go back to bed when something caught my attention and my knees could barely stand my weight.

There, outside was someone wearing dark clothes. He was wearing a mask.

I blinked a few times.

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