Chapter 18

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The hugs, kisses, smirks thrown at me... everything was fake. Carter was fake. He was a good actor since I fell for it. He only wanted to play with me until he got bored. In the short amount of time we had spent together I had already started falling for him. I should have known that a guy like him wouldn't date me or reciprocate the same feelings for me. Deep inside, I knew it could not be real, I was just sugarcoating the truth.

I stood up after a few minutes, I checked the hallway and it was empty. I had some time to spare so I decided to go to the library. I was a little surprised that I hadn't visited it sooner. In my previous school Carla and I used to come to the library at least twice a day.

Libraries were always a place where I felt safe... like home. I meant home like when I lived with my parents because now it felt completely different.

I whispered a shy "hello" to the old librarian and she smiled at me. I headed for the romance selection because it was the only kind of books that didn't bore. I always craved the stories where the main girl met a bad boy that would eventually break her heart but in the end of the story they would have a big family and a few cats and dogs.

As I was choosing a book I noticed that next to me was a girl looking at the cover of a familiar book. I smiled after laughing under my breath.

" I loved this book, You should read it but get ready to cry."

The little brunette with big glasses looked up at me and grinned.

" Well I already read this book... it's one of my favorite reads ever and this woman is literally the best!" She pointed her finger at the author's name in the cover.

" I agree! I breathe for her books!" I muttered and we shared a little laugh.

" I'm Elle Taylor's. Nice to meet you!"

"Nicole Reed. Nice to meet you too! "  The girl with a British accent replied and shook my hand.

We spent a few minutes talking and I learnt that Nicole's parents were lawyers and they lived in Haverhill since Nicole was five. She was an only child who loved reading and writing, she was also pretty unsociable. She literally loved all the movies I loved. Well, I had found my soulmate.

" You're new ? I've never seen you before. " She examined me through her glasses. She had beautiful blue eyes.

" Yeah... I'm..." I explained about my parents' death and my grandma. I was scared I would start crying in the middle of my rant but I was surprised I didn't. Talking about my past and its ghosts actually felt good. I was also fully aware that I couldn't keep all my thoughts and emotions caged up forever and expect they would disappear from my mind.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know!" She cleared her throat with an apologetic shake of head.

" It's fine..." I nodded and winked at her. My phone beeped twice so I fished it out of my back pocket . I looked at the screen before exhaling hard of relief.

My grandma.

I'm back sunshine! How are you?

I smiled dumbly at my phone after texting her back.

" What's your next class? " I questioned as Nicole closed the library's door carefully.

" English, what about you?"

" Same! How didn't we meet sooner?" I asked and Nicole laughed while adjusting her glasses. Suddenly someone bumped her from behind making her fall on the ground.


"Be careful the next time nerd." Vaughn shouted without apologizing.

" Wait who do you think you are? " I stepped in front of Nicole, protecting her from Vaughn.

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