Chapter 14

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The Smiths was a little and comfortable dinner in Haverhill. The last time I was there was with my grandpa. I was devastated because we had to move and I didn't want to leave. The connection between my grandpa and I was really strong. We had an unexplainable bond and he was my hero.

Now I was in front of Lila, staring at my food.

" Elle... we should do a girls night. This weekend you can come at my place. My parents aren't home and Friday there's another party..." She suggested while licking her fingers full of ketchup. After the last party we went, I didn't particularly want to go to another and I wasn't in the « party » mood.

" Girls night? I'm not sure... I'm not really in my best. " I explained and took a sip of my cherry Cola.

" Elle it will be cool! Just the two of us. Oh! I also forgot to tell you that tomorrow and Wednesday school is canceled because of what happened earlier." Lila stated and traced her bottom lip with her tongue.

I was about to answer when my phone buzzed on my pocket and I glanced at Lila who was eating like a starved man. After taking a few seconds, I finished it out of my pocket and my breath caught in my throat.

" I want to take you somewhere. Tonight. I will pick you up at 9:pm. - Carter. "

How did he get my number? And where did he want to take me? Maybe it wasn't a good idea. It would be late. After what happened today in the lockers room I thought he would have given me the silence treatment. Crashing my feelings on the floor because well, my feelings were growing up with every glance I shared with him. I loved the way my heart beat every time I was near him. No one made me feel like Carter Knight did.

After we finished eating our burgers we headed to my house to watch a movie. I really loved spending time with Lila, she had the ability to change my mood in a blink of an eye. My grandma seemed happy too. She enjoyed seeing me laughing and socializing when Lila was around.

When it was getting late my friend decided to go home. I had to get ready as well because it was already 8:00pm. I wasn't planning to tell my grandma that I was going out with a boy. I didn't like to lie to her but I had no choice because she would worry about me and question me.

At 8:30pm my grandma was already in bed and sleeping peacefully. I didn't know what to wear but decided to choose a sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings. I tied my big blond hair up and put my Vans on. I patted Cali's head who was sleeping in my bed and grabbed my phone before leaving the house.

It was already dark outside, the air was chilly. I spotted a car hidden behind some trees and walked toward it. A black Lamborghini. I really wondered how my nan hadn't woken up.
I opened the weird scissors style door and stepped in.

" Hello Carter... where are we going? and why did you want to take me out that late? " I asked and eyed him. He was wearing a black hoodie with black pants. His hair was disheveled and a few strands shielded his eyes. He was so hot. After smirking at me he leaned close to me and kissed my cheek after muttering in my ear:

" Hi babe."

He completely ignored my question. As I put my seat belt on I could sense his gaze on me so I looked away and locked a hair lock behind my ear.

" Can you tell me where we are going ? You know it's late I shouldn't probably be—" I started as I looked at the trees surrounding us.

" Surprise. " He muttered as he started his car.

" Are you gonna kill me?" I joked and smiled at him. He stared at me deeply and frowned.

" I would never hurt you." Carter affirmed after clearing his throat. He gently took my hand to reassure me as he speeded up.

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