Chapter 3

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As I was driving home I couldn't stop thinking about that stare. Those indescribable eyes. The conversation they were having in a innocent tone.

After what happened to my parents not that long ago, I was terrified about that boy's words, I knew I was probably being paranoid but I heard him right, right ? Or where my ears tricking me?

« We should have killed his brother too. I hate this fucker, he's a piece of shit. »

If I wasn't wrong, if my ears weren't deceiving me, he was talking about murdering someone. He talked like it meant nothing. Like if it was normal to talk about murdering a person in the middle of a pharmacy late at night.

Could he really take someone's life away?
What if they knew who killed my parents, what if they....

No! Elle stop!

So many ifs... I couldn't help myself. I most properly heard them wrong. I had been blasting music in my ear phones for the past month. Yeah it was that.... And even if I did hear them right why would a few teenagers boys want to kill my parents? I was just being irrational. I wasn't in a movie and I should probably stop watching Sherlock Holmes movies. They were no good for my mental health after what happened.

I arrived home about ten minutes late, still little shaken up but I brushed it off and opened the door, put my grandma's medicine on the side and walked up to my room taking two steps at the time. I knew I shouldn't react this unfriendly way but I just didn't have the energy to see my grandma right now, I needed to go and have a warm shower to relax my muscles, get into my new and comfortable bed and blast some music through my headphones and read. That always made me feel better, some people would turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, from what I had seen, but not me, I just wanted to lay in bed with a good book and my music and never get up again, never interact with anyone again.

I wanted to turn my thoughts off.

After my shower I brushed my teeth and walked to my room with my fluffy white towel and my long blonde hair draped down my back. I picked out my panties and opted just for an oversized t-shirt, I never wore a bra when I got to bed and honestly didn't understand girls that did, why suffer while sleeping?

About an hour later I finished a few chapters of one my favorite book and I felt at ease again. I glanced at the time on my phone and it read 11 :33.

I better get to sleep.

I had to wake up at 7 in the morning. I was starting in a new school and I had to be in good shape. I was so scared but I had a simple plan, and that was to be invisible. I was planning to keep my head down and get my diploma. I still wanted to be a lawyer, that was all my dad and I ever wanted of me and I was also going to make him proud. It was a perfect way to honor him and it was the latest thing I could do for him.

I didn't want any highschool drama, no catty girls, no bad boys, no parties, and nothing in between. My best friend would be the library itself and the bathroom stalls. I really missed Carla. She was my best friend and the only one who was always supporting me no matter what. When I explained her what happened and that I had to move, she was wrecked. I could still remember her beautiful face without makeup covered by tears.

I shook my head, completely lost in my thoughts. No one was going to get in my way. I was fine with being invisible. It was like being a ghost. Just like my parents, only I was still suffering while they were resting in peace.

Just as I was falling into my well awaited slumber I saw something outside my bedroom window and my heart made somersaults.

His eyes.

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