Chapter 37

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"Madden kissed me" Those words came out of mouth before I could stop them and Carter's eyes darkened, his features barely recognizable

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"Madden kissed me" Those words came out of mouth before I could stop them and Carter's eyes darkened, his features barely recognizable.

"He fucking what?" He asked while trying to calm his breaths. I gulped as he took a few steps forward until there was no reminding space between our chests.

"I'm so sorry!!! I-," I spat too quickly before being stopped by his hand around by throat. I didn't dare to move, with my back against the wall. His fingertips started to examine my lips and his black eyes followed their movement.

"Did you fucking love it? Did you stop him?" He questioned before tightening his hold on my throat and my eyes closed by themselves.

"Carter... stop! I pushed him away!!! I would've never kissed him! He came home last night and he wanted to "talk" to me... and then we were talking and all of sudden he did it." I promised after clenching my teeth while my eyes started burning. My statement made him take a step back.

"I will fucking kill him, Elle. I swear I will." He replied with his eyes closed as he dusted his hair.

"Carter!! Please don't! Don't hurt him! He's your brother and my friend!"I almost yelled as laughs came from downstairs.

"Brother or not he isn't allowed to touch my shit and he fucking knows it." He leaned on to whisper in my ear and a spark of shivers came to life momentarily. I hated the way he talked about me, like I was his plaything. He was always so possessive but he never proved me he really liked or cared about me. I was so confused and I couldn't continue following this pointless path.

A wave of anger welcomed me and before I could notice I pushed Carter hard, taking him off guard and making him stumble backwards.

"I'm not your plaything, Carter. How dare you reacting like that when you don't even give a damn about me? You told me you never date and are not interested in a serious relationship so why are you playing with my freaking feelings? Can't you stop this torture?" I whispered as a tear escaped my eye before I could blink it away. I knew my words surprised him when he narrowed his eyes before shaking his head.

"You think this isn't serious to me, Elle?" He asked with a painful look in his big eyes. Only a couple of times had I got through to the real Carter Knight, and this was one of the few times I actually might have hurt him. Carter took a few more steps away from me while still shaking his head as he looked as if he was fighting with himself. With his own and sinful demons dancing through his darkest thoughts.

"What is this to you then? if you obviously don't think it's a serious relationship. Because like it or not but this is fucking serious. Serious as it gets and if I ever find out someone has touched you again in anyway I disapprove, I will rip their dicks off and make them eat it... without regrets. You are my weakness." I was about to reply even though I had no clue what to say but before the words could form in my mouth he was always already walking out.

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