Chapter 2

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One month later

It was like everything had been in slow motion for the last month and I couldn't turn my brain off. Memories were the only thing that lasted, you couldn't get rid of them no matter how hard you tried. However, there existed two different types of memories. The good ones those who people loved to remember them. Their first kiss, their wedding day... the face your boyfriend made when you accepted his proposal but the bad memories didn't work like that.

A good memory drew a shy smile on your face but a bad memory brought sadness, tears and most particularly nightmares. Sometimes I wish I could forget everything or restart my life all over again with the knowledge that everything is ephemeral.

A tear escaped my eye as I stared at ceiling of my new room. I had no choice but to live with my grandma. Her house was bigger than my last one.

When she found out about the murder she was devastated but tried her best to bring a smile to my face. She was failing but it wasn't her fault because how could I be happy after what had happened? Life was tasteless without the happiness my parents used to bring. How could I handle this ?

I knew deep in my heart that I had to fight and mostly survive this battle. My parents wouldn't want me to give up. Life was like a game, it wasn't always fair. However if you played with your hopes and heart you would win in the end.

"ELLE! Honey! Can you please come here?" My grandma yelled at the top of her lungs.

I sighed and reached up a hand to touch my temples. I couldn't stay in this room my entire life.

I got up and started walking toward my bedroom's door but I freezed mid-step. My eyes met the big mirror and I studied myself. My skin was pale. My blonde hair wasn't  bright anymore and my big blue eyes were puffy. I shook my head before turning my gaze and exiting my new bedroom.

" Elle! You should..." My grandma whisper-yelled and her fake smile fade away as soon as she noticed my appearance.

" I'm not hungry... if that's your question. I'm sorry. I haven't been a good company..." My voice was firm but low in volume at the same time.

Grandma nodded slightly and a look of disappointment appeared on her wrinkled but cute face. I turned my eyes and noticed an apple pie.

My favorite.

"Oh my god! I forgot to buy my medicine! Darn! I have to go to the drugstore ... I'm so sorry Elle!" My grandmother Isabella growled after closing her eyes.
It was getting late, she shouldn't go alone.

" Don't worry! I can... I can go! I remember where the drugstore is situated." I responded while staring at her.

I didn't know this town by heart but I still remembered where the supermarket and the pharmacy were situated . My grandma took me on a tour the first week I arrived here in Haverhill and I still remembered how to get there.

I also used to live in Haverhill when I was only a child but, when my dad found a new job in New York, we had to move to another state. My grandma decided to stay here with my grandpa, the later died two years ago. I still remembered the way he smiled at me, like I was the breath that fed his lungs.

"You can bring Cali with you! You shouldn't go out alone... it's getting late! And you need to sleep. School is starting tomorrow..." She stated and I brushed her words off before heading to the entry hall.

Yeah. I was starting in a new school tomorrow. I was a little anxious because I hated  to be « the new kid » and the cherry on top was that the school in question was St-Williams Knight High. You literally had to have at least eight zeros on your bank account to be accepted in that school. I was shocked when they offered me a scholarship. They inexplicably knew what happened with my family.

Cali, our golden retriever, was quietly sleeping on the big coach. I turned my gaze back to my grandma and explained to her that I didn't need him and she sighed in defeat.

After ten minutes I finally reached my destination. As soon as I entered the empty drugstore and walked to the counter to buy her medicine. The pharmacist smiled at me with tired features and I offered one back. The pharmacy was mysteriously quiet but I shouldn't have been surprised because it was quite late. However, for some unknown reasons I wasn't at ease at all. I was lucky I got in time, they were going to close in a couple of minutes. After paying I walked toward the exit but stopped dead in my tracks.

"Fuck! Did you kill..."A male voice muttered and I prayed they couldn't hear my heartbeats.

I knew I shouldn't be listening. Curiosity kills the cat as we said. I also didn't  know if the guy was talking on the phone or was with accompanying a friend, I couldn't see him from where I miserably stood.

"We should have killed his brother too... I hate this fucker... he's a piece of shit." I heard another male and rough voice. My eyes widened in surprise after that sentence.

I had to leave before they caught me...

"I have to buy condoms!"A different male voice growled and a laugh followed.

I took a few steps back, carefully, but suddenly my phone started ringing.


I turned my back and started running, not caring anymore of the noise I made anymore. I could hear footsteps behind me... they were following me!

"Hey! Stop!" Someone shouted while I reduced the distance that separate my car and I.

I glanced back but I regretted it as soon as my eyes met a dark stare. I unlocked my car and speeded, not even bothering to put the seatbelt on.

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