Chapter 16

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"Thank you so much Madden! You really didn't have to do this. " I thanked Madden for the fifth time in a few minutes. I really couldn't help myself, he was the sweetest.

After Carter beat up that guy, I ran away and saw Madden, he insisted to bring me back home so I accepted. I wasn't in the mood to put up a fight and I was sure Carter was following me. I couldn't believe he did that. In my entire life I had never seen anything like it, he looked like a wild animal. Ready to kill.

"Shh Elle it's okay, that's what friends are for, and I told you if you ever need me I'm here. Whenever you want. Always here for you." he explained in a soft voice and winked. Madden was one of the nicest person I had ever met, everything he did was selfless, he never expected anything in return and it was kind of rare those days.

Just as I was about to get out of his car I turned around again and bellowed, looking straight at his eyes.

"Seriously Madden thank you I don't now what I would do without you!" I leaned over and gave him a small friendly kiss on the cheek. He smiled and nodded.

"See you at school and don't forget I'm only a phone call away if you need me, I don't know what happened tonight but whatever it was I'm sorry."

With that I got out of the car with confusion in my thoughts.


I woke up to my phone buzzing, I took a quick look and saw it was Carter who was trying to join me. I decided to ignore him, I didn't want to talk to him after what he had done the previous night. I got that it was "for me" but he went too far, the guy could've been really injured and could have ended up in the hospital...well that was probably the place where he ended up. It was already 9am so I jumped out of bed and wiped my sleepy eyes before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I hated sleeping in late even when there was not school, the thought of school made me shiver, I was going to have to face Carter and his friends and the cherry on top... Billie.  I was not ready to see anyone, I just wanted to hide in my room forever.

Just as I was walking to the bathroom my eyes caught a piece of paper on the floor. Weird. I gulped hard before bending down to pick it up.

" You look so cute when you sleep, so innocent and vulnerable, I left you a little present under your bed, maybe wear it for me tonight?"

I couldn't breathe and my knees gave up instantly. He was here last night and was watching me sleep. He could have hurt me! I needed to do something about this.

I brought my knees up and closed my teary eyes. I fisted the little note and repeated it in my head.

A present?

Just as I bent down I saw a red box with a bow on top of it. I didn't trust him. It could have been something dangerous or... someone's head?

After a few attempts, I finally found the courage to open it and was surprised to find red lace panties and a matching bra. My fingers touched carefully these pieces of clothing. It looked expensive, something I could never afford to wear. I swallowed hard and grabbed angrily the box before storming downstairs to throw the boy  in the bin. There was no way I was keeping it and if he thought I was going to wear lingerie bought by him - or her - he was dumber than I had thought. A freaking clown it was what he was.

I went back upstairs to call Lila. After all the events I couldn't be in the house all by myself the entire day. I was literally freaking out every time I heard strange noises.

As I chewed my thumb I heard Lila's voice: "Hi El! What's up? Before you say something let me apologize for yesterday. I should have left as soon as they showed up. I'm sorry, I can't lose you. Please forgive me. " She begged with a low voice.

I had completely forgotten about the the Smiths episode and I couldn't be mad at her because such a little thing. It hurt in the moment but the way I acted was just anger in words. There were things more dangerous than Lila drinking a milkshake with my enemies. I was being stalked by someone, possibly my parents' murder and being harassed by Billie at school. Carter was two faced and the worst was that he got under my skin.

"Yeah it's fine, don't worry about it. I think I overreacted a little, anyway do you think you can come over for the day? We can make pancakes and watch Harry Potter?" I replied while caressing Cali's head.

" YES! Say no more I'll be there in five, I'm still in my pjs just warning you," she joked and squealed down the phone. Lila was literally the metamorphosis of the word "joy".

" Ok, see you later." I said as a laugh escaped my mouth. Then ended the call before glancing at my pjs...guess there was no need to change them.

Just like she had said, she showed up exactly five minutes later in her fluffy pyjamas with kittens on them. She was holding the Harry Potter box set in her hands and she kissed my cheek and chuckled.

"Let's get this shit started!" She shouted while moving her hips in a funny way. She walked past me and sat down on the couch.

It was 8pm when Lila left, we watched five Harry Potter films and I felt like a brand new person. We did face masks, made pancakes and also ordered pizza. I also told her about the kisses I shared with Carter and my friendship with Madden and what went down with Billie. She was so understanding and she always comforted me when I was about to let the tears have their way down my face.

I was so glad that we decided to spend the entire day together, she was the sweetest and most wonderful human being. Our friendship had a special place in my heart.

After taking a long and hot shower, I decided to read before going back to bed but I couldn't focus on it with the scary storm thundering. Cali couldn't stop barking neither so it wasn't helping my paranoia.

I reached for my phone and dialed Madden. He picked up instantly.

"Hey Madden! I know it's late but can you come over?" I asked biting my nails, he could without a doubt hear the desperation in my voice.

"Hey, Elle. I'm so sorry but I'm out of town for the night, my friend had an away game in Nashua but I'll be back tomorrow. Did you need something?"

The only person who could help me was out of town and Lila was probably sleeping by now.

"It's just that I keep getting these weird messages, Madden. Someone broke in last night and it happened multiple times before that too, I'm so scared Madden! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner... I was just so freaking scared. Now it's thundering and I jump at any noise." I blurted out, I couldn't keep everything to myself, I really needed to tell someone and Madden was the best to tell out of everyone. I didn't even want to tell Carla because I really didn't want her worrying about me and she lived far away so wouldn't be able to do anything. There was no point telling her basically.

"What the fuck Elle? You should have told me before, I wouldn't have left you alone! Make sure you closed all your windows and doors! Don't call Carter I have a feeling he's behind this." He said in a serious and worried voice. A breath caught in my throat as I thought about his last words. Could Carter really go that far?

" think Carter is behind that?" I asked in a small and shaking voice.

"Who else would it be?" He exhaled and in that right moment Billie appeared in my thoughts.

"Maybe it's Billie. She threatened me multiple times this week." I whispered and glanced outside to check my surroundings.

"It's probably them together, you're aware that they are fuck buddies right?" He asked innocently and my heart skipped a beat.

"Madden it's getting late...I will call you tomorrow! Good night." I said under my breath.

"Night Elle... " I hung up before he could finish.

I couldn't believe Carter and Billie. I knew they had history and they had slept together in the past but I certainly didn't know it was on a regular basis. The way Carter acted with Billie made me think they were over.

I turned my light off and closed my tired eyelids.

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