Chapter 1

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"Christian, get off your lazy ass and go find a job!" my wife screams at me. "Oh my GODDDDDD. Get off my back already!" I yell back. We are fighting again, the fifth damn time this week! I got fired from my last job at the hospital because they said they didn't need me anymore. I hated that job anyway, not like I cared that I was fired. My wife, Milena, DOES have a job. She works at the Italian restaurant downtown. So why does she need ME to get a job? She makes plenty.

I sigh and stand up. "Alright, alright," I groan. "Gimme the newspaper and I'll look for a job." The paper is thrown at me from the kitchen, where my oh-so-lovely wife is standing. I roll my eyes and look through the paper. "Hm.. Garbage man.. Recycling.. Librarian.. None of these sound any good, Milena!" I call to her. "FIND ONE!" she yells back. She comes storming into the room, an irritated look on her face. She snatches the newspaper from my hand and looks through the ads. "Here. Do this," she says, pointing to an ad. I squint my eyes to see, the writing is so small.

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is looking for a security guard to work the night shift, 12 a.m. to 6 a.m.," I read. I look up at her and stare at her. "Seriously? You want me to work at a KIDS' pizzeria? With those stupid robot things that sing and dance? No way." "You're going to work here and that's final, Christian," she snaps. "You're going to go to Freddy's right now and apply for that job." "Fine," I say. I walk to the kitchen, grab my keys, and leave the house.

Ten minutes later, I arrive at the restaurant. I walk inside and immediately hear the annoying sound of the animatronics' songs and children screaming and laughing. I ignore it the best I can and go find the manager. "Hello," he says, a bright smile on his face. "What can I do for you?"

"Um, I'd like to apply for the job here. For the night watch?"

"Ah, yes, come this way."

I start to follow him to a back room of some sort. "Here we are. This is the room where you will be staying all night," the manager says. My eyes widen. "What?! No way!" "Sorry, son, do you want the job or not?"

I sigh. "Yeah.."

"Okay then. You start tonight, come at 11:30 so I can explain more to you."

I smile and shake his hand. I turn and speed walk out of that place. The manager seemed a little stressed and creepy. But I guess if you are the boss of a huge kids' pizzeria and you hear nothing but screaming, laughing, and animatronic singing all day, you'd be stressed too, right?

"Milena, I'm home!" I call through the house. "Did you get the job?" she asks. "Yeah. The manager just kinda.. Gave it to me. Didn't ask questions or anything." I say. "Hm.. Well, when do you start?" she asks. "Tonight," I reply. I sit down on the couch and decide to take a long nap before I have to stay awake all night.

I open my eyes and blink until they adjust to the dark house. I look over at the clock. 11:15. Perfect, just enough time to get to Freddy's. I splash some water on my face and grab my keys. I climb in my car and drive to the restaurant. I arrive at exactly 11:30. I see the manager standing in front of the building.

"Hello, Christian!" he calls. "Welcome back. Ready to start your first night?" "Ready as I'll ever be," I reply. He smiles. "Alright then. Remember where your office is, and also keep in mind that you can't leave for any reason during the night. Is that understood?" I nod. "Yes, sir, thank you very much." "You're welcome. Good luck, son," he says. He grins again and pats my shoulder, and then sends me inside to start my shift.

The first thing I do is check the cameras. It's only 12:05. Everyone's in their place. What are their names again? Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, and.. Ducky? Chicky? Oh, right, Chica. I glance around my new office and laugh to myself when I see a poster of Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy all together. I stand up and poke Freddy's nose, and it makes a squeaking noise. I laugh again. "How stupid," I say. This whole thing seemed so childish. I went to college to become a video game designer, and then I ended up in the hospital, and now at a children's pizzeria with creepy animatronics working the night shift? C'mon.

I go to poke the poster again when I hear the wooden floor creak. I freeze and check the cameras. Everyone's in their place, but.. Oh, crap! Bonnie's gone! I check every camera, but can't find him anywhere. I gulp and turn around, then hit the button to turn on the lights. A huge purple bunny pops up in front of me. I scream and close the door. I lean back, hand on my chest, and breathe heavily. "Oh my God..," I whisper.

I turn the lights on and see that Bonnie is gone now. I sigh in relief and open the door. I check the time. 5:45 a.m. Only fifteen minutes left. I look at the screen and see how much power I have left. 9%! Oh God! No! I think. My heart is pounding so hard, it feels like it's about to burst through my chest.

It's 5:50 now. "I'm gonna make it," I tell myself. Suddenly, the power cuts off. I can only see through the dim light that's left, and it's dead silent. I hold my breath and sit back in my chair. I hear a deep laughter, followed by a chime that sounds like a creepy music box playing. "What the..?" I mumble. I look in the doorway and see a pair of eyes and teeth glowing, the eyes staring right at me. Freddy. The chiming cuts off. The laughter stops.

Everything is quiet again.

Everything goes black.

I hold my breath once more and wait to die.


The loud screech causes me to fall out of my chair. Freddy screams at me again and I cover my ears. He grabs my wrist and holds it tight. Damn, he has a strong grip. He opens the door to the back room and pulls me inside. He turns on the light, revealing shelves upon shelves full of empty animatronic costumes. My eyes widen when I realize that the empty suits are full of wires, nails, and crossbeams in the facial area.

And then I see the empty costume on the table, which must be meant for me.

I scream, kick, and punch, but it's no use. Freddy just growls at me and pushes me towards the table. "Let me go, you big ugly freak!" I yell. "Excuse me?" Freddy growls. "I'd watch your mouth if I were you." Did he just.. Talk?! The bear lifts me up and sets me down next to the empty suit. Freddy lifts his arms, I think to grab me, but a loud ringing noise echoes through the restaurant.

Freddy and the other animatronics run back to hiding. I stand up and run to the front door.

I made it to 6 a.m. I'm safe now. I survived the first night at Freddy's.

Just four more to go.

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