Chapter 32

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~Unknown P.O.V.~

Oh, god, what do I do?

Are the other animatronics going to like me?

Are they going to try to hurt me?

I hope they'll like me.. I'm going to join the Freddy Fazbear Band once they're all back in the old pizzeria!

I almost tumble forward when the truck stops, but luckily, I'm able to stand still. The back of the truck opens, and a two men come in. "Well, bud," one of them says. "Here's your new home." They unload me and wheel me into the new pizzeria, where I heard all of the Toy animatronics are now. They set me up in Parts and Service for now, where I'll be staying with the old animatronics until it's time for us to go.

The two men open up the panel in my back and get to work, cutting wires and tightening bolts. They flip some switches, close the panel, and screw it shut. "You're all ready to go, bud," a man says. They both leave, and I hear their truck drive away.

That's when my blue eyes snap open, and I scan the area around me.

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

I look over at Mackenzie when I hear the animatronics start to move.

She stares at the hallway in front of us, not breaking away for one second. Every few minutes, she shines the flashlight, and she either puts on the mask or continues to shine the light if Foxy is there. 

Man, for someone who was terrified of this place earlier.. She sure is good at this, I think. I turn on the tablet and flip through the cameras, stopping occasionally at Cam 11 and winding the music box. "Mackenzie..," I say after a little while.

"What?" she asks, flipping on the vent lights.

"I think I'm going to try to walk to Parts and Service. Try to give them their memories back."

Mackenzie glares at me for a few seconds, and then sighs and says, "Fine, then, but just be careful. You don't know if they're right behind you or not." 

I nod and set off down the hallway, hiding as best I can in the shadows. Lucky for me, I make it to Parts and Service with no problem. To my surprise, when I open the door, I see.. Nothing. Just.. A large figure standing in the back, and they're covered with a white sheet. I close the metal door behind me and slowly walk towards the figure. My hand is just wrapped around the sheet, ready to pull it off, when I feel something move underneath.

I let out a small shriek and fall backwards in fear.

"Oh, did I scare you?! I'm so sorry!" someone says. I slowly back up, sliding towards the door, staring at the sheet all the while. I watch as it falls to the floor, and as soon as I see the figure, I close my eyes and throw my hands up in front of my face.

"Don't hurt me!" I beg. 

I keep my eyes closed until I feel a human hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry that I scared you," a male voice says. I slowly bring my hands down and open my eyes. I'm greeted with the sight of a cute teenage boy. He has blond hair that's kinda long, but doesn't even come close to his shoulders, and really nice blue eyes. I can't stop staring into them!

He grabs my hand and helps me stand up, and he looks at me. Man, he's tall.. "Are you okay?" he asks, a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, I'm.. Fine," I say, smiling. 

"What's your name?" he asks, smiling back at me. 

"I'm Sophie," I say. "My friend and I are the night guards here.. Who're you?"

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