Chapter 8

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~Marissa's P.O.V.~

Every animatronic turns to look at me. They stare at me with wide, horrified eyes. "Oh, my God," Chica whispers to herself. "This isn't good," Bonnie and Freddy say. "Aye, so it 'TIS true, lass!" Foxy says, amazed. "Yer becomin' one of us!" "What?! No! I-I don't want to!" I stutter. Foxy and the others looked hurt. "Why no'?" the pirate boy asks.

"Because you're all monsters!" I snap. "Every single one of you! Chica, your endoskeleton shows. Freddy, you laugh like a freaking demon. Bonnie, your laugh and smile are freaky as hell, and you need to shut up once in a while. And I don't think I need to mention the bite, Foxy.." Foxy steps back and looks at me in horror. He then stares into my eyes, his own flooding with tears. "H.. How could ye, lass?" he whispers, tears running down his face. "I thought ye loved me. I thought ye CARED about my friends. I guess I was wrong about ye, Marissa."

Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica walk up the stairs and leave the house, leaving me alone with Freddy. He lets out a sad groan, the same kind that Chica and Bonnie make when they're in animatronic form. "Freddy..," I gently say. "I didn't mean any of that.." He leans back against the wall, slides to the floor, and cries. His small groans and cries are a mix between his creepy laugh, the animatronic groan, and normal tears of pain and sadness.

I kneel next to him and slowly wrap my arms around him. Normally, this would feel wrong, since I'm set to marry Foxy, but Freddy's my friend. And even though he laughs like a demon and screeches like a dying child, he still has an emotional side.

I hold him in the hug for a while longer, gently rubbing his back. It's not long before he wraps his arms around me and starts to cry into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Freddy," I tell him. I feel him shaking, so I decide to help him up and lead him up the stairs.

When I get to my room, I'm greeted by four people; Golden Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy. "There ye are!" Foxy says. I lay Freddy down on my bed and wrap blankets around him. "What's all this about?" Foxy asks, obviously jealous. "I made him really upset, and he was shaking, so I decided to help him out a bit," I explain. He just looks at me and nods.

"Y'know.. I think we'd best be gettin' back to the restaurant now," Foxy says. He changes back to animatronic form. "Let's go, lads." Chica and Bonnie follow him. Freddy climbs out of bed and looks at me sadly before leaving the house. I sit on my bed and put my hands over my face. I start to cry. "Come back..," I whisper to the closed door.

After about an hour has passed, when I'm sure that the animatronics are gone, I turn on my TV. The news is still on, so I decide to watch it. "And that marks the end of the children's restaurant, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Tom is live on the scene."

The camera switches to a tall man, who is standing in front of Freddy's. I lean forward in my seat. "Yes, Amanda, this is the official closing of Freddy's Pizza. They plan on opening in a different location now, a much bigger place. At first, they were going to expand this older building, but later decided to knock it down. Here's the newest manager with the story."

A boy that seems to be in his 20's appears on the screen, smiling big. "Hello! My name is Jared. I'm the newest manager of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Our new restaurant should be opening within the week. Sadly, the old animatronics are being taken apart right now. See?" The camera zooms into the inside of a truck. My eyes widen when I see Foxy sitting inside the truck, mouth hanging open and eyes wide, staring into the camera. His eyes glow red when the man taking him apart cuts a wire. He moves slightly and I can see him mouth the words, "Help me Marissa." "Foxy! No! I'm coming!" I yell. I throw on my jacket and shoes, staring at the TV all the while. "The animatronics, old and new, are all off to our new location, 64 Rosepetal Road," Jared says.

I shut off the TV when I see the trucks in the backround drive away. I grab my keys, get into my car, and prepare to find Freddy's new location.

~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

My face! They took away my face! All that's left is a bunch of wires and the bottom half of my endoskeleton head. I look around at all my friends, torn apart and shut down. Lifeless. Since no one is back here to watch us, and we're in the trailer of a large truck, I change into human form. I feel my face and sigh in relief when I realize that it's still there. "Foxy," I say, shaking him. Sparks fly from his chest. "Foxy! Wake up!" I half-whisper half-yell. His eyes flicker red and his remaining gears start to spin. His head twitches and his voice box seems to be broken. He stutters a lot and glitches out. "A-A-Arrrrghhh! Welc-Welc-Welcome to the Pirate's Cove, l-lads!" "Foxy, Marissa is coming to save you. I know she is. She'll fix you up and bring you to her house," I tell him, looking at the huge gash in his chest.

"S-S-She be c-comin' t-ter save me..?" he asks. "You can hear me!" I yell, excited. "A-Aye, laddie. W-Where is M-Mari?" he asks. "We're still in the truck, on our way to the new location. They tore me up pretty bad, so I had to change to human form. Look at what they did to me," I sigh, changing back to animatronic form. Foxy looks at me, horrified. "B-By the S-S-Seven Seas, lad! T-They destroyed ye!" he gasps. "I know," I reply, changing back to human and giving him a small, painful smile.

"I'm alright, Foxy," I smile. "Really. But you're not. I hope Marissa finds you so she can take you back to her house, or at least go somewhere safe." "L-Lad, I wouldn't go a-a-a-anywhere without ye," he says. "Yer m-my first mate, b-best friend." I look at the pirate in shock. Me, his best friend? "You're the best, Foxy. And I swear that you will be fixed." I promise him. "Thanks, laddie. I-I-I-..." he starts to talk, but shuts down again. I guess he's too broken to stay on for too long. I sigh and sit down, waiting for the truck to stop.

The brakes screech. Because of the sudden stop, my friends and I slide to the back of the trailer and hit the wall with a loud THUD. "C'mon, let's get these things outta here and into the restaurant," one of the movers say. 

~Mover Guy's P.O.V.~ 

Damn, these things are heavy! I grunt while trying to lift the old animatronics out of the truck. "I'm so glad that the new ones weigh less than these guys," I say to Jared. "What're these things made of, anyway?" "Fabric. Wires. Gears. And lots and lots of metal," he replies, smiling at me. We toss the first few animatronics into the Parts and Service room. The only one left is a tall, strong-looking pirate fox. "I'll take this one, Jared, I think he's pretty light," I say. Jared looks at me, eyebrow raised. "You sure?" he asks. I nod. "Yep. Take care of the new ones. They're backstage already." He wanders into the restaurant with cleaning supplies and tools, ready to fix the new ones and clean them up. 

I open the trunk of the trailer and climb inside. "C'mon, big guy," I say, lifting the fox slightly off the ground. "Time to see your new home." I'm just walking down the long, dark trailer, back to the entrance, when..


The fox turns it's head and screeches in my ear. "AHHHH!" I cry, throwing him to the floor. I cover my ears with my hands and fall to my knees, my ears bleeding. The fox rises to his feet and glares at me. "Y-Y-Ye have to follow the r-rules, landlubber!" he stutters, smiling at me. Or at least, attempting to smile with his broken jaw. I get up and run towards the dark woods that lie behind the new restaurant. "N-N-No running in the C-Cove!" I hear him yell. I turn and see him chasing after me. I look forward again and see a thick wall of thorny vines in my way. Foxy is approaching fast. I drop down and cover my ears, preparing to hear him scream at me again. But instead, I hear a girl's voice, yelling, "Foxy! You're alive!"

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